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Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant High


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I increased her dexterity, consitution, intelligence and wisdom to reflect the physical changes that took place when she merged with Cerebro.

I also messed with her powers array, noting that I kinda screwed up with the numbers a bit on the first go, and I also added a rank to her over all array as well as adding magnetism and environmental control (magnetism).

At first, she won't have the precise or the affects as telikensis. That'll come with in game practice I think. She might discover it with Magneto's 'help'. He'd probably be aware that Electrical control is just one short step away from magnetism and would probably 'test' her, maybe by throwing something metallic at her, and her batting it away instinctively with her 'new' power. I dunno, it's as good an idea as any.

I also increased her ranged attack bonus to 10, as well as putting a rank in computers, technology and concentration (to reflect her merger with Cerebro)

Alrighty. Here is Serena Mark 2

piccie link: http://asuka111.deviantart.com/art/Girl-Portrait-42427573
Character Name..... Electrica (Nickname, Sparks, Sparky)
Concept.................. Electricity Controller
Quotation................ Eectricity hurts. Alot.
Real Name..............Serena Weaver
Identity.................... Secret

Allegiance.......Good, Family, Friends
Motivation.......Acceptance, Responsibility

Height ...........5ft 6inches tall
Weight..........Slender, graceful
Eyes.............Vibrant Green

First Appearance.......The House that Xavier Built
Power Points..............200
Initative...................... +3 +4 feat bonus = +7
Hero Points................ +1 +1luck feat =+2

Str: 15 (+2)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 18 (+4)
Int: 20 (+5)
Wis: 18 (+4)
Cha: 16(+3)

FORT............... 4 base + 5 pp= +09
REFL................4 base + 5 pp= +09
WILL................ 4 base + 8 pp= +12
TOUGH............ 1 + 11 (Electrical Shield) = 12

Defense.........+5........(10 pp Spent)
Attack:............+5........(10 pp Spent)
Ranged Attack: +10

Ranged attack Bonus +10.
Self Defense: Defensive Attack, Improved Block, Improved Defense, Improved Trip, Instant Up.
Improved Initative +1. Luck Bonus +1. Jack of all trades. Attractive (Males)

Electrical Powers........... Rank 16
Lightning Blast...............Rank 15, precise
Dazzle...........................Rank 16 (visual or auditory)
Confuse.........................Rank 15, reversible, Stun rank 15, reversible
Datalink.........................Rank 16 (cyberspace rank 15, machine control rank 15, machine animation rank 15)

Environmental Control distraction.....................Rank 6
Attract/Repel.....................................................Rank 6 (touch range burst area move object)

Electrical Shield.................................Rank 11 (Force Field) +11 pp spent
Flight..................................................Rank 5 (Platform, arc Riding -1 pp) 09pp spent
Regeneration.....................................Rank 5 (Recovery Bonus) 05pp spent
Regeneration.................................... Rank 3 (Recovery Rate bruised 3) 03pp spent

(+12) ACROBATICS.............(4 dex mod +8 rank).......... 2 pp spent
(+11/+15) BLUFF................(3 cha mod +8 rank)...........2 pp spent
(+17) COMPUTERS..............(5 int mod +12 rank).......... 3 pp spent
(+16) CONCENTRATION............(4 wis mod +12 rank)...........3pp spent

-(07) String instruments..... 3 cha mod + 4 rank............... 1 pp spent

(+13) -Popular Culture..........(5 int mod +8 rank).................2 pp spent
(+13) -Streetwise................(5 int mod +8 rank)...............2 pp spent
(+17) -Technology...............(5 int mod +12 rank)...............3 pp spent

-English (default)
-Mandarin Chinese
-American Sign Language

Metal-cloth Disk she uses as a platform to help her 'fly'

Hiya. Well. My name's Serena Weaver, but most folks call me Sparky or Sparks for short on account of me being able to generate and control electricity. Y'know the one liner about an electrical personality? Heh. Well that's me.

It all started a few years ago when me and my lil bro Darien were walking back to the base one night. I think I was around twelve at the time and my brother was nine. Brother's are such pains.... Anyway we were jumped by these guys, gang bangers really and I got scared because these guys were gonna hurt us bad since we didn't have any money on us. I started to tingle like crazy, it felt kinda like when your foot is asleep and waking up, but all over. It was freaky....

