Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)


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It's hard to imagine what my life would have been like for the last 22 years if it had not been for Gary. Wow. What a positive impact he's had on so many lives.


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Darrin Drader

This is severely sad news. He's been away from D&D for almost as long as I've been in it, but the work he did really created this industry and provided me with countless hours of enjoyment. He always made himself available for questions, and he even stopped by my website where I had my homebrew campaign setting posted back before I was a professional game designer and left some encouraging comments. He'll be sorely missed. :(

Let's celebrate the passing of this genius mind properly!

People will be reading Gary Gygax long after every single one of us has shucked off this mortal coil and followed him. His brilliance and creativity will never be forgotten. The man had a revolutionary mind and has positively and significantly effected the lives of millions. What better legacy could one ask for?

I for one will hoist a glass in his honor tonight, and I will make damn sure that my children and grandchildren read his work.

Here's to Gary Gygax! Long live his glorious legacy!

Lord Slaw

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Though I have only played D&D for a year or so, it has brought me so much joy - too much to express, really. It's done so much for me - I've made friends, found a pastime, and fostered my creativity - in fact, I attribute my talent as a writer (and my dramatic writing style) to D&D. Thank you, Gary - you and Dave helped to make me the guy that I am today, and I wouldn't trade who I am for every Major Artifact across The Planes.

Our thoughts will always be with you, Gary - you don't need a scrying spell to see that.


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I have played D&D in its various forms for many years - more than I care to admit to. Mr. Gygax's creations meant a lot to that younger me, and to this older, more cynical version.

In all those years, I never met Mr. Gygax, except for a few brief times here on EnWorld when one of the creators of a game that has provided so many hours of enjoyable fun in my life actually responded to little old insignificant me. But in the excitement, I forgot to tell him:

You helped me meet friends, both brief and life-long.

You made reading rulebooks enjoyable for finding out what all those archaic words meant!

You helped me be Conan, Merlin, Bilbo, Frodo, Gandalf, Gawain, Ivanhoe, Fafhrd, and many many others, even if for only a little while.

You inspired me to create worlds of my own.

You let me test my imagination and creativity against yours and many others. (Sometimes I lost, sometimes I won, mostly I just had a lot of fun!)

You started something special that let ME be the hero.

I got to be there when my best friends were the hero.

You gave me excitement and fun to share with many, many other people.

You helped me meet other people like me.

You taught me to break rules if it made things more fun.

You opened doors of imagination for me.

And I've never once regretted it or looked back until now.

I never met you in person. I will miss you.

Thank you.


First Post
I know a lot of people want to contact the Gygax family and send their regards and well wishes. I am afraid that his regular email account, which he used for business (I know this from working with him over many years) might become too overwhelmed with letters of condolences that the family will have a hard time sorting out all his business affairs at a later time.

With that in mind I have created a separate email account that I will hand over to Gail, Gary's wife, when I talk again with her tomorrow.

The email address to send any personal messages to the family is:

Pass around the word.


Admin note: this is legit. Thanks for doing this, Kerry. ~ Piratecat
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