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Generation Legacy Issue #15


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The actual shaft, although I suppose misleading was actually in the ruined tower, the central building just had the baselines. Considering the teens have free run of the place, they would be able to find that out pretty quickly. Plus Mark was just there.

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Agamon said:
"I've got a number of baseline Pantheon members that will be incinerated by UN forces in less htan 5 minutes. If they are willing to surrender, I'll 'port them to the institute. Where does Obana want them? Tell her I need an answer fast, or it'll be her office."

"Bishop is also very charismatic and clever at making other people do what he wants and Ms. Obana is indisposed at the moment." Gilden replies looking at the unconcious woman in the chair and then glancing at Jun Min. "I will confer with Gadget and get you coordinates."

"Gagdet, I need a containment area for multiple baseline Pantheon members, and I need it as soon as possible, please."


Shalimar said:
"Wanker," Clover mutters under her breath as Paragon speeds off. The British girl reaches up and grabs the cable to ascend up to the Aerodyne with the UN forces.

Mark watched Clover seize the cable to run off with the UN and made note of it. Don't trust Clover. Ever. With anything. At least she's not a teammate. It took him a moment to process that Cassie was supposedly present. He zipped off after Anika and Ryan.

"So no more Clover locating people for us, James is gone and Cassie is here? Anika, can you use your magic to find them?"


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"Bollocks, I took the place of a hostage and made sure her power to track people would still be in UN hands. I couldn't stop them from freeing Bishop, but I could make sure you could hunt him down no matter where on earth he was, so that is what I did. Mitigate since I couldn't stop, I don't have anything to feel guilty about."

Clover listens not really believing what her father was saying, Legacy might not be a shining example of order and discipline, but here were UN Agents, including her father planning on killing them, the lot weren't even of age yet. And doing it eagerly to boot.

"Are you saying that Elites should all be subservient? Is the UN declaring war against all elites who aren't in their service because of what Cardnal has done?" Clover asks warily, dropping Sariyah's power without hesitation, switching to her own to read her father's thoughts, she absolutely had to know him.


Samnell said:
Mark watched Clover seize the cable to run off with the UN and made note of it. Don't trust Clover. Ever. With anything. At least she's not a teammate. It took him a moment to process that Cassie was supposedly present. He zipped off after Anika and Ryan.

"So no more Clover locating people for us, James is gone and Cassie is here? Anika, can you use your magic to find them?"

"Gilden's going to help us," Anika tells Mark. "But I need to start making the portal as soon as know where to put it. This place isn't that big, you could probably find Cassie in less than a minute...if she wants to be found. If not..." Anika sighs. The last thing she wanted was for Cassie to be caught in the blast, but she was going to hide from them, there wasn't much to do about it. "If you can make it back here right away, then you should. If it takes you a while to convince her or takes too long to find her, then just take her and run away from here, I'll come back for you."

She sighs again at Gilden's response. "Sheesh, both Ryan and Gilden had so little faith in my ability to make decisions...but I guess I can't blame...wait, you can hear this can't you? Oy. Just hurry up with those coordinates, please," she mentally says, outwardly blushing in embarrassment.


Cassie focuses on the terrrain and pushes full out. She figured either a tactical grade weapon, Fuel Air or Nuclear, or if the UN REALLY wanted to sanatize the area a strategic nuke or orbital strke.

Of course knowing that pushed her even harder. She would worry about surviving the enviroment AFTER the strike. Assuming she wasn't dead.

Till then, she pushed her engineered form to it's fullest extent. Time to figure how to apply herself later on. And possible who to kill.

OOC: Full out move, AWAY.


Agamon said:
"Gilden's going to help us," Anika tells Mark. "But I need to start making the portal as soon as know where to put it. This place isn't that big, you could probably find Cassie in less than a minute...if she wants to be found. If not..." Anika sighs. The last thing she wanted was for Cassie to be caught in the blast, but she was going to hide from them, there wasn't much to do about it. "If you can make it back here right away, then you should. If it takes you a while to convince her or takes too long to find her, then just take her and run away from here, I'll come back for you."

"Good idea," Mark agreed. He sped off in search of Cassie without waiting for an answer.


