Geek Confessional Thread 2024


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I don't really like Star Trek. The original series with captain Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura et al are at least entertaining in their kitchy way. Noone can claim they are good writing though. Felt Next Generation was quite boring, and I absolutely hate the character Q. Keep your damned gods out of my science fiction, and for Voyager, well let's just say there are plenty of characters that should have been pushed out of the nearest airlock without any space suits on (or beamed out to the cold vacuum of space.... I am talking about Tuvok, Neelix, and Kes). That said, I have had fun playing in a Star Trek adventures-game.
I noticed you left out DS9 the best Trek.
Deep Space Nine Dislike GIF by Star Trek

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I did not enjoy playing The Witcher when it came out, and didn't finish it. I tried again last year and still didn't like or finish it. The combat sucked, and so did Geralt as a character.

I own both the sequels - I claimed the second game when it was a giveaway with Xbox Live Gold, and someone gave me the third game as a birthday present. But, I haven't bothered playing them.

The Netflix show was okay.


I did not enjoy playing The Witcher when it came out, and didn't finish it. I tried again last year and still didn't like or finish it. The combat sucked, and so did Geralt as a character.

I own both the sequels - I claimed the second game when it was a giveaway with Xbox Live Gold, and someone gave me the third game as a birthday present. But, I haven't bothered playing them.
Witcher 3 is a great game, and you don't need to play the previous ones.
The Netflix show was okay.
Barely. I like Cavill but the show as not good.


On a completely unrelated note, I've lost all of my love for Star Wars. I've never been its biggest fan (preferring fantasy over sci-fi in general), but while I could appreciate it when it was at its best, the current crop of offerings has pretty well killed my affection for the brand.
Same here, I think that both SW and the MCU have over-saturated their respective franchises, SW especially and the movies and TV shows aren't good and boring. I've watched a few shows but usually only get about 2 episodes in before I stop watching. I'm to the point I have no interest in SW anymore. As far as the MCU there's not much coming in the next few years I care about except maybe Spider-Man 4 and Avengers Secret Wars.
D&D, as a whole, is the single most over-hyped RPG of all time. 5E is the most over-hyped edition of D&D, by far.

I don't mind the pop culture boom of D&D 5E per se, but I cannot stand most of the new wave of players it brought in.
I agree that 5E is over-rated. I don't like it and don't see me playing it again. If they had skipped the 20245E Revision and went with 6E I might feel different, and it seems this was WotC playing it safe and taking the easy way out. Just my opinion.

My game group just broke up, but it's been so long since I played in a game store or with people that aren't close friends so I'm not familiar with the new wave of players, but even 15-20 years ago when I did play in a FLGS there was more than a few times that we had personality clashes in the group, which made the game suffer. So, unless our group can find a way to get another game together, I've decided I have no desire to seek out a new group with strangers and just won't play anymore.


I started reading Amazing Spider-Man when they relaunched with Vol 6 Issue 1 a few years back. I also have read the Spider-Man, the Superior Spider-Man and the Spine-Tingling Spider-Man recently and none of them are very good. The premise of ASM seems so far removed from what I've remembered from the 70s and 80s. It has more of a supernatural, mystical bent to it rather than him just fighting crime and super-villains. Gang War was terrible, and Secret Wars Battle World was even worse. I read Amazing Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man and Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man in the 80s, skipped the entirety of the 90s and read very sporadically in the 2000s and 2010s so I've been out of the loop and thought this would be a good time to start reading again but it just seems so different from what I remember and think of as Spider-Man.

I will say the new Ultimate Spider-Man is actually really good. It's an interesting fresh new take on the characters that I want expecting.


I am the mysterious professor.
George Lucas didn't rape my childhood with the prequels. I enjoyed them. I do feel, however, Rian Johnson touched my nono spot, and J.J. Abrams looked at me creepily. They were entertaining but didn't live up to expectations. Too many changes from the book time-line.

I will not give up hope. I'll watch anything Star Wars at least once. If they're more Rogue One and less Last Jedi I'll be happy.

They were entertaining but didn't live up to expectations. Too many changes from the book time-line.
This is I think the main real objection people have to the ST summed up really well, and it also illustrates really well why the people who were upset by the ST really cluster in the Gen X and Elder Millennial age-ranges, and almost no-one under 30 got mad about them, because those were the people who had really clear ideas about what they thought happened after the OT, mostly informed by the books.

It's exactly as you say "too many changes from the book time-line".

I saw this reflected really well in my RL friend groups - the small number of people who were Star Wars book readers absolutely HATED the ST, especially TLJ (despite it being, on most reasonable levels, the best-written and directed of the bunch - indeed arguably the 3rd best-written and directed SW movie overall, after ANH and ESB), because what happens in the ST, especially TLJ, is very much in opposition to the books and their essentially "happily ever after" attitude (which many shocking events and Luukes and so on, on the way, but it always ends up good).

Not criticising you to be clear - I think it's really legit of you to recognise where your objection comes from.


I don't really like Star Trek. The original series with captain Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura et al are at least entertaining in their kitchy way. Noone can claim they are good writing though. Felt Next Generation was quite boring, and I absolutely hate the character Q. Keep your damned gods out of my science fiction, and for Voyager, well let's just say there are plenty of characters that should have been pushed out of the nearest airlock without any space suits on (or beamed out to the cold vacuum of space.... I am talking about Tuvok, Neelix, and Kes). That said, I have had fun playing in a Star Trek adventures-game.

Never seen a complete episode of Big Bang Theory. I really really hate the kind of pathetic comedy that is in that type of shows. Which means I hate basically all the popular sitcoms (Frasier, how I met your mother, friends, etc..). I would almost prefer watching a football-game (soccer) than those shows, and I hate watching football as nothing happens.

I enjoyed Alien 4 (except the look of the "birthed" alien).

I think Avatar (dances with Schmurphs) was overrated. The CGI was awesome, but the story was lacking.

DS9 and some of TNG were good (not a trekkie).

Overall more miss than hit imho.

Voidrunner's Codex

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