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"Gateway Drug"


Started out with Mentzer's BECMI Boxed Sets. We pretty soon decided we wanted to try as many different RPGs (and editions) as possible. BECMI remains my favorite edition of D&D though. :)


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For me, it went something like this:

D&D RedBox/D&D 1E Started with the red box and moved onto 1E.

Warhammer FRP Was introduced to this game by a friend of mine. Dark and gritty. It was a fresh change from the system of D&D

Marvel Superheroes This was something I played with a friend on the side of my normal fantasy roleplaying. Lots of fun.

Star Wars D6 After having my fill of fantasy role-playing, the switch to sci-fi was natural. And Star Wars was the top pick.

Star Trek - Fasa My geekdom knew no bounds. Going from blasters to phasers was a no-brainer.

Vampire - The Masquerade I dabbled in this for a short while.

After Vampire I took a hiatus for a few years. I got back into role playing with Warhammer FRP again and eventually back to D&D with 3.0 and 3.5. Currently, I have settled on Pathfinder, although I just picked up DC Adventures...


First Post
I am surprised at how many people who put the "box set with the red cover" as their introductory edition. (It's a little depressing, because it means that so many people using these forums are old

I also started with the "box set with the red cover". It's a little funny to be called "old", though. Most of us who started with that set are only in our 30s or 40s. We're not kids anymore, but we're not quite ready for over-sized dice or large-print character sheets yet. ;)


First Post
I actually AM already "old" ( 36 ) and only started.
Don't get me wrong, I "knew" D&D. I had friends in high school who played it. And I myself actually played a VERY LITTLE BIT of Starfleet Battles in college. But never really got into it.

I played a lot of computer games though ( some of them D&D ) and later console games too when they became more elaborate story-wise.

It wasn't until recently that something in my head clicked. ( and also my kids are older ) and I realized that this is the perfect medium for social-interactive-storytelling and immdiately picked up the 4E Quick-Start as a test-run with the family ( and a couple of close friends ) ... this was several months ago.

Granted, my group took to the second game we tried the quick-start for, which was Call of Cthulhu, BUT 4E was our first foray and got us started. Since then we've played Star Wars: saga, CoC and DREAD and we have a great deal of fun....

I guess you could say I did bring in some younger players to the hobby... 12, 15, 17

Voidrunner's Codex

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