First Post
Shalimar said:
"Bollocks, I took the place of a hostage and made sure her power to track people would still be in UN hands. I couldn't stop them from freeing Bishop, but I could make sure you could hunt him down no matter where on earth he was, so that is what I did. Mitigate since I couldn't stop, I don't have anything to feel guilty about."

Clover listens not really believing what her father was saying, Legacy might not be a shining example of order and discipline, but here were UN Agents, including her father planning on killing them, the lot weren't even of age yet. And doing it eagerly to boot.

"Are you saying that Elites should all be subservient? Is the UN declaring war against all elites who aren't in their service because of what Cardnal has done?" Clover asks warily, dropping Sariyah's power without hesitation, switching to her own to read her father's thoughts, she absolutely had to know him.
Clover’s father cocks his head, “Reading my surface thoughts is not a good idea,” he replies, although subtle her mind fails to penetrate his or any of these men in the room, “Upgrades after that debacle with the Brass Orchid, it just would not do with elites mind controlling the UNJE’s finest.”

Commander Hughes looks at his daughter for a long moment, “Declaring war? The war began approximately twenty six hours ago. The moment Cardinal silenced millions of people with her madness, the war was on. Subservient? The first rule of dealing with elites is that you can’t force them to do anything, but you can give them a choice, to do the right thing for the right reasons. The UNJE is purging rogue elements; it is a necessary shakedown and ugly fact of the world we live in. Paragon and his personal security force of elites are the past, joint human and elite operations are the future.”

“This is the reality of the world we live in. Elites and baseline humanity making a future together, free from elite induced tyranny. Making that world a reality is worth fighting for, it is worth dying for, because War is not a nice affair. The goal of war is to kill your enemy, break his toys, and shatter his will to fight back. Men do horrible things in war, and war does horrible things to man. War, child, war never changes,” her father adds. He looks into her eyes, “The UNJE and every world government that has the will to resist is united in one voice, and we will not hand over our freedom to Pantheon. If elites resist and join her side then so be it. They made a choice.”

Mark and Cassie

Mark is just plain faster the Cassie could ever hope to be just as she starts to get to a quick running speed, Mark finds her zipping by her as if she is standing still. The terrain is rough though for both, all out running would only end in them falling and probably hurting themselves quite badly.


SARAH replies, “There is a containment area here in the facility for dangerous refugees, that would be your best point of delivery.”

Gadget arrives out of breath, “Okay… one second… okay…”

Jun Min turns to Gilden, “Where are they going, where is Legacy heading, and more importantly do they have a plan?”

Gadget moves the chair aside and starts clicking away the keys, “Mundane interfaces are so… so lame.”

Back in Iran

The baseline humans don’t understand the teens but they seem compliant which for the moment should suffice.


First Post
"Admirable idea dad, don't need a repeat of that fiasco, but how do you induce such stillness? It has to be an implant, no one has that much control over their involuntary movements, even in UN soldiers and the UN forces are the best." Clover says, sounding genuinely curious, but not really upset or unsettled, she seemed to genuinely believe it was a good thing.

"Do exactly as we say or we'll kill you? Ayup I can see where everyone would be lining up to help the UN." she half jokes in the moking tone that the father and daughter usually banter bank and forth in. They really did get along pretty well most times, more so then with her mother at any rate.

"Enemies to be crushed, not possible friends to be conviced, do you reckon?" she asks. "So long as its a future free of baseline tyranny too I'm sure most wouldn't mind 't'all. Love ta know which most people are fighting for though, Elite Tyranny, Base-line tyranny, tyranny in general, or none o' the above."

"Were you guys there to kill James, or to rescue him? The UN has the resources to have done either."


"Great," Ryan comments, watching Mark speed off. "Now he's gone too. I love this team." While speaking, Ryan flies out of the main building, heading towards the ruined tower with the shaft. "I wonder if it's too late to try ruling with an iron fist," he wonders idly as he peers down the shaft.

"Okay, here's the secret Pantheon hideout. Does anyone else want to go down here, hurt the bad guys, free any prisoners, and find out what they did to James," he calls out to the others.

Voidrunner's Codex

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