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Gaming W/Jemal: Legends (3.5e d&D) *Recruitment Closed*


Campaign Premise:
Your characters have all recently ascended to the height of mortal power, but due to the power of your bloodlines, you have the ability to go even further. As such, you've sought out the Elder Prophet, who has guided the bloodlines throughout the centuries. He informed you that as your ancestors before you, a quest must be completed to unlock your full potential. Deep in an ancient tomb lies an artifact of great evil. This artifact is in the possession of an evil warlord long dead, and the Elder has forseen that if this artifact is not destroyed within the month, the warlord will rise again, bringing his fel armies with him against the world. If you can stop this from happening, you will realize your true power.

The campaign will be starting at level 20 (Yes, non-epic :p ), but this is going to be an Epic campaign where each character will end up as the 'avatar' of their bloodline. Each character will have a bloodline of power which grants them the ability to transcend the bounds of normal mortals. This will manifest A) in the ability to gain epic levels, and b) As a limited use power-up for those hard-to-win battles (Bloodlines explained later).

The campaign is going to have a definite Anime/Cinematic feel to the combat rather than classic fantasy, as I feel that makes for more enjoyable fight scenes, especially at Epic.

House Rules:
Bloodlines: Each character is descended from a bloodline of power. You may pick any bloodline you want, the only requirements are that it must be one or two words that convey a sense of power. Your bloodline could be a thought/ideal (War, Love, Magic, etc), an element (fire, water, etc), a powerful race (Dragons, Celestials, etc), or an alignment (Good, Evil, Chaos, Law, Balance), for example.
Dissallowed Bloodlines: Evil Dragons, Undead, Magic, Chaos, Evil, Fiends

Your Bloodlines will be a major part of the campaign, and will grant you access to special powers and a transformation based on a combination of your bloodline and class.

Experience - I will not be using XP in this game per se. Instead I will be handing out levels when I feel the characters have earned them. Levelling will likely be faster than for a normal xp-based game.
However, I also have a method by which characters can 'spend' XP as normal, without hindering their advancement. At every level, characters get a pool equal to 500 X Level. This pool can be spent on anything you would normally spend XP on. The pool 'resets' each level.
Example: A lvl 20 character would have a pool of 10,000 points (20x500). That character could cast a wish spell, spending 2,000 and have 8,000 remaining. When he/she leveled to 21, the pool would reset to 10,500(21x500).

Item/Spell Creation: Creation time will be significantly sped up, taking 1/10th the usual time. (round up to nearest day)
Creation will be payed for using the afore mentioned xp pool, and to give those fighters and rogues something to do with their pools, I'll be allowing cooperative experience spending, so long as the person providing points from their pool is present for the creation process.

Spells that do not exist in this universe:
Mind Blank, Superior Invisibility, Greater Teleport, Time Stop, clone, Ressurect(And all variants save Reincarnation, see below)
Spell changes:
Teleportation: all spells of the teleport subschool no longer accesses the astral plane, instead transporting the targets through the planet's Ley Lines to their destination.
Teleport: has its distance reduced to 10 miles/lvl, and it's casting time increased to 1 full round. *Special: A character with levels in the Wayfarer Guide PrC has learned to more easily acess the worlds ley lines, and may cast teleport as a standard action*
Planar Travel: Any spell that allows planar travel costs 1000 XP per person transported (In addition to any inherent costs). This does not affect Summoning spells.
Shapechange: 1hd/caster level, no max.
Reincarnate: This is now the ONLY spell capable of restoring life to the dead. It is now a lvl 9 druid spell. It no longer has a GP cost, and does not reduce the subjects level.
Mordenkainen's Disjunction: now functions as a greater dispel magic with no cap and an inherent +10 bonus to the check. Does not destroy magical items.

Death - Instead of dying at -10, you die at -CON Score.. so if your constitution is 36, you don't die until -36. IF your con happens to be below 10.. Well, tough luck, I guess. Any effect that mentions the "Dying" state (normally -1 to -9) now reffers instead to this 'extended' dying state.
Vorpal is a +6(Epic) enhancement but you don't need to confirm. Nat 20=head off.
Nat 1's are equal to a -20 on skill/ability checks, auto fail anything else. Nat 20's are equal to a 40 on skill/ability checks, auto-succeed anything else.
We'll be using Invisiblecastle for rolls.
I do not use Massive Damage rules.
Diplomacy/Intimidate/Perform have the 'fanatic' listing from the ELH removed.
Improved Metamagic and the Automatic quicken/still/silent feats work as in the ELH, not in the complete's.
Dire Charge is not 'first round only', it's whenever you make your first charge against any given individual in an encounter (IE 3 opponents means you could dire charge each once).

Creation Rules:
BEFORE you post a completed character, I'd like a concept including projected class and bloodline that I can say yes/no to (This includes your expected advancement into epic). Also while you're at it, if there's any large non-plot goal your character is aiming towards, tell me what it is. (Does he want to rule his own kingdom, become a dragon/lich/celestial, posess a certain artifact, etc?)

