GenCon and "the Attack"?

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I'm a bit surprised that nobody has posted anything about what happened yesterday at GenCon regarding Jeremy ("The Quartering" on YouTube) and the assault on him. Mostly I'm curious to hear from anyone there about the 'feeling' and what the general scuttlebutt is. To my knowledge GenCon is actively shutting down anyone who asks about it and insta-banning anyone who asks "What happened?". So far, no comment from GenCon. Quite the opposite when that writer/designer guy (who's name eludes me) had one to many pints and was being aggressive to a woman (or was it women?), there was a whole news-post thing on the front page here and pretty much every other RPG site/forum. anyone currently at GenCon, and if so, what's the skinny? I have watched Jeremy's vid's of the aftermath and follow ups, and a couple other YT vids of some others talking about it and what they think. Mostly I'm wondering what the "feeling" everyone is getting from the GenCon staff about it. From what it sounds like, to me at least, it sounds like a "brush it under the rug and hope it goes away" sort of thing. And a few GenCon goers are saying they don't feel safe now or that they'll "never go to a GenCon" (a bit over the top if you ask me; one incident does not make it 'rampant' or anything of the sort).



Paul L. Ming

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Just because there will be curious folks - a popular YouTube game critic allegedly got assaulted at a bar near GenCon.

I don't expect the con will have much to say on the matter - if nothing else, there's potential for legal action, and anything the Convention says may entangle them in it.


Dusty Dragon
From a quick read on the internet, there seems to be a fair bit of "lo, see the violent hypocrisy of the radical left! SJW silencing critics with violence" etc etc.

I don't know what happened, but the event seems to be milked. (Just to be clear, punches are almost never justifiable)


Because there's nothing to report as there's no story. I checked with the local paper and the Indianapolis Police Department and there are no records of any police investigation or even a call to the police made concerning an assault anywhere remotely resembling the location, time, or any other details. And I mean nothing. I did get to read about several fatal car accidents searching the police blotter, which was not fun.

Further, there's been no reports of vandalism to match the claim of a "broken window" at any location in downtown Indianapolis, there's been no reports on citizen safe neighborhood reports, and there is absolutely nothing to verify the claims of Hambly other than his own Twitter and YouTube accounts. I've also spoken to several people who were in the area at the time of the attack and none of them witnessed anything approaching a disturbance of any kind.

Hambly, it should be noted, has been banned from multiple conventions - including Gen Con - and has a lifetime ban from the DCI for continued harassment campaigns against multiple individuals.



Ahh...Ok. I see where this is going. I was mostly after any info from people at the con.

I have no reason to believe Jeremy is lying about the incident. He has gotten the police involved...they didn't have anything 'posted' right away but as of this afternoon there has been a complaint lodged. Now it's up to the police to do their investigation. I guess it's basically a "Lets give it some time" thing right now. I'm sure things will start to come to light as things progress. The most damning thing I could see is that the accused attacker ("Matt") immediately deleted posts and put all his twitter and social media into "lockdown" mode...but not after a few people got screen shots of some of the things he had been saying/posting.

The whole thing is still ongoing, so I guess it's best to probably wait until GenCon and the police investigation get over.


Paul L. Ming


Whatever may have happened was outside GenCon, so expecting them to involve themselves by commenting seems odd. And from what I’ve seen, “silencing people” amounts to removing posters from chats who are posting about the attack rather than about whatever event the chat is devoted to.

I’m not at Gen Con, but I have a buddy who’s there, and he was entirely unaware of any of this. I expect that’s largely the case for most attendees.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Because there's nothing to report as there's no story. I checked with the local paper and the Indianapolis Police Department and there are no records of any police investigation or even a call to the police made concerning an assault anywhere remotely resembling the location, time, or any other details. And I mean nothing.

The IndyStar does not agree with you.

I won't quote them here, but the article above refers to a police report, and a meeting between the police and Hambly at a hotel.


The IndyStar does not agree with you.

I won't quote them here, but the article above refers to a police report, and a meeting between the police and Hambly at a hotel.

No it doesn't. Here's the quote from the article:

In his video, Hambly says that a police officer took an initial statement.

IMPD told IndyStar Thursday afternoon they were unfamiliar with Hambly making a report at that time.

In fact, the entire article focuses on the fact that there's zero evidence to back up any of Hambly's claims, there's many contradictions to his story, and that the person identified as his "attacker" has suffered far more harassment and harm than Hambly has.

So we have:

No reports from the police until two hours after the fact even though Hambly says he filed a report immediately in the video (that he made before contacting the police).

Claims that the restaurant refused to give him the "surveillance footage" when there's no cameras outside the restaurant.

A claim that a window was broken during the "attack" when there was no attack.

And a news story that focuses almost entirely on the internet "outrage" over an attack there's no evidence actually occurred with a shady GoFundMe attached (this is the second one of these Hambly's run as well, the first being a lawsuit after his lifetime ban from the DCI).

So in online troll who makes a living being an online troll acted like an online troll and forgets that things like "police records" are public documents and can be requested by anyone, and most reporters - even ones who only cover something as trivial as tabletop roleplaying games - knows how to make those requests.

There was no attack at GenCon (I'm at GenCon and live in Indiana), supposedly a fight broke out at a bar three and a half blocks away after hours. Which means GenCon has no liability, and should avoid getting involved. Indiana views this as a misdemeanor such as disorderly conduct which usually is a day in jail and $70 fine IF police have to come and break up the fight. Plus, if you aren't in the hospital bleeding, Indiana police are unlikely to pursue or file assault charges. Indy likes GenCon, so trying to drag GenCon into it will be frowned upon.


Mod Squad
Staff member
No it doesn't. Here's the quote from the article:

You missed some crucial bits there. The article says:

"IMPD told IndyStar Thursday afternoon they were unfamiliar with Hambly making a report at that time."

(emphasis mine)

It also says:

"Shortly before 8 p.m. Thursday, hours after the video was posted, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officers responded to a "delayed assault" by meeting Hambly at a Downtown hotel."

Emphasis again is mine. Of course, if the IMPD didn't speak to Hambly until 8 PM, they could not have had a report that afternoon! We play games about time travel, but we don't actually *do* it! The article is raising the point that Hambly did not speak to the police immediately. He did eventually do so, after posting his video.

Now, let us all note that this supposedly happened at 1 AM, at a bar. What's the mostly likely scenario? One or more people got drunk, made some bad decisions, and got into a scuffle in which nobody seems to have been seriously injured.

From that point on, it is a matter for police or courts, not the opinions of people on messageboards.
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