Games of Thrones #19 - Blackwater preview looks good, really good

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Looks like quite a budget buster. Next season it's gonna be stick figures and midi music.

That's the disadvantage of being on a "premium" cable channel with a limited viewership. The entire first season (10 hours) had a total budget of $60 million, or $6 million/hour. The Avengers movie that just came out had a budget of $220 million. For a 2 hour movie, that is $110 million/hour. Quite a difference in scale.

However, the show has had better ratings in Season 2 than it did in Season 1. And, I think they made back a good portion of the season 1 budget with DVD sales.

If GoT does well in the awards again this year, ratings could climb even higher for season 3. Of course, with Mad Men back this year, they may have less of a chance overall.


First Post
Oh man just two episodes left. Oh well bring on Blackwater!

yeah, kind of disappointing, but I'm hoping the last two episodes this year (Blackwater and Valar Morghulis) are as strong as the last two episodes last year (Baelor & Fire and Blood)

Hopefully, they can do the battles of A Storm of Swords justice over seasons 3 and 4.

Hal G

First Post
Yes, budget is the biggest issue for all of HBO's shows. Rome, Deadwood, Carnivale, and now GoT. They are great and you want more but it gets to the point where they can not afford to keep making them, now saying that I want them to keep a budgets of 6 mill+ or stop. I would rather not have more seasons then a season that feels like I am watching good actors on location at The Gamers set.

Voidrunner's Codex

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