There are two character archetypes that I WANT in this game. A Swordsman (Fighter type with sword or swords, wearing light or no armour, and with little to no spellcasting), and an archmage (Not neccessarily the prestige class, but someone with full casting power and who intends on taking Epic Spellcasting).

I'm looking for ~ 5 or 6 PC's.
All characters will be LVL 20
Alignment: Non-evil, preferably good. (I'm looking for more heroic than mercenary)

Stats: 36 point buy, min 10 in any stat(before racial mods).
Age/Height/Weight: completely up to you. Feel free to be as short, tall, young, or old as you want, within your races limis.
HP: max at first, 3/4 (round down) after that. (d4=3, d6=4, d8=6,d10=7,d12=9)
Races: Any base races (Races with no lvl adjustment) from the allowed sources is ok. I will not be allowing characters to start with a template or special race, though if it's part of your goal/bloodline, you'll get it eventually, and will have a small portion of it's power right off the bat.

Allowable Sources: Core + Complete, Spell Compendium, PHB 2, Dragon Magic, Races of the Dragon, no psionics (I don't dislike them, just don't know them well enough to DM for them). NO cheap tricks (Use your own discretion on this part. If you think it might cause a problem, just ask....). I'll not be using Errata, except in the cases where it was to clarify or reword spells that didn't make sense before. (IE Time stop does NOT have a duration, it is 'apparent' time, and thus cannot be made 'persistant'"). If you want something not on this list (Or something that doesn't exist but you think would be cool), feel free to ask. The worst I'll say is no. well... maybe 'hell no'. ;)

Equipment: 1,000,000 GP. Any gear in the core books(Including ELH) is availabe, but custom items or items from other books are considered 'exotic' and must be custom-made (Using the item creation feats)

As with all games if I see something I don't like, I reserve the right to say no. However, I also reserve the right to say yes to something that isn't technically legal, if I think it's interesting/cool and not broken, so feel free to ask.

*This post subject to changes as they come up*
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First Post

This looks really cool. I'd love to try a fey-themed warlock steadily becoming a true fey...perhaps at the cost of whatever's left of her humanity though...

Let me chew on this a bit! A draconic sorceror would be cool too, but I play those so often. :)


First Post
Whelp... I made a character for your old Epic level game that I thought you were going to continue... so I guess I'll carry her concept over to this one and give it a shot.. I was going for a female human Champion of (Insert Name of God or Goddess here when I pick it) and her fanatic goal up to present day is to be chosen as her God/Goddess' avatar form. I was going to have her start as half-celestial but you said no starting templates... so here we are.. I'll go strait fighter I do believe unless someone wants to make a nice and rather nasty class combination suggestion to me... otherwise... probably strait fighter....

My two word bloodline thing would more than likely be: Celestial Champion.... or Holy Champion... something to this effect.

Let me know if you like the suggestion....

- Rathan
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First Post
Okay, I'm gonna go with the draconic sorceror. Might be my only chance to play a high level 3.5 caster in a long time...and I think this character would fit the "archmage" role you have outlined, though I'm losing 2 caster levels due to PrCage.

More to come shortly.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I have a basic idea for a character, but i am not sure what blood line he would be of.

the history would be of an orphan who , living off the streets steal into a monistary to get food or something to sell of r food, when he is caught by the master of the temple. it is here that the master senses a prescense. the prescens of an earth dragon (aisian mythos as i am sure you can tell) he is taught the ways of an ultra secret sect of the temple that is dedicated to the fighting of the evil that lurks in the shadows

(scorcerer, rogue, fighter spell sword)


I have been reading a lot of the eastern elements of late and was wondering if maybe that of an earth dragon lineage?


First Post
After pondering for a bit, I've come up with a different concept than the one I was leaning towards earlier, something fo a . I'd like to play a lawful good kobold that has paladin-esque self-righteousness. He'd actually, view his own actions with some nuance (using the power of organized evil against itself, such as controlling evil creatures would be OK for him to do), but he'd see the rest of the world in zealously black and white terms. His viewpoint would be fueled by the pain of having exiled himself from kobold society, which is usually extremely closely knit. I haven't settled on a bloodline, probably dragon, law, and/or good.

The build I'm looking at has a lot of muenster: Cleric 3/Church Inquisitor 2/Wizard (conjurer) 1/Mystic Theurge 10/Dweomerkeeper 4. 'Early' entry into MT and Dweom would be via Anyspell, and feats would include Dragonwrought, and Persistent Spell. If allowable, I would also be abusing Supernatural Spell: Gate for Efreeti naughtiness once play began (though not, before play begins as per your ruling on Dweom abuse in an earlier epic game).


First Post
I've been chomping at the bits for some high level 3.5 action, but I've never played Epic before. Without the ECL (but judicious usage of the SRD), how difficult would it be for me to play this on the fly?

Voidrunner's Codex

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