D&D 5E Get The Vecna Dossier Free At D&D Beyond

WotC is offering a free product which you can claim by signing into D&D Beyond, including Vecna’s 5E statistics.

The dossier includes the stat block plus a half page or so of lore. Vecna's stat block is a CR 26 undead wizard, prior to the fallen paladin (and former bodyguard to the lich) Kas's betrayal. That means he still has his hand and eye, although he is a time traveller and can appear in different worlds and eras.


The archlich Vecna is one of the most iconic villains of Dungeons & Dragons lore. And now you can bear witness to his necromantic magic with the Vecna Dossier! Available at no cost with your D&D Beyond account, this thrilling supplement details the legacy and statistics of the Undying King himself!

This claim unlocks the contents of this promotional supplement for use with D&D Beyond, including the supplement in digital format in the game compendium and in the searchable listings, character builder, encounters, and digital sheet.


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I sure as heck wouldn't read it that way. I don't understand why anyone would think that Quickened Spell or Subtle Metamagic have anything to do with Counterspell.

The Monk's got a chance, though. A small chance.
I believe it comes down to another section about "identifying a spell being cast." And counterpelling implies you have to know a spell is being cast. However, Vecna's description in the adventure says:

"Vecna can ascertain the capabilities of spellcasters and identify the spells they cast without making an ability check."

So that implies subtle spell will not effectively block his ability to counterspell. So really @Thomas Rainsborough is down to a build that can dual cast (since Vecna can only use one counterspell per turn) and the open handed monk that can bypass Vecna's reaction protection. I just don't find that to be a big deal. That being said, it would be easy to make it so that he has protection against even these builds, but I don't personally need WotC to do that form me (I know my players best), but I understand some do.

They really need to use legendary actions and resistance more, not less. It’s one of the best new mechanics of the edition.
While a really like Legendary Actions (and think it is a great addition to the game) I am always interested in seeing a different approach. This one works fairly well too. I mean on than the action protection the reactions act very similar to LA. I mean he gets a reaction (up to 3 - sounds familiar) any time a creature attacks him or cast a spell, so that covers almost all situations.

I am less satisfied with Legendary Resistance. It does its intended job well, but is pretty punitive and I wish they came up with other methods to achieve the same goal. I like how A5e does it myself.

It's not the way I would have designed Vecna, but the numbers do work, and summoning Shadows as a lair action is totally brutal.
What is interesting to me is that I have never thought of making a statblock for Vecna when he is just a lich and not a god. So I could easily use this, with a few minor tweaks, as a starting spot of Vecna and then upgrade to make a divine statblock for him.

The real MVP cantrip here is Chill Touch. 120ft range and no 80 hp healing.
And it is instantly counterspelled. Full 80 hp healing.
Edit: I also think the Iggwilv stat block murders this one in a one on one fight
I don't see it. Vecna can reliably punish Igg with 116 DPR (68 with her save, though she is not proficient in it she does have advantage on the save and LR). While Vecna has resistance to most of her attacks, has proficiency in the saves she targets, 5 LR, more hit points, and can reliably regenerate 80 hp/ round. Since Igg can only reliably inflict about 36 DPR against Vecna, she is not going to be able to get through his regeneration on a pure damage basis. What could be an issue for Vecna is her add on abilities / conditions. However, Vecna has good saves versus her actions (needs to roll a 10 at worst) and has 5 auto saves in his pocket. I actually think Vecna destroys Igg in a 1 v 1. She is not built for that fight. The one wild card is wish.

The problem is it's not an option. Its all they give you.
It is always an option. A statblock is not exhaustive, I can always add more to it as I see fit.

The previous spellcasting statblock just gave a name. If I have to look up a spell anyway, picking one too is not much more work.

That being said, I wouldn't mind if Vena's statblock had more spells or simple said he could use any and all spells 1/Day. I would still rely on the abilities actually listed in the statblock in the majority of situations. I just don't a statblock to tell me Vecna can cast Power Word Kill or whatever. He just can, if I want him too.

Hmmm, Vecna verses Acererak! Fight!
It's very close, but I think Acererak has a better chance of winning? Just with their unalterded statblocks:

Mind Blank blocks Vecna's regen and he has no Detect Magic or Identify, so no way of knowing that's up. Vecna can only hurt Ace with a resisted Lightning Bolt, and while Ace cant really cast spells reliably with that fair and balanced™ Dread Counterspell, he can throw arround the Sphere of Annihilation, once on his turn and as a Legendary Action. The save DC is low, but Vecna has no proficiency on the save, so once he burns the LRs, he has a 50/50 chance of making the save. He could try to take over the sphere, but with the Talisman of the Sphere, Ace has a much better chance of controling the sphere than Vecna, and with the extra range provided by the Talisman of the Sphere, Ace should be in a much better and safe position should the sphere momentarily escape his control.

So, with a 50/50 chance of taking damage from the sphere that comes twice per round, Vecna is taking an average of 22 unresisted damage on his 272 hp once his 5 LRs run out. He dies on an average of 17 rounds.

On average, Acererak isn't making the dex save from Lightning Bolt, but he resists the damage, so he is taking on average 14 damage on his 285 hp. He dies on an average of 21-22 rounds.

It's close, but on average, Acererak should win more often than Vecna.

Is there some sort of "export as PDF" option. I don't use DNDB at all so I'm feeling old and out of touch.

Character sheets can be exported to PDF. For books (adventures, maps scenarios etc.) I think your only option is to use the print to pdf feature. At least from what I've seen.

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