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Generation Legacy Issue #7 "Innocence Lost" - Part 1


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Agamon said:
"Strength. Why do I have a feeling he's not going to want to discuss this over tea and crumpets? And Bangkok? Never been. Not sure I ever wanted to be. But hey, that's why they call it work, right?" Anika replies with a grin. "Alright, let's go find find Cap'n Mark, then."

Star waves one more time to Karen, "See you later Karen," she turns back to Anika, "I think Kal and her make a great couple. He is such a nice guy, and despite Aris' claims otherwise, he is not totally oblivious to the obvious," she says with a mischievious tone.

"Ryan what do you think of Anika's outfit, I am so jealous, that she can pull that off," Star adds with a straight face.

SARAH replies, "Mark is in Mr. McCallister's office, they are not to be disturbed at this time."

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"Of course he won't want to discuss things over tea and crumpets; he's not British, remember?" Ryan jokes. "Not sure I ever wanted to go to Bangkok either. Actually, I'm sure that I never wanted to go there myself."

"Quite a commute, to visit across dimensions. And Aris is definitely attracted to Kal, whether he notices it or not. It's written all across her face. And Karen is..." Ryan breaks off what he was going to say suddenly.

Star's question seems to catch Ryan off guard. "Uh, yeah, sure she looks great, but Anika looks great in just about anything," Ryan remarks, smiling at Anika. "I guess we'll just have to wait for our fearless leader to get done with the high level planning and hope he'll have time for us peons."


Anika smiles and looks away a bit shyly at Star's remark. At Ryan's response, her eyes light up. "Good answer," she thinks. She grabs his arm and pulls herself to his side. "You're such a sweetie," she says with a grin.

"You guys think Mark seems a bit distracted at times? Maybe this leadership thing is weighing on him a bit?" she asks, still hanging on Ryan's arm.


Tokiwong said:
“Mark, thanks for being prompt, shut the door,” Mr. McCallister waits for you to do as instructed and take a seat as he walks around his desk and joins Mark in a chair next to him, for a more casual atmosphere. Mark hears the door lock, and the shutters close, and the lights brighten to compensate for the loss of outside light.

A second's stab of panic turned the sound of McCallister's chair settling under his weight into a low drone for an instant when Mark heard the door lock, but for once he quickly gained control of himself.

“I have a few questions for you, but first, I just wanted to take some time to brief you on the outcome of this mornings meeting with the UNJE staff. First off you have a new team member,” he pauses and rubs his temple, “Kelly Mitchell has been selected and added to the roster. She was not my first choice, but the committee seems to think she would make a good member to the team.”

Mark blinked. What did McCallister have against Kelly?

“In the end she is on the team, but you will have to decide, if she is fit for the team. You don’t need to decide now, but observe her, if you say she goes, the UNJE will respect that, if you think you can work pass that issue, then that is your prerogative. But in the end, Mark you are responsible for the team, its readiness, and its health. You are the leader, it’s a big responsibility, but I am sure you can handle it. Its one of the reasons I pushed for you, you have hidden talents that are maturing inside you, and I know I can depend on you to do the right thing for the UNJE and Legacy,” Mr. McCallister says as he leans forward.

Mark nodded slowly after a moment. She's probably just paranoid. Good reason, though. "Ok. I can watch her," he agreed. "She deserves a chance." And if they'll take me for doing things to myself they can take her for having stuff done to her.

“Sorry about that, as leader of Legacy you will be expected to join us at the UNJE Policy meetings as best as your schedule allows. We are having one at ten this morning, don’t worry I know it is sudden, but I will provide you with everything you need to bring you up to speed. I should tell you, everything you’re about to find out is considered on a need to know basis, Mark. No one else, outside of myself, you and the members of the committee need to know this information. You will be properly briefed as to what information has been cleared for declassification, otherwise you keep it to yourself. This is serious business, you disclose something your not supposed, kiss goodbye your position, your membership, and your freedom. The boys upstairs will lock you away so far deep, you will never see the light of day,” he finishes by producing a data card, and hands it to Mark.

"I understand, sir," Mark says gravely as he takes the card.

“By the way your moving rooms, as of today,” he says with a straight face, “Your new room is larger, and secure. You will be living in the East Wing, now as opposed to the West Wing, which means you will have new neighbors like Jun Min and myself. This is for security reasons, you will be privy to information that we don’t need the general student populace having access to. This network is secure, and not built by Tommy McKain,” he adds as if the statement should stand on its own.

"Ok," Mark nodded. With his need for a swim growing more urgent every second he was happy to let McCallister dictate everything happening. It gave him something else to think about. He distantly remembered someone saying he had a problem with authority once, but right now he had it under control.

“It is off the grid, but only used here on campus for secure traffic with the UNJE,” he finishes, his long speech, adjusting his glasses. Mr. McCallister takes a moment to let that all sink in, “Now for my questions, how is your progress on the Honor case coming, and do you require any logistical support, we have a four hundred and seventy million dollar budget we have at our disposal, if you need something just ask.”

