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Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant High


First Post
Shayuri said:
I am a little confused by Typhoon. What's her concept?

I thought she was electricity and lightning, but the powers are all over the place. Everything's innate and affects insubstantial...plus ESP and...

Just trying to piece together the "mutant power" that underlies it all.

She's a(nother) fantasy mage, complete with friendly nature spirit tutors. :rolleyes


She also needs ranks on her powers - with all those extras and power feats, she certainly can't have everything be rank 10.

Her regen doesn't specify what type of conditions it recovers from.

Her combat stats mention a feat bonus, but I'm not seeing any such feats listed. Not to mention that those attack X feats come out of the feat/skill pile, not the combat bonuses/saves pile.

If she actually has 2 ranks in all knowledge skills (except tactics and streetwise, since she bought 4 ranks of those), then she overspent on skill points by a significant amount. 9 pp in skills buys 36 skill points. Her other skills cost 32 (4 ranks, 8 skills). 2 ranks in 13 knowledge skills takes 26 skill points.

Her Toughness bonus mentions a shield power (force field, not Shield, I guess). No such power is mentioned in her powers section.

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Jack of Tales

First Post
You might be stepping on more then a few toes with that broad range, my friend. I think the intent is to have unique characters and since I know at least on other (Sorry I didn't read all your sheets so I only know what's been said in the OOC since Jemal came back) has a form of element control you make her more then useless. Not really fair for that player o.o. Not only can you use all the elements but you can create them all also.

EDIT: on a side note, since create object is in the array you won't actually be able to do anything with the elements you create...

Here's concept art I found for the character

It's a Pirate's Life for Me
It’s a Pirate’s Life for Me
Do you remember when you were a kid and would have those arguments about who’s parents were cooler? It was always “My dad’s a fireman” or “My dad’s a lawyer.” Well I always wondered what I’d say if asked, “My dad’s a pirate.” I doubt anyone would have believed me.
You see, he doesn’t look like a pirate.

He’s a little gruff around the edges but has two good eyes and no peg legs. He does carry around a ‘trumpet’ case with him everywhere so he looks more like a musician. That’s where he keeps Chicory, his favorite rifle.

My mother was a poor soul who thought it would be fun to tag along with pirates for awhile. She got bored eventually and left me when I was five to my father and the crew. I became fairly numb to pain and suffering; after watching Dad shoot up so many boats. “Never leave the crews alive. It just gets you caught.” Good ol’ dad, he was full of advice like that.

I had no idea I even was a mutant until a year ago. It was a damn brutal fight. I was only fourteen then, but knew how to use a gun as well as any of the crew. Dad was training me to replace him when he passed away. I didn’t kill anyone though, just shot up walls and waved around the gun. Somehow I just could never stomach the thought.

Unfortunately, the people we were raiding didn’t seem to feel the same way. One of them shot me in the leg and started speaking in Russian to his friend. They started to come toward me and I couldn’t reach the pistol which had fallen out of my hand. I started to call for dad but knew it was too late. I looked at the men and only knew that I wanted them to be hurt. To leave me alone.

With that thought the blood pooling in my shoe crawled up my leg and shot out at the man who had shot me. It speared him through the heart before cutting up the second man. I was amazed and frightened but filled with adrenaline. I managed to walk/limp my way back to the crew toting a whip made out of my own blood! I showed off by beating a few of the crew that were staring at me funny.

Dad was so proud! He said that having a mutant on board would be a great way of getting an edge on competition. We experimented with small amounts of other’s blood but it never seemed to work. I could only manipulate my own. It felt like an extension of me and just did what I wanted it to. I could make whips, swords and other shapes. I found that I could even make it acidic!

So…that’s my story I suppose. Oh, how did I get here? I forgot to tell you! That was a blast!
An Angel Comes and getting into america [sblock]
An Angel Comes
I was sunbathing on the deck just relaxing in the Mediterranean sun. It was a beautiful day and the breeze was great. It’s actually quite fun to live on a ship for most of your life. You learn to really love the sea. Well a shadow fell over me and I assumed it was a bird, but it started to get bigger. I immediately went for the knife under the chair (Another of Dad’s sayings is to never be without a weapon.) I looked up and there was this gorgeous man with wings right there! Apparently the Professor found out about me through Cerebro and he sent Angel to investigate.

