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Games that you haven't run but want to [+]


Once a GM cames with an idea for a Ars Magica mystery game where all players were companions and grogs, with just NPCs as mages. I was very interested to play. I was the only one. The others were more like "Ars Magica and I cannot be a mage? I pass".

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Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
This could be a long list, so I'll break it up into various categories over multiple posts. Let's start with the easiest category:

Official D&D adventures I'd like to run.
In no particular order, these are the stand-alone adventures (or Adventure Paths/campaigns) published for either D&D or Pathfinder that I would love to run (or have started but never finished). Edition does not matter since everything can be converted.
  1. Red Hand of Doom (3.5e; would love to see this through to the end someday)
  2. Savage Tides (3.5e, Dungeon magazines)
  3. Skull & Shackles (Pathfinder 1e Adventure Path)
  4. Ironfang Invasion (Pathfinder 1e Adventure Path)
  5. Expedition to Castle Ravenloft (3.5e)
  6. Scourge of Daggerdale/Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle (pre-5e)
  7. Princes of the Apocalypse (5e; could do a mash-up with Daggerdale stuff)
  8. Tomb of Annihilation (5e)
  9. Reavers of Harkenwold (4e; I've run this before but would enjoy doing a revised/expanded version)
  10. Madness at Gardmore Abbey (4e; just got my hands on this last year, would use RoH as a lead-in towards a larger campaign arc)
  11. Against the Giants (4e conversion from Dungeon magazine)
Homebrew D&D ideas.
In no particular order, these are some of the campaign ideas I would love to put together into full campaigns. They may include adventures or ideas borrowed from other sources, mash-ups of different ideas or settings, or just a particular area/setting that could use some work from the DM.
  1. Dark Sun. Nothing in particular, but I'd love to run a Dark Sun campaign that isn't just D&D dressed up for the apocalypse. Focus on survival, magic is actually scarce (no arcane or divine casters), and a strong storyline.
  2. The Moonshae Isles (4e). There was a great article in Dungeon that outlined a very open, sandbox for the Moonshaes. It provided a framework for DMs to utilize as a toolbox, the way the Neverwinter Campaign Setting offered ideas and plots without anything specific.
  3. Also, a Neverwinter campaign (per the previously mentioned 4e Campaign Setting).
  4. Moonshae + Dragon Age Origins mash-up. Dragon Age Origins is one of the few PC RPGs game I've ever played through more than once. I love the story and the setting, which surprisingly matches up with a lot of concepts and ideas in the Moonshaes. I'm just saying, it could work!
Okay, that's just the D&D specific stuff. Next time, I'll make a list for other systems


What ideas for games/campaigns do you have in the back of your head that you haven't run but want to? Either fully-formed or half-baked? Any completely stupid ideas that you just can't shake? All of mine are setting-related but often have systems attached.
  • For D&D 3.5, I had a game set in a fantasy version of 13th century Germany that didn't quite develop, as I was prepping it during the middle of a cross-country move. I had basically gotten as far as a map and for reasons that I'm sure made sense at the time, it basically involved cutting off all of Europe outside of Germany and all of Germany north of Essen. The Danube stretched all the way from coast to coast, creating the main power in the area, the island Kingdom of Bavaria. I don't know that the game would have been special, but I really want to use that map sometime. It was delightfully stupid.
  • For Burning Wheel, I pitched an all-dwarf game about colonizing a remote mountain stronghold to my old group. Admittedly, I was playing a lot of Dwarf Fortress at the time, but I think that it would be pretty flexible as a starting point.
  • No system idea for this one, but I was talking with a buddy of mine earlier today, and we have a relatively longstanding in-joke about the Ogallala Aquifer being the largest submarine base in the world and America's gateway to the Pacific. There's part of me that wants to take that sort of gross misunderstanding of American geography and turn it into some sort of game, misreading other features, too (like the San Andreas and Hayward faults being lizardpeople superhighways rather than, well, fault lines).

I've always wanted to run a DND game where portals have been opened to a Gamma World universe. A high magic/Technology game.

