Gamma World to Return -- What Else Should Come Back?


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Folks, just what would you do with a new edition of GW? I'm thinking of mixing Jeremiah with The Big O and going with the "rebuild civilization" theme. (It's remarkable how the two series' catastrophic events are similiar enough to mix into a single setting.)

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D20 Wish List

Paranoia D20 would be SO MUCH FUN! I vote for that two…

On the subject of dream projects, I already mentioned (along with other people) B5 D20, but I’d also love to see Firefly D20.

This list is pretty long… Should we compile the list and create the D20 wish list product? Then we could post it somewhere so D20 publishers can see it, we can begin crossing the names off after they are done…

Someone has probably done that already come to think of it… Or have they? Anybody know?


JPL said:

Just bought it a month or two ago, BG. I've been pushing for a Polyhedron mini-game adaptation for quite some time.

Good stuff. Lots of potential.

Whats that like anyway. I love Faerie lore and was thinking about picking it up (used of course) as a reference


First Post
I am going to ahve to add that I too would love to see a new version of Star Frontiers !

Whilst I played both Traveller (the original small booklet version) and Star Frontiers, and enjoyed them both, I really had a great romp with Star Frontiers. That game was pitched just right, with enough space opera quality to make generating storylines easy, whilst at the same time not feeling wholly fantastical.

Would a d20 version work out? I am not sure, but I would definitely buy any attempt at it.

By-the-by, what was the name of the starship combat boxed set that you could get for Star Frontiers?


First Post
Birthright 3E is currently in development, and expected to be released as a free PDF in coming months when its been completed. More details are available at
It still surprises me that it's that hard to get a good product back into print. Many of us skipped the 2E days entirely, and some of those products scream out for a 3E hardback conversion -- especially if they could compile all the best bits of those failed lines into a single big book.



The Starship supplement to Star Frontiers was Knight Hawks. Most of this books area available in electronic format online.

Lisa Nadazdy

First Post
You guys need a head check done. Paranoia already uses a d20 mechanic, and is simpler than the clunky d20 system used in D&D or d20 Modern. That's the beauty of it.


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I would have to put in a BIG vote for Boot Hill. I loved that game and will forever remember being chased by different posses trying to make the getaway. I have never played sidewinder, but will have to check it out after what I've read here.
The other game I would love see updated is Al-Qadim. I just loved the imagry that this game had. Especially with the soundtrak to Lawrence of Arabia in the background.



I know Paranoia uses a D20, but not THE D20… I want complex, I want difficult, I Want to use Attacks of Opportunity against my own clones!

Lisa Nadazdy

First Post
Attacks of Opportunity? Aren't those rules, citizen?

Knowledge of the rules is treason. Please report to the nearest termination center for reproccessing and reclemation. Thank you, and have a nice daycycle!

Voidrunner's Codex

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