And when they started to close in with knives and guns, there was this bright flash of electricity that stunned them pretty good, letting me and Darien escape. We ran like heck for the base.... Did I tell you my parents are both Marines? So no jokes about mama wearing army boots. That'll getcha a black eye or a bride of Frankenstein hairdo. Marines are way tougher than Army Rangers.

Well, since then I've been practicing. I think I'm pretty good now, but when Xavier sent some folks down to talk to me, I kinda realized it'd be nice not to have to hide what I am, so I wouldn't be used as a lab rat or stoned or something. So I agreed to come. Lookit this, my bro made it for me, it's a metallic cloth disk. When I electrify it, I can fly on it. Not to shabby huh?

Because of her electric nature, she is able to use the natural electrcity generated within her to accelerate her healing in some process not fully understood.

Serena has grown up on army bases around the world, she's met a lot of people, who have taught her many different things, some of which her parents would probably not like her to know. She has also been taught to never give up or give in. In other words, she's incredibly stubborn, which applies to both her willpower and her ability to stay conscious and push herself further, when others would welcome unconsciousness.

Due to recent events, Serena is now apart of Cerebro and Cerebro is now apart of Serena. What this means is unknown, but for now, Serena shares a strange and terrifying connection with one of the most powerful Artifical Intelligences currently known.
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First Post
OOC: I'm assuming that other than mutants, magic, and alien super-science, real-world biology and physics do apply in this version of the X-men universe. Hence Eric's insistince in striking down any bad sci-fi versions of cloning from people's minds.


First Post
Hee...except that cloning is used all the time in Marvel comics, and it often neglects those points. :)

And really, with superintelligent mutants and magic spells and alien megatech, there's no reason to think it'd be impossible to make clones without those restrictions. Though it'd probably be expensive or illegal or based on unique circumstances (and thus vulnerable to timely interventions of heroic peeps like us :)).

Hee...that said, nothing wrong with keeping it real. Imaginations do run wild at the C word.

By the by, y'all do know that none of you have even introduced yourselves yet? :)

Yankee manners, I declare.


First Post
Hee...that said, nothing wrong with keeping it real. Imaginations do run wild at the C word.

It's not Eric's fault comic writers have a poor grasp of real biology...

By the by, y'all do know that none of you have even introduced yourselves yet? :)

Yankee manners, I declare.

Eric and Miranda are Californians. Serena's an army brat who mostly grew up overseas. Xian's Vietnamese. No Yankees here.


Before anyone responds to Magneto, YES I am writing him as VERY arrogant, but do keep a the following in mind:

HE is a super-intelligent, mildly megalomaniacal Ultra-Mutant with the charisma to raise armies, the raw power to destroy them, and decades of experience numbering almost as many as your combined ages.

YOU are high school students with some mutant powers.

He may need your help, but don't expect any deference. ;)

Relique du Madde

<--- Has a total geek out when he sees the name of one of his favorite Marvel characters, Deadpool.

Oh, and Magneto being Arrogant is sort of expected..
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I could make her healing powers completely restorative or I could totally get rid of them if you like and add reversible to her drain powers.
Hmm, I think I'd be more ok with the reversible drain than having another healer. (As I stated before to Shaggy, I find healing in this setting to be.. problematic)

I'm thinking of the following changes:

[sblock]Buy Reflex +4. It's still bad for her PL, but now it's not stupidly so.

Upgrade the attack focus: ranged purchased last time into a point of full base attack.

Buy a point of base defense.
Upgrade her Vampiric Blast to +15, so many of her APs should increase in rank too.[/sblock]

That leaves 11 freebie points to round things out.

I want Endurance and Beginner's Luck.

Since Temper doesn't have a movement power, more mundane movement skills could be handy. Improving Climb and Acrobatics (I actually thought she had some Acrobatics already ?:( ) seems like a good start there. Super Movement: Sure footed also comes up in parkour tricks, but it's so terrible... I could buy Speed 1, and then never use it except to cancel speed reductions without getting any points back and it would cheaper and more effective than the super movement.

I was thinking about getting Sneak Attack that doesn't work with her powers, so she has better mundane attacks. Would that be a -1 limitation or -0 since it be over the PL cap without it?