Incidentally, you’re probably already aware of this but in 1834 the Palace of Westminster ( aka Houses of Parliament) was largely destroyed in a fire. The building you see today is the rebuild.
IRL the fire was probably an accident and took old due to the amount of old paper documents, but could certainly have other causes in a game......
The story of the game already uses this historical event for its climactic ending. So yes, I will definitely be doing the same. It is easy to tie it into supernatural events.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Y'all - if I was retired and maybe had some sort of time travel/slowing device, there are a bunch of games mentioned that I would LOVE to play in with you!

For me, I'd like to run:
  1. 4e Scales of War campaign. but only if I had the 4e software which no longer exists :-(
  2. A SWN campaign from the ground up - with the PCs tightly entwined in the world and world building
  3. First writing, then playing my Classic Traveller version of Freebooters on the Frontier, that I would call Freebooters on the Final Frontier
  4. Deep Carbon Observatory, probably using Into the Odd, Cairn or some other NSR type game
  5. Cepheus Engine for Darknight Revelation campaign
  6. An Ironsworn campaign, solo or perhaps with 2 other players
  7. Veil or Veil Cascade - I don't have a scenario in mind
  8. A game where the players play modern characters and are then transported to a fantasy realm and have to find their way back - maybe something I can play in my #dungeon23 Tower of the Gods game. Not sure what system I would use. Die? GURPS? Other?


I've only very recently started to GM, but also I just read Sorcerer and boy does that look juicy. I think it would do a much better job than Torg Eternity (Orrorsh) for what I'm wanting. I'm putting some serious houseruling into the Orrosh horror mechanics but even then the base system is fighting against it somewhat. We'll see how it goes!


A game where the players play modern characters and are then transported to a fantasy realm and have to find their way back - maybe something I can play in my #dungeon23 Tower of the Gods game. Not sure what system I would use. Die? GURPS? Other?

That’s exactly what the Die RPG does. I’d recommend that. Haven’t played it yet (my players opted for Stonetop), but it’s likely the next game we’ll play.

Just some the ones I want to run, as opposed to the ones I want to play in, or the settings I want to write up…

Warhammer 40k, with the PCs draftees into the Imperial guard, dealing with both a major war and an infiltration by a genestealer cult. I’m not a huge fan of either 40k rpg system though.

An epic 5e campaign set in an updated version of Al-Qadim, based on a mashup of the old 2e campaign box sets, with the Geomancers of ancient Tabbadur the ultimate enemy.

A superhero game set in WWII, with the PCs fighting (with varying degrees of willingness…) for the Russians against the German invasion (and dealing with the NKVD and Stalinist politics and purges at the same time)

5e Forgotten Realms, in the southern Realms in areas like the Shaar, Estagund, Dambrath, the Great Rift and Mulhorand. It’s an interesting and flavourful area that canon has ignored for a long time so you have some freedom to create.


Current List:
  • Worlds Without Number
  • Paleomythic
  • Jackals: Bronze Age Fantasy
  • Vaesen
  • Monster of the Week
  • The One Ring 2E
  • Fabula Ultima


Unfortunately, my gaming group kinda dissolved, so I haven’t played anything in a few years. I have since gotten burned out on 5e because I keep bumping up against D&D tropes when I do my world design. I kinda hate how integral magic is to every class. I hate how boring it tend to be to play a non-spell caster. So I have been slowly gravitating to games that are less “over-the-top” than D&D.

In descending order:

Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
I’ve been trying to get a SWADE game off the ground for a few years. I like the idea of going to a skill-based system, and SWADE implements a lot of things very similar to the fixes I had been toying with in my houseruled 5e variant. So I figured I should probably see if SWADE makes me happy before going to all that work.

Fantasy AGE
Similar to SWADE, one of the things I like about this system is the merging of the spellcadtwrs into a single class. The magic division is one of the things that constantly sticks in my craw about D&D, and AGE system tackles that nicely. I was intrigued by Dragon AGE but never got around to running it, and I prefer the idea of building my own setting, rather than being tied to BioWare’s.

Dungeon Crawl Classics
Just for grins, I kinda want to run some DCC just to scratch that old school dungeon delving fix. I got my start on the earliest editions of D&D, so this really scratches the nostalgia factor for me. I know that the magic division will still bug me, but I really like the DCC rules for magic checks, and mighty deeds of arms, and I want to see how they work in play. And the character funnel sounds like an absolute riot. For a one shot.

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