GAME OF THRONES #9:Blackwater ACT 19 Chapter 2-2012


First Post
Well, we need to see Daenerys going to the House of the Undying, Jon
"betraying" the Night's Watch and joining the Wildlings
, and Arya
meeting Jaqen one more time and getting her coin
. Based on the trailer, it looks like we'll see Brienne and Jaime again as well as Sansa talking to Littlefinger.

Anything else?

Something will also happen with Theon and Winterfell... the description of next week's episode makes me think: [sblock]The offer from Maester Luwin is for him the take the black, similar to the books. That will probably be after Ramsay Snow surrounds Winterfell. Snow will then betray both Theon & Luwin and sack Winterfell... they'll keep him helmeted & in armor. [/sblock]

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Something will also happen with Theon and Winterfell... the description of next week's episode makes me think: [sblock]The offer from Maester Luwin is for him the take the black, similar to the books. That will probably be after Ramsay Snow surrounds Winterfell. Snow will then betray both Theon & Luwin and sack Winterfell... they'll keep him helmeted & in armor. [/sblock]

Ah, yes! How could I forget Theon?


First Post
So, no chain, huh?

Say, I noticed that Varys simply alludes to the circumstances of his castration. In the books, is that the point where he actually divluges them (and explains his attitude towards magic)?


So, no chain, huh?

Say, I noticed that Varys simply alludes to the circumstances of his castration. In the books, is that the point where he actually divluges them (and explains his attitude towards magic)?

It is, essentially. In the book, it happens much earlier (after Tyrion speaks to Shae about joining the castle staff). It's a wonderful piece of Vary's background, and like a lot of other pieces of conversation, I can see that making it into a scene in the next season.


So, no chain, huh?

The battle was dramatically simplified. I don't think that doubling the budget for the episode would have been enough to make it as epic as in the book. It would have been cool to see the chain, though, and the bridge of burning boats.


A Wicked Kendragon
The ships never even entered the river proper on the show. They just sent in the row boats. The chain wouldn't have made sense on the bay. And in the books the battle started during the day and lasted well into night. You'd need a two hour episode to get everything filmed. I've no complaints about the way they did it.

Season 3 casting news (spoiler blocked for your protection):
[sblock]The Reeds are definitely in. And so are Edmure and Brynden. And the Queen of Thorns. And more:

'Game of Thrones' scoop: Season 3 character list revealed | Inside TV |[/sblock]


First Post
The ships never even entered the river proper on the show. They just sent in the row boats. The chain wouldn't have made sense on the bay. And in the books the battle started during the day and lasted well into night. You'd need a two hour episode to get everything filmed. I've no complaints about the way they did it.

Season 3 casting news (spoiler blocked for your protection):
[sblock]The Reeds are definitely in. And so are Edmure and Brynden. And the Queen of Thorns. And more:

'Game of Thrones' scoop: Season 3 character list revealed | Inside TV |[/sblock]

Hurray for the Queen of Thorns - Judi Dench or Maggie Smith would be terrific, but both are probably too expensive for HBO.

No idea on casting the Reeds, as I'm not familiar with teen actors from the UK. Maybe the girl from Hanna for Meera Reed?


First Post
Well, the chain was Tyrion's major contribution. Then again, given the way things ultimately pan out, I suppose his contributions don't amount to much.


A Wicked Kendragon
Hurray for the Queen of Thorns - Judi Dench or Maggie Smith would be terrific, but both are probably too expensive for HBO.
Olenna is supposed to be a tiny powerhouse. I was thinking someone like Linda Hunt, but I can't remember just how short Olenna really was.

Joan Rivers? :p:lol::confused::eek::blush::angel:

Well, the chain was Tyrion's major contribution. Then again, given the way things ultimately pan out, I suppose his contributions don't amount to much.
In the show version of the story, they are focused on other contributions. The way how to use Dragonfire was his idea, and it was a lot cleverer than throwing flasks of them around in a chaotic battle. I think it pretty much equals the chain idea, but is visually more impressive.

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