I should tell him about Li. Not right now, though. Later. After I get some pool time in. "Nothing really useful yet. His name's Honor and he's a professional. Kelly's bodyguard is digging up some stuff for us. I don't have anything to ask for yet, but I'll keep the money in mind if something comes up."

OOC: Toki, I THINK that's all Mark knows that didn't come straight from the mobster. If his forgetful player left anything out let me know and I'll go back and edit it in. Except for the deal with the Chinese mafia, Mark isn't holding anything back.


First Post
Tokiwong said:

As Karen walks down the hall to join Claire, she spots Star and Anika, talking with each other. Star sees Karen and waves, “Hi Karen, how are you this morning?” the android says in a soft voice.

"Hiya Star, Anika. Uhm yeah see you later."Karen returns the wave, noticing that they are obviously busy with something, she walks on a slight spring in her step, Anika seemed absentminded, she didn't even notice me, probably Legacy stuff, they sure keep them busy ... or maybe Aris has started some kind of hate campaign, nah she couldn't have gotten to Anika this fast.


First Post
Aenion said:
"Hiya Star, Anika. Uhm yeah see you later."Karen returns the wave, noticing that they are obviously busy with something, she walks on a slight spring in her step, Anika seemed absentminded, she didn't even notice me, probably Legacy stuff, they sure keep them busy ... or maybe Aris has started some kind of hate campaign, nah she couldn't have gotten to Anika this fast.

Claire and Karen arrive at the cafeteria, they spot John and Sarah entering as well. There are other students sitting in the cafeteria enjoying breakfast, while the Monitors are on various music stations, sports, and some news.

Claire grabs a table and sits down to eat, "So, you and Kal left pretty early, where did you go?" she says with a mischevious grin.


“Good,” Mr. McCallister replies, “if you need anything just ask Mark, I work for you after all, in a matter of speaking. Well if you don’t have anything else, then you are free to go, meet at the Faculty Conference Room at ten, make sure you go over the info on that data card,” he hands Mark a keycard, “this will give you access to your new room.”

Mr. McCallister gestured to the door, and it unlocks and the shutters open. “I am glad we had this conversation, if you need anything my door is always open, Mark,” he says standing up.

Anika and Ryan

Star replies to Anika, “I think Mark just has a big responsibility now. Something he has never had, considering where he has come from. It’s strange for him, but he tries hard, its just very hard for him. But swimming helps him relax, I just think he needs time.”

Star turns to Ryan, “He just needs the support of his friends on the team.”

Hammerhead said:
"Quite a commute, to visit across dimensions. And Aris is definitely attracted to Kal, whether he notices it or not. It's written all across her face. And Karen is..." Ryan breaks off what he was going to say suddenly.

Star pauses, “And Karen is… is what?” she turns her attention fully to Ryan.


First Post
Tokiwong said:
Claire and Karen arrive at the cafeteria, they spot John and Sarah entering as well. There are other students sitting in the cafeteria enjoying breakfast, while the Monitors are on various music stations, sports, and some news.

Claire grabs a table and sits down to eat, "So, you and Kal left pretty early, where did you go?" she says with a mischevious grin.

She nods towards John and Sarah and sits down across of Claire "We just explored the city a bit. I figured it would be best Aris and I aren't together in the same room for too long, but I can't really blame her, considering..." she trails off as she speaks.


First Post
Aenion said:
She nods towards John and Sarah and sits down across of Claire "We just explored the city a bit. I figured it would be best Aris and I aren't together in the same room for too long, but I can't really blame her, considering..." she trails off as she speaks.

Claire grins, as she eats some grapes, "Exploring the city huh? I am so sure, Karen. And I wouldn't worry about Aris she is just jealous that you have such a hottie for a boyfriend and she does not. Don't worry about her," Claire adds, "Kal is all yours!"


First Post
Tokiwong said:
Claire grins, as she eats some grapes, "Exploring the city huh? I am so sure, Karen. And I wouldn't worry about Aris she is just jealous that you have such a hottie for a boyfriend and she does not. Don't worry about her," Claire adds, "Kal is all yours!"

"If you put it that way, I'm sure you're right," she says, a big smile on her lips, but it quickly fades, "I'm not really worried about Kal, but more about what Aris might do. She's still an alien princess and I'm sure she's used to getting whatever she wants. Add to that, that Kal and Aris were engaged a some time ago, but that's a long story apparently and I still have to 'interogate' Kal on that," she adds with a mischievous smile.


First Post
Aenion said:
"If you put it that way, I'm sure you're right," she says, a big smile on her lips, but it quickly fades, "I'm not really worried about Kal, but more about what Aris might do. She's still an alien princess and I'm sure she's used to getting whatever she wants. Add to that, that Kal and Aris were engaged a some time ago, but that's a long story apparently and I still have to 'interogate' Kal on that," she adds with a mischievous smile.

"Engaged?! Oh my god, how did that happen, oh you have to get the story on that, that is so crazy! I wonder what happened, it sounds like a great story! Well I have been busy myself, your not the only one having fun, I have been seeing this baseline in town, really nice guy, works at a restaraunt as a cook, really cute, real athletic. He is a native, but really, really cute, after everyone left, I went and hung out with him last night. We had a really, really good time," she smiles mischeviously.

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