I have played D&D in its various forms for many years - more than I care to admit to. Mr. Gygax's creations meant a lot to that younger me, and to this older, more cynical version.
In all those years, I never met Mr. Gygax, except for a few brief times here on EnWorld when one of the creators of a game that has provided so many hours of enjoyable fun in my life actually responded to little old insignificant me. But in the excitement, I forgot to tell him:
You helped me meet friends, both brief and life-long.
You made reading rulebooks enjoyable for finding out what all those archaic words meant!
You helped me be Conan, Merlin, Bilbo, Frodo, Gandalf, Gawain, Ivanhoe, Fafhrd, and many many others, even if for only a little while.
You inspired me to create worlds of my own.
You let me test my imagination and creativity against yours and many others. (Sometimes I lost, sometimes I won, mostly I just had a lot of fun!)
You started something special that let ME be the hero.
I got to be there when my best friends were the hero.
You gave me excitement and fun to share with many, many other people.
You helped me meet other people like me.
You taught me to break rules if it made things more fun.
You opened doors of imagination for me.
And I've never once regretted it or looked back until now.
I never met you in person. I will miss you.
Thank you.