Most of that sounds allright, though I'd prefer you to stay away from Super-speed, as it doesn't seem to fit the characte.. Why would she suddenly get 3X faster?
As far as the Sneak Attack - Since it can't affect the Powers anyways with them being maxed, it wouldn't be a limit at all. You could leave her blast at a lower rank and just allow the Sneak Attack to be that extra kick when you get it.

I increased her dexterity, consitution, intelligence and wisdom to reflect the physical changes that took place when she merged with Cerebro.

I also messed with her powers array, noting that I kinda screwed up with the numbers a bit on the first go, and I also added a rank to her over all array as well as adding magnetism and environmental control (magnetism).

At first, she won't have the precise or the affects as telikensis. That'll come with in game practice I think. She might discover it with Magneto's 'help'. He'd probably be aware that Electrical control is just one short step away from magnetism and would probably 'test' her, maybe by throwing something metallic at her, and her batting it away instinctively with her 'new' power. I dunno, it's as good an idea as any.

I also increased her ranged attack bonus to 10, as well as putting a rank in computers, technology and concentration (to reflect her merger with Cerebro)

Alrighty. Here is Serena Mark 2

Character Name..... Electrica (Nickname, Sparks, Sparky)
Concept.................. Electricity Controller
Quotation................ Eectricity hurts. Alot.
Real Name..............Serena Weaver
Identity.................... Secret

Allegiance.......Good, Family, Friends
Motivation.......Acceptance, Responsibility

Height ...........5ft 6inches tall
Weight..........Slender, graceful
Eyes.............Vibrant Green

First Appearance.......The House that Xavier Built
Power Points..............200
Initative...................... +3 +4 feat bonus = +7
Hero Points................ +1 +1luck feat =+2

Str: 15 (+2)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 18 (+4)
Int: 20 (+5)
Wis: 18 (+4)
Cha: 16(+3)

FORT............... 4 base + 5 pp= +09
REFL................4 base + 5 pp= +09
WILL................ 4 base + 8 pp= +12
TOUGH............ 1 + 10 (Electrical Shield) = 11

Defense.........+5........(10 pp Spent)
Attack:............+5........(10 pp Spent)
Ranged Attack: +10

Judo (Accurate attack, defensive attack, improved disarm, improved grab, improved pin, improved trip, stunning attack, takedown attack.)
Improved Initative +1.
Ranged attack Bonus +10
Ultimate Effort: Fortitude Save.
Luck Bonus +1
Jack of all trades
Attractive (Males)

Power Array 1........... Rank 16 (2 pp spent per rank)
Ball lightning..................Rank 4, precise homing, ranged area burst
Lightning Blast...............Rank 14, precise, indirect
Confuse.........................Rank 15, reversible, Stun rank 15, reversible
Datalink.........................Rank 16 (cyberspace rank 15, machine control rank 15, machine animation rank 15)
Dazzle...........................Rank 16 (Visual or Area burst auditory Dazzle)
Magnetic Control...........Rank 14, precise as telekinesis (with practice)
Environmental Control...Rank 16 (distracting conditions, magnetizing metallic objects and sending them flying
Electrical Aura...............Rank 4

Electrical Shield.................................Rank 11 (Force Field) +11 pp spent
Flight..................................................Rank 5 (Platform, arc Riding -1 pp) 09pp spent
Regeneration.....................................Rank 5 (Recovery Bonus) 05pp spent
Regeneration.................................... Rank 3 (Recovery Rate bruised 3) 03pp spent

(+12) ACROBATICS.............(4 dex mod +8 rank).......... 2 pp spent
(+11/+15) BLUFF................(3 cha mod +8 rank)...........2 pp spent
(+17) COMPUTERS..............(5 int mod +12 rank).......... 3 pp spent
(+11/+15) DIPLOMANCY.......(3 cha mod +8 rank).... ..... 2 pp spent
(+12) ESCAPE ARTIST.........(4 dex mod +8 rank).......... 2 pp spent
(+16) Concentration............(4 wis mod +12 rank)...........3pp spent

-(07) String instruments..... 3 cha mod + 4 rank............... 1 pp spent

(+13) -Current Events...........(5 int mod +8 rank).................2 pp spent
(+13) -Earth Sciences...........(5 int mod +8 rank).................2 pp spent
(+13) -Physical Sciences.......(5 int mod +8 rank)).................2 pp spent
(+13) -Popular Culture..........(5 int mod +8 rank).................2 pp spent
(+13) -Streetwise................(5 int mod +8 rank)...............2 pp spent
(+17) -Technology...............(5 int mod +12 rank)...............3 pp spent

-English (default)
-Mandarin Chinese
-American Sign Language

Metal-cloth Disk she uses as a platform to help her 'fly'

Hiya. Well. My name's Serena Weaver, but most folks call me Sparky or Sparks for short on account of me being able to generate and control electricity. Y'know the one liner about an electrical personality? Heh. Well that's me.

