Resurrecting this thread, Quincy IL
I recently moved to Hannibal MO for a job and am looking for D&D gamers in the area, including Quincy IL. Although I've been here months, I am having trouble even finding an RPG gaming store! I've been playing 2nd Ed. for years now because my last group and I just didn't pony up the dough for the 3rd edition books (and we're too set in our ways); generally in the Realms setting with a bit of Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Dark Sun, and even a stint of old Buck Rogers.
Anyhow, looking for a seasoned group, have DM'd for years in 2nd edition but not 3rd, so would prefer to play 3rd. Always have enjoyed a gaming group ages 22 and up, generally somewhat responsible crowd whose idea of gaming is to have fun and socialize, not build uber-PCs or engage in mindless hack n' slash with Tiamat at 1st level alongside the avatar of Tempus and armed with Holy Avengers that we 'found' in the trash of a gnomish inventor. You get the point.
Any connections anyone has in the area or even directions to an RPG store would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.