Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant High


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Fangor the Fierce said:
Ok, Spike's edits:

Comments appreciated, as I need to understand this thing a little more. 2 Skill/Feat pp went to Feats. Other 5pp went to Container with a little left over to edit as needed.

Abilities and Saves stay the same, no changes there.

[sblock=Combat]Combat (20pp): Attack (10pp) +5 (+8 Melee/+12Spikes) [Spikes +12 dmg], Defense (10pp) 22 (12 flat-footed), Init +6, Grapple +12, Knockback -10[/sblock]

[sblock=Skills and Feats] Major changes here, as he needs a few more options besides impaling people. Removed Luck 2, replaced with Improved Trip and Improved Throw.

Feats (20pp): Attack Focus 3 (Melee), Uncanny Dodge (hearing), Dodge Focus 7, Fearless, Taunt, Diehard, Move by Action, Instant Up, Evasion 2, *Improved Trip, *Improved Throw[/sblock]

[sblock=Container Power]Powers (70pp):
Container 7 (Mutant Skeleton; Power Feat: Innate) (36 pp)
Enhanced Skeletal Structure:
(10pp) Permanent Density 3 [+6 Strength, Protection 1 (Extra: Impervious), Immovable 1, Super Strength 1, Mass x2, Extra: Duration (Continuous); Flaw: Permanent, Drawback: Noticeable(His Protection takes the form of a form of exoskeleton, with some of the armored plating revealing itself on his shoulders, back, chest, legs, arms, and crown.)]
(6pp) Protection 5 (Impervious 1)
(1pp) Elongation 1 (Move action to grow spiked limbs, standard action to attack range 10’)
(12pp) Strike 5 (Extra: Penetrating 5, PF: Mighty, Accurate x2); Drawback: Only Lethal Damage)
(2pp) Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2, Full Speed)
(2pp) Immovable 2 (+2 Bonus to Knockback, +8 vs trip/push/rush/throw)[/sblock]

That leaves 2pp left to spend on the container array, but I need some help. When taking the Mighty Power Feat, don't I have to take ranks in that for each +1 STR bonus I want to tack onto the damage? So, with Mighty as is, am I able to only add +1 Str bonus to damage from the power feat, or the full +7?

Mighty costs 1 point if you add your STR to Strike damage. Mighty costs additional points per point of STR bonus if you have extras on your Strike that you also want to apply to your STR damage.

For example, you have Strike +5 Penetrating with Mighty 1. So Spike has an attack that is 12 damage with his STR, and has 5 ranks of Penetrating (enough to bypass Impervious 17 without situational boni).

If you wanted your STR bonus to also be Penetrating when you used your Strike (for up to 12 total Penetrating), then you'd have to buy multiple ranks of Mighty. Since many extras don't work so well with partial ranks, you'd have to pay extra for your STR bonus in those cases (either by covering the cost with an extra on STR damage, or by taking more Mighty ranks to make up the cost difference, IIRC).

Spike has the Thrown power feat on his Strike. As per the corebook (I dunno what UP says on the matter, but I think it might remove this restriction), you can only add up to your Strike rank in STR damage for a Mighty thrown attack. So he could only do +10 damage with a thrown spike.


Regen rate for Bruised maxes at three levels, kirinke. Unless I'm missing something (I'm not operating on much sleep right now), you still have 5 on your character sheet here and in the rogue's gallery.
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Fangor - Looks good. Seems victim has yet again beat me to the punch. :) Thrown is, indeed a max increase due to mighty(strength) of your strike bonus (If it says otherwise in ultimate power, I say no.), but I would allow you to buy two extra ranks of *mighty throw* so that your thrown weapon damage would still be +12 instead of the lesser +10. Or you could stay with the +10 to save the points, and it would make sense (You're a primary melee character, would make sense that your offense isn't as good thrown as it is wielded)

Kirinke - you could take the attractive feat and be the super-hot electro chick in black leather. ;)