It all started a few years ago when me and my lil bro Darien were walking back to the base one night. I think I was around twelve at the time and my brother was nine. Brother's are such pains.... Anyway we were jumped by these guys, gang bangers really and I got scared because these guys were gonna hurt us bad since we didn't have any money on us. I started to tingle like crazy, it felt kinda like when your foot is asleep and waking up, but all over. It was freaky....

And when they started to close in with knives and guns, there was this bright flash of electricity that stunned them pretty good, letting me and Darien escape. We ran like heck for the base.... Did I tell you my parents are both Marines? So no jokes about mama wearing army boots. That'll getcha a black eye or a bride of Frankenstein hairdo. Marines are way tougher than Army Rangers.

Well, since then I've been practicing. I think I'm pretty good now, but when Xavier sent some folks down to talk to me, I kinda realized it'd be nice not to have to hide what I am, so I wouldn't be used as a lab rat or stoned or something. So I agreed to come. Lookit this, my bro made it for me, it's a metallic cloth disk. When I electrify it, I can fly on it. Not to shabby huh?

Because of her electric nature, she is able to use the natural electrcity generated within her to accelerate her healing in some process not fully understood.

Serena has grown up on army bases around the world, she's met a lot of people, who have taught her many different things, some of which her parents would probably not like her to know. She has also been taught to never give up or give in. In other words, she's incredibly stubborn, which applies to both her willpower and her ability to stay conscious and push herself further, when others would welcome unconsciousness.

Due to recent events, Serena is now apart of Cerebro and Cerebro is now apart of Serena. What this means is unknown, but for now, Serena shares a strange and terrifying connection with one of the most powerful Artifical Intelligences currently known.

One thing to say: Too many Powers.
This character is becoming a catch-all. I understand that electricity can be used to explain almost anything, but from a game-balance point of view it's just too much.
You have:
a homing area attack
an indirect ranged attack,
a confusing/stunning attack,
A Dazzle attack,
an Electrical Aura,
Machine Control
Machine Animation,
Force Field,
Magnetic Control,
Environmental Control.
In addition, most of these are part of an 8-power Array that holds all of the powers you wouldn't be using at the same time anyways. I'm sorry but it just seems like too much power in a small package.

EDIT: ALso, I don't know if this was explained before or if I just never asked, but how do you explain Jack of all trades, Ultimate Fortitude, speaking 9 languages, enough knowledge skills to BE a professor, and exceptional stats in every category for a 15 year old girl who's mutation is Electrical control?
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<--- Has a total geek out when he sees the name of one of his favorite Marvel characters, Deadpool.

[sblock=Minor Story Spoiler]
In that case you may be interested to know that this isn't just a passing reference. "He'll be back"[/sblock]

Oh, and Magneto being Arrogant is sort of expected..

I know, just makin sure nobody gets offended and/or thinks it's some form of hostility on MY part. :)


First Post
Most of that sounds allright, though I'd prefer you to stay away from Super-speed, as it doesn't seem to fit the characte.. Why would she suddenly get 3X faster?

As far as the Sneak Attack - Since it can't affect the Powers anyways with them being maxed, it wouldn't be a limit at all. You could leave her blast at a lower rank and just allow the Sneak Attack to be that extra kick when you get it.

The point is that even if you never use the speed to go 3 times faster and only use it to maintain normal movement rates in adverse conditions without taking any limitations or drawbacks, the speed is still better.

Reasonable enough on the Sneak Attack.

Having Eric around makes it easy to justify improving skills, fortunately, since people might actually be learning and remembering things picked up in the massive temporary boosts. Of course, going from being an expert in pretty much anything you'd care to try back down to ignorant sounds like one hell of crash.

Voidrunner's Codex

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