Anyway, this guy with wings is there right? Well he didn’t do his homework. Who the hell goes up to a pirate ship like that! Two of the guys, Phillip and Rahaj, immediately run up to protect me. “If she get’s hurt I’ll castrate you all, Dad always says.” They start pointing the assault rifles at him and yelling at him to put his hands up, asking who he is and all this other stuff. But you see, they were asking in Greek since that’s where they’re from.

I guess no one told Warren that we weren’t English? So here we all are yelling around and I finally get them to put the guns down. I’m the only one on the ship besides Dad who knew English and this guy was obviously an American and a mutant like me.

When he tells me he’s there to offer to take me to a boarding school I got really excited. A place to learn how to use my powers? And to actually meet other kids? And it was free! We went to get dad and talked for a few hours. Finally it was decided to send me back with him…and so here I am.

So Dad convinced me to bring a small number of my own personal stash with me. Nothing too dangerous, just tools to help me use my powers mostly. First there’s my shortsword which I keep in a spine sheath that is hid pretty easily by my shirt. Then there’s Dad’s present, a survival knife, which I usually leave in the room. I keep my switchblade in my pocket and also brought a bandolier of throwing daggers. I usually strap one throwing dagger under each arm hidden by my arm warmers. It wouldn’t do to let anyone know I brought most of these.

Roommate Profile Form
Name: Lyli Alderidge
Nationality: Caucasian What the heck is that? *scribbles over the line
and writes “Scandinavian”

How Messy or Clean are you:[ How can you define messiness with a
number? I want 100.

Do you smoke?: I think that depends on who’s asking..isn’t my dad
going to see this?
Would you live with a smoker?: Aren’t we like, not old enough to smoke
in this country anyway? Silly Americans.
Do you require disability services?: Is that like room service? Can I get
a doughnut? I’m freaking starving.

Music: Rock They don’t have a spot for any dance? That’s lame.
*scribbles in Dance next to Rock*

Description: I have to describe myself? Wow filling these out is like going onto a dating site and looking for your very own stalker. Hi, My name is BigBimbo 180… My dad’s a pirate. Follow me around and he’ll kill you. Oh yea, I dyed my hair silver a few months ago, am about 5’ 5”, fifteen years old and like to swim.

At Customs
“Uhm, miss, how did you get that on the plane? How old are you? What are you doing?! DROP IT NOW! SECURITY! Holy :):):):)!”
They forgot to tell me not to bring a rifle. I thought it was normal, back home you never get off the boat without a gun..

On the plane
Angel: “Uhm…what?”
Lyli: “I didn’t say anything.”
Angel: “You keep staring at me.”
Lyli: “….”
[/sblock] And now...I introduce Lyli Alderidge's build. If the GM feels it is all too dark I can make up another one. Just one more unused build to get thrown up on Atomic Think Tank lol
Although not sure if I can do non-dark *blink* Just looked through the 10 character stories or so I've written and they're all so sad/tragic >< I swear it's not intentional![sblock]
Power Level: *upgraded to Pl 11 [180]
Trade-Off: -2 Toughness/ +2 Defense
Characters Name: Lyli Alderidge
Alternate Identity:
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 103
Hair: Silver [dyed]
Eyes: blue

Stats: 27 [25 to use]
Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 21 (+5)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 18 (+4)

Combat: (40) [35 here & saves]
Attack: +9 (+11 melee)
Defense: +11 (+13 total)
Initiative: + 14

Saves: (20)
Toughness: +9 (4 Defensive Roll, +5 Con)
Fortitude: 5 (+10)
Reflex: 10 (+12)
Will: 5 (+5)

Skills: 8 [20pp with feats]
Acrobatics 8 (+10)
Intimidate 12 (+16)
Language [ English, Greek] 2
Pilot (Boats) 2 (+4)
Sleight of Hand 4 (+6)
Swim 4 (+4)

Finnish [Native]

Feats: 29
Accurate Attack
Acrobatic Bluff
Attack Focus (Melee) 2
Dodge Bonus 2
Defensive Roll 4
Equipment 1
Elusive Target
Evasion 2
Favored Environment (Ships) 1
Grappling Finesse
Improved Initiative 3 (+12)
Power Attack
Throwing Mastery 6
Uncanny Dodge 2 [Visual, auditory]

Powers: [60 pp]
Blood Purity Immunity 2 [poison, disease]
Healing Factor Regeneration [Bruised 2, Injured 2, Disabled 2, (True) Resurrection 2] (10)