First Post
Jemal said:
Fangor - Looks good. Seems victim has yet again beat me to the punch. :) Thrown is, indeed a max increase due to mighty(strength) of your strike bonus (If it says otherwise in ultimate power, I say no.), but I would allow you to buy two extra ranks of *mighty throw* so that your thrown weapon damage would still be +12 instead of the lesser +10. Or you could stay with the +10 to save the points, and it would make sense (You're a primary melee character, would make sense that your offense isn't as good thrown as it is wielded)

Kirinke - you could take the attractive feat and be the super-hot electro chick in black leather. ;)

Hmmm. How about 4 in charisma and then taking the attractive feat. I don't know what sort of benefits she'd have if any. I'd say on the outside, she's a pretty normal teenage girl, a little more thoughtful than most, maybe reserved, because she does have to control her power so that it doesn't affect things, but friendly once she gets comfortable with you.

Ooo. As far as the languages go, since most people usually only understand one or two at the most and she knows 8, how about for the explination, that she has a very latent telepathic ability that allows her to learn languages more easily than most people.

I think she'd also have a thing against bullies and kids being mean to other kids, because she so used to looking after her kid brother.
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Fangor the Fierce

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Thanks for the help. I removed the Thrown power feat, as I think he's going to be more grounded to melee combat, as you stated.

That leaves 2pp on the container to spend. Here's what I think: Improve Protection one rank, with another power feat of Impervious to max out Toughness save. It will go up to Toughness +12 (Impervious 3)

So, if that's ok, then I will update Spike to reflect his new schematic. Any objections?


Fangor - no problems with it, but do keep in mind that impervious at reallly low ranks has little effect other than reducing knockback(It doesn't reduce damage, simply lets you ignore damage less than your impervious threshhold), though it makes sense for someone who wouldn't really feel, say, a normal person punching him.

Kirinke - Works for me.

Drothgery - Hows yer work coming?

Seems like we're just about ready to move onto chapter 2.


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I think I found a new use for the Sims 2. Character Creation :) Now if only I can find superhero skins....

Heh. Anyway, here's a picture of Serena using the Sims 2, CTRL + ALT + Print Screen and Paint.


  • Serena Headshot.jpg
    Serena Headshot.jpg
    27.9 KB · Views: 118


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Jemal said:
Drothgery - Hows yer work coming?

Kind of got distracted...

How's this

Base structure: 36-pont power with 3 alternate powers (39 pp; costs 4pp more than current array)
Each configuration can cost up to 36 pp
- Team speed: Boost Dex (1pp/rank) + Burst Area (1pp/rank) + Selective (1 pp/rank) + Total Fade (1pp/rank) -1 pp/rank Others Only Flaw * Rank 11 + Subtle Feat (1 pp)= 34 pp
- We can do this: Boost All Skills (3 pp/rank) + Burst Area (1pp/rank) + Selective (1 pp/rank) + Total Fade (1pp/rank) + Slow Fade (1 pp/rank) -1 pp/rank Others Only Flaw * Rank 5 + Subtle Feat (1 pp) = 31 pp
- Let's go all out: Boost All Powers (4pp/rank) + Burst Area (1pp/rank) + Total Fade (1pp/rank) -1 pp/rank Others Only Flaw - Tiring Flaw (1pp/rank) * Rank 9 = 36 pp
- You can do it: Boost All Traits (5pp/rank) + Total Fade (1pp/rank) - Tiring Flaw (1pp/rank) -1 pp/rank Others Only Flaw * Rank 9 = 36 pp

Other changes:
Add 4 ranks of Bluff to give 12 ranks and +17 (1pp)
Add Master Plan feat (1pp)
Add Set-Up feat (1pp)


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Wow, my en world is working... *Crosses fingers to avoid jinx.*

Anyways, my updates are easy, will be added to the RG as soon as physically possible.

Inventor (Feat)
Rank 17 Transmutation (I'm up to one million pounds with extra effort. MUHAHAHAHA!!!)
Another rank (17 I think) to his shield.

And I have one feat left open. I can't get at the book right now, I'm thinking all out attack but I don't know how that interacts with tradeoffs and PL caps.

Voidrunner's Codex

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