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Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant High


First Post
Thanks Victim. I checked it the IC forum "Playing the Game", but I didn't find it. Maybe it isn't there yet. I just don't want to miss it.

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Nope, no IC thread *YET*

Imerak - GO ahead.

As for Posting - Whenever you can, I prefer more often to less often, I'll probably be updating dayly if anybody's interacting with NPCs, every few days to keep things going if it starts to slow, and I'll try to post a storyline 'boost' at least once a week.
Remember, it's supposed to be mainly about the interactions between the students & each other, as well as with their teachers, other students, and outsiders(when/if you choose to head into town), all of which will be NPC'd by me.

Relique had it right about the Trainees. I didn't want a bunch of uber-fighters, I wanted a bunch of STUDENTS, some of whom could be trained to be X-men. That doesn't mean the rest of you can't be heroes, or that you won't have stuff to do. It just means that they're 'officially' being trained.. at the moment. As you know, many things change in a comic world.
All of you will still have sessions in the danger room, to gauge/control your powers and see how they may help in dangerous situations.
Also note that all of the 'normal students' have something going for them..

Wi-fi & Llorona are excellent scouts, Calypso's water powers when the DO come into play will be exceedingly useful, Alchemists powers are - as stated - pretty much Omega level, and Desert Ghost is an ex-soldier.

I had stated several times near the beginning that I wasn't going to gaurantee anybody a spot on the X-men. ANd believe me, if I thought you were going with the concept you thought was more likely to get you on the team, instead of the one that was more fun, I wouldn't have let you in the game in the first place. I LIKE all of the characters, which is rare in a game with so many players.

And finally, don't worry - the Trainees will NOT be getting an undue amount of extra screentime, and you can give yourself extra screen-time and 'adventure options' if you're inventive. Go to the mall, start a band, get in a fight with a random student who made a bad joke about you. I'll try to stick something in if I think someone's getting wall-flowery.

Also, the big storyline that I do have planned (which will come in down the line) will require all of your skills to resolve.


Imerak - I read through Molly, and it looks good, but there are a couple things:
Your boost should be Personal(-1flaw), as Molly can't make OTHERS stronger (Unless you're changing that).
I would also suggest using the extra points from that to purchase "total Fade(+1)" so that your boosted str and con stay so boosted for 2 minutes, after which it ALL goes away, and the tiredness sets in. (IIRC, Molly's strength didn't fade with time, as is normal for 'boost', but rather just came and went.)
Also, as it stands your math seems off for powers..
Boost 20 STR and 20 CON(linked), Tiring, should cost 20pp.
Super-Strength 15 (Sustained duration, Tiring, PF:Groundstrike) is 9pp(In fact upping it to Super Strength 16 would cost the exact same).
Immovable6 is 6pp
Mind Shield 6 is 6pp.
Total on that is... 41pp, not 74 as you listed.

Also, don't forget to include the +6 from your mind shield in your Will save.

And finally, I note that you only have a +8 defense mod. Perhaps with the extra points you have you should buy a 3 pt trade-off for toughness, and give yourself some protection? Or maybe more con in your 'super' mode.

Also, I notice that your background basically takes you up to the beginning of the Runaways series and I assume we'll be going from there with you at the school instead. As I have no problem messing with Continuity, that's fine, but I WOULD like to know why Molly's at the school.

On another note, I'm Typing an IC thread up now. should be up within the hour.


One thing:
Normally outside of combat I've no problem with people 'making up' deatils of their own (As Milagroso did in his post with the bank hostages), but when it deals with important NPCs (Such as the supervillains), I'd prefer if you left that part up to me. In this case it's allright as it doesn't make much difference, but BLOB is in there too, standing near the door. And he's kinda hard to miss.

Voidrunner's Codex

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