Blood Manipulation (Array) [48]
Blood Control [default] Move Object [2pp/rank+8] Rank 20 [40ap]
Blood Knives AP: Strike (2pp/rank) Rank 11
Extra: Penetrating (+1)
Blood Shot AP: Blast (3pp/rank) Rank 11
Extra: Penetrating (+1)
Acidic Blood AP: Acid (3pp/rank) Rank 11
PF: Incurable
Cleansing Blood AP: Heal (2pp/rank) Rank 11
Bloody Shield AP: Deflect [Slow & fast projectiles] (2pp/rank) Rank 13
Eyebite AP: Dazzle [visual] (2pp/rank) Rank 11
Blood Bound AP: Snare (2pp/rank) Rank 11
Freak Out AP: Nauseate (3pp/rank) Rank 11
Extra: Range (+1)

Equipment: {5 EP}
Switchblade[3] +8 hit/+3 damage(+8 damage bonus when thrown) 19-20/Piercing/ 10ft range

Drawbacks: Power Loss [Blood array] (When Cannot bleed, i.e. hands bound, petrified, etc) 3 (moderate, common) 4

Complications: Secret Crush (Angel), Criminal History

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First Post
Victim, odd lil heads up, but I think your attack roll is off ^_^;

You've listed +18 in your rolls, And a toughness save of 29. (Thus damage of +14) I'm pretty sure you did a 3 point tradeoff and your attack just has an extra digit =/

Jack of Tales

First Post
I hope that all the numbers from that character worked out :X

I decided to make her limitation to using blood and her own blood at that a power loss rather then limited/medium. Its less power points gained but I feel that it makes more sense. Even though its a constant limitation how often are you without a nail to scratch the skin with?

Also, tried to think of a way to use growth or create objects to make it so she can make more blood from just a small scratch...but couldn't figure it out. Suggestions?


First Post
Hah. I'll work on a lightning/electrical based one. When I created that one, I hadn't read all of the posts since I last posted.

Here's Electrica So far

Character Name..................Electrica (Nickname, Sparks, Sparky)
Concept............................Electricity Controller
Quotation.........................Electricity hurts. Alot.
Real Name........................Serena Weaver

Allegiance.............Good, Family, Friends
Motivation............Acceptance, Responsibility

Height.....5ft 6inches tall
Weight...Slender, graceful
Hair....... black with two white streaks coming from her temples down
Eyes......Vibrant Green

First Appearance.....The House that Xavier Built

Str: 15 (+2)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 12 (+1)
PP spent: 25

Fort: 6
Refl: 8
Will: 10
PP spent: 18

Defense: 7
Flatfooted: 4
PP spent 14

Toughness: 1+10 Electrical Shield = 11
PP Spent 10

Base attack: 5
Ranged 11 (6 feat bonus + 5 base)
PP Spent 16

Initative: +2 +4 feat bonus = +7
Hero Points: 1 + 3 Luck Bonus = +4

Fighting Style: Judo (Accurate atack, defensive attack, improved disarm, improved grab, improved pin, improved trip, stunning attack). Luck +3. Improved Initative. Teamwork. Uncanny Dodge. Ultimate Effort (ultimate fortitude Save). Precise Shot. Quick Change. Jack of All trades

Acrobatics 8 (+11)
Computers 4 (+7)
Concentration (+2)
Diplomacy 8 (+9)
Escape Artist 4 (+7)
Medicine 4 (+6)
Notice 4 (+6)
Perform String Instruments 4 (+5)
-Popular Culture 4 (+7)
-Streetwise 4 (+7)
-Tactics 4 (+7)
-History 4 (+7)
English (default language)

Electrical Control
Light Control
Ball lightning Rank 13 (Indirect, Precise, homing)
Dazzle Rank 15 (Indirect)
Drain Electricity Rank 8
Electricial Aura Rank 8
Machine Animation
Electrical Stun Rank 7
Electrical Absorption (limited to electricity)
Continuous Create Objects (light): Rank 10 Innate, tether, snare, movable, Precise
Data Link
Telikensis Rank 15. Precise. Noticable (the tractor beam effect)
(By using her electrical power, she can create a 'field' of sorts around an object and manipulate it that way)
PP SPENT 32: +13ap= 45

Regeneration 5 Bruised, unconscious
Regeneration 4 Injured, Staggered
Flight: 5, flaw, Platform

I have 1 point left, not sure where to put them.....

Hiya, the name's Serena Weaver, but most folks call me Sparks, or Sparky, kinda a nickname for my codename Electrica. Lame I know, but my little brother gave me the monicker and it stuck. Jimminy.... Little brother's are such a pain.

