GenCon Indy 2007, let's shake the male/female ratios--or not, they seem fine here ;)

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Sephera said:
However, it shows a stereotype that might put off SOME women. If those are the only types of shirts available and they make some women uncomfortable, we're going to loose those women before they even try gaming.

Just my 2 coppers, but anyone that lacking in the sense of humor department isn't someone I would want to game with anyway. No real loss...

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Teflon Billy

Sephera said:
Are you saying you want to keep gaming just for men? Do you think the ratio of men to wommen should be higher?

No, I'm not the one saying I want to change the ratio either way. You are.

I'm perfectly comfortable letting anyone who wants to come to Gen Con do so. You are talking about inflating the numbers of, not just attendees in general, but a specific type.

And since there is only one factor you describe (gender), and you want to change it....see where I'm going?

I'm not saying I hate men. I'm just saying that there should be more women in gaming. I'm not pro-female, or anti-male, I'm pro-equality. :D

I think there is equality now. Anyone who wants to come to Gen Con can do so.

Call it "Equality of Opportunity"...I want gamers there. You seem to be using a different criteria.

Besides, women always travel to the restroom in packs, I need a higher ratio of women to choose from if I need a bathroom break. :lol: ! Although I'm guess the line for the ladies room is shorter than the line for the men's room at GenCon. just use the ladies room if there's a line. It's tradition.


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Sephera said:
I've got to learn to be clearer with my meanings. I PERSONALLY like the shirt and will probably find one for me to wear for next GenCon. However, it shows a stereotype that might put off SOME women. If those are the only types of shirts available and they make some women uncomfortable, we're going to loose those women before they even try gaming.
Were they the only types of shirts available, though? Even if they were, are they really that objectionable? They seem to be a far cry from "FBI: Federal Bikini Inspector" to me; if the shirt was asking other women if their d20's were natural or not, I could certainly see cause for offense.

If you find them objectionable, that's certainly your right, as well as voicing your opinion about said objection would be. But since you state that you like the shirt, I wouldn't waste too much time worrying about the potential objections of others, if I were you.

Teflon Billy

Sephera said:
I guess it's my exposure to Girl Scouts rubbing off, I want gaming to be inclusive and the stereotypes that have developed over the years create an exclusive mist around the fun...

Ahh yes. As inclusive as the Girl Scouts...

Are they allowing boys yet? :uhoh:

Teflon Billy

Sephera said:
Booth with female game designers, DMs, etc. Yes, there are women in gaming!

I want to address this one without sarcasm or irony.

I think most everyone involved in the RPG community is well aware of the contributions of Women to the industry, from Lisa Stevens who pried both Dungeon and Dragon magazines away from WotC to form Paizo Publishing to prerennial favorite Rebecca Borgstrom who has meaningfully contributed to nearly every "Boundary Pushing" game in the last decade (and singlehandedly writing Nobilis).

Sue Cook, Michelle Lyons, Michelle Nephew and the redoubtable Nicole Lindroos have all contributed extensively to the industry that we all know and love.

Even early contributors like Lisa Smedman and Andria Hayday made their presence felt.

The list goes on and on.

What I'm saying is that your comment (the one I quoted above) sounds like you think that the women of the RPG world are hidden in backrooms somewhere doing work anonymously and recieving no credit.

I doubt thee women would be at an "all women" booth, or would need any such stunt for exposure...they are out there living it.


First Post
Teflon Billy said:
Call it "Equality of Opportunity"...I want gamers there. You seem to be using a different criteria.

There may be an "Equality of Opportunity," but is as much advertising devoted to bringing women into gaming and going to GenCon as there is for men? Most of the GenCon or bust advertisements were men. I did finally see one for women.

I haven't seen Dorkness Rising, but I heard that they make a really big deal that a woman joined the campaign? That seems to be gender biased to me. The SPA seminars for the "better half" encouraged women to go away from the gaming. I'm certain that somewhere out there is a female that dragged her reluctant male partner to GenCon. Where were his SPA seminars?

I agree there are small pockets of women that get together during GenCon and have a good time. I also admit I have quite a bit of fun with the D&D group I play in that is roughly 60% male vs. 40% female.

So we maintain the ratios of male vs. female at GenCon and increase the numbers on all sides. That's fine with me. I just think it's a shame that the overall impression of GenCon (for most women) is that it's a men's convention. I'm just trying to make women aware of the possibilities of gaming and maybe pull in a few women that might not have ordinarly thought of going to GenCon.

Sometimes it's nice to be one of the guys, but it's also nice to be one of the gals, too.

I guess I could always stick with being happy with a ratio of three guys to every girl. ;)

Did anyone see anywhere at GenCon where you could buy a "H*ll hath no fury like a women's sword" shirt? I like that one too, and it's not quite as bold as the D20 shirt and would be something more women would want to wear and be recognized. But, when I had Torin ask about it while he was there, they weren't for sale. I didn't find out about the D20 shirt until Torin came back home, or I would have asked him to get me one of those, too.

And the pregnant woman goes back to bed to fight again another day.... :(


Teflon Billy

Sephera said:
Did anyone see anywhere at GenCon where you could buy a "H*ll hath no fury like a women's sword" shirt? I like that one too, and it's not quite as bold as the D20 shirt and would be something more women would want to wear and be recognized.

So they'd rather be thought of as "Murderers" than "Large Chested"? :\

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