Well, both my parents are Marines, I have a little brother named Darien like I said. I grew up mostly on army bases and overseas. Did I tellya I was born in Japan? Kinda makes me a dual citizn type thing, but I kinda like America. Japan's way too crowded anyway.

Well for the most part, my life has been pretty dull, that is until I hit my thirteenth birthday. It was um... I think a week after my party that it started. I was headed home with my brother. Some bullies from his school started messing with him and I got mad. I mean really furious, because they just wouldn't leave us alone.

That's when it happened. I got so mad that electricity started building up and up around me, to where it evenually formed into this ball. When I got distracted, it exploded, knocking the bullies out. Not to mention my brother. I really am sorry about that. Even though he's a pain in the rear-end, he's still my bro, y'know? So me and him decided not to tell my parents about it and I worked on control, I mean I'm pretty good now. But I guess there still is room for improvement.

So about two years passed before Xavier found out about me using that Cebero thingamagumi. He sent some folks to see my folks who were right surprised about it, because well me and my bro had been pretty good about concealing my powers from them. Boy was there a blow up about that lemme tell ya, but it was more about the fact that I concealed it from them than anything else. I mean, they still love me and always will but kids with dangerous powers need some outside tutalege, that's what they said and well I've been lucky so far, but I figure they're right. Luck vs training.... Training is always better. So here I am at Xavier's school of the weird and strange....

Wait a second, did that kid have scales?
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OK, and thus ends another battle at the school for gifted youngsters.
So here's the deal: essentially, you had to stun both of them to keep them from escaping this round, as either one of them is capable of getting the other one to safety. However, you all did a great job in repelling them.

Now, due to all that's happened so far, I'm increasing the PL to 12, and granting everybody 2 points for skills/feats, and 5 freebie points. Please inform me what you plan on doing with them. As well, If you wish to make changes to your characters, now's a good time.

Also, if anybody thinks they deserve extra credit for something (Or if you think somebody else does), now is the time to state your reasoning.

Now, onto more mundane stuff:

Caros: Victim's attack was actually correct. her base is 8, +5 for inspiration (though that didn't count b/c QB got knocked dizzy), and +5 for using the all-out attack feat, which lowers her AC by a like amount.

Avalon - I'd prefer to stay away from the more feral things, and shapeshifting.. any other ideas?

Kirinke - Please include somewhere on your sheet that shows how many power points you spent in each section.

Jack - You will NOT be allowed to bring weapons onto the school grounds for any reasons, so the equipment will have to be changed.

Also, b/c it appears not everybody has noticed yet, creation guideliness were posted in post 18 of this thread, and the PP guidelines were also posted in the opening post of the rogues gallery thread.

Post 18 said:
PL 11, but we'll be doing Creation a BIT different with the power points..
You have 25 pp for abilities, 35 pp for Combat/Saves, 20pp for SKills & Feats, and 60pp for Powers.
You also have 40 pp "free", to spend wherever you want.
This gives you a total of 180pp, but some parts of it are decided for you.
Normal PL Caps.
Tradeoffs = max 5.
I want everyone to keep in mind that you're supposed to be still learning how to control your powers completely, and they're still evolving, so drawbacks and power flaws are not only OK, they're suggested. I don't want to see Precise AoE Perception range Selective Telekinesis, for example.
This is not to say you HAVE to have flaws/drawbacks on ALL your powers, just make sense.
Also, since there's supposed to be a fair bit of roleplaying involved in this campaign, I'd like to see some roleplaying complications (romance, Friendships, Secrets, Rivalries, etc)

Finally, I will probably be making slight alterations to some of the characters that get posted, dependant on their concept/background. (Increasing or decreasing certain traits, maybe granting more PP or raising/lowering PL caps). to make for what I believe will be a better game.

Also, I'd like to make sure you all have somewhere in your bakground WHY/HOW you came to be at the school.


And yes, I will be screwing around with a lot of peoples perceptions on 'goodguy/badguy'
(So far: Pyro=good, Nightcrawler=bad, Quicksilver=bad).

Hey, look on the bright side.. Wolverine and Xavier are still on the good side.. even though Xavier's still out cold.


First Post
Ahh, I did before, it helps me keep track of power points spent. However, I bolded it to make it easier to look at. :D

So how is she? I figure Electrica would be a bit better than Lightning Lass with Sparky or Sparks as a good nickname. ;)

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