Getting around antimagic PC's.


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quote: original post by Wish
Let me get this straight. Your high level PCs are fighting a high level wizard, and they've had the temerity to defend themselves against magic? And now you want to know how to screw them over? Sounds to me like your PCs are simply acting intelligently. I don't really see why you have to go to great lengths to punish them for it. As a DM, sometimes you have to admit that your players have done something unexpected and effective. Rather than railroading them to get your plot back on track, you need to roll with it and weave a new plot that takes into account the new direction that the PCs have chosen. The DM isn't supposed to "win". And the DM isn't supposed to tell a predestined story and force the characters to go along with it. People who do that are called novelists, not DMs.

I suppose it had to happen eventually. Getting flamed by some dumba$$ who doesn't know me, the situation and who presumes a single situation defines a persons DMing style.

I am the last DM on the planet you should consider a Novelist. I have been playing D&D since it was an expansion of Chainmail and view RPG gaming as a combination of advanced game playing evolution and most importantly, GROUP STORYTELLING. My players do more through their actions to determine the direction and number of plotlines in our campaign than I do as a DM. I have had small bar and backroom locales blossom into huge warrens of organized crime because of an offhand comment made by a player. Often I am simply the mechanic that builds the story framework for the tale they have determined we want to tell. I come to the table every week prepared to let the PCs do anything they like. They do not need to tell me that they are going plane tripping or dragon hunting or burgularizing some worthy's home. They can pursue any interest anywhere and I put it together as we go. They do, I adjucate. That's the job. The basic principles of storytelling however should be maintained. One of these principles is story arc. Read Robert Mckee's "Story" if this is beyond your grasp.

WE had determined to start a second campaign and eventually tie the two campaigns together as the more developed campaign advanced into epic levels. The implementation of this, as the primary DM, was left to me. This particular BBEG (and there are multiple BBEGs in this campaign) is key to the tying together of the two story lines. The players do not know this and if I let my players have unhindered access to the structure, the only way to keep 8 months of realtime track laying useful would require serious railroading of the PCs.

AS TO THIS PARTICULAR SITUATION, I have no objections to PCs using good tactics and I will not nerf their actions if they play in a way that defeats my NPC no matter how it MIGHT change the story. I , however, have a job, a pregnant wife, a child and a house I am rebuilding and don't have unlimited time to solve the problems created by six intelligent players. Therefore, I came here looking for the assistance of the imaginative folks here to help me find a subtle way to help my NPC hold off the PCs for the short term. All the previous posters helped with that. You, Wish, did not. If the speed with which you come to character judgements is any indication of YOUR DMing style I consider myself fortunate not to be involved in any of your games.

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Here's one that's sure to please:

Trolls - lots and lots of Trolls. With Adamantine Armor (if possible).

Things that are good about this backup plan:
* the inability of the PCs to bring fire or acid to bear on the Horde-o-Trolls
* Rending hapless PCs over reliant on magic to beef up the defenses
* The look on the players' faces when they realize that their enemy has royally screwed them by capitalizing on their own tactics.

Trolls aren't even needed, a horde of plain, common kobolds with bunches of crossbows that the wizard cast Mass Fly upon and two or three of them with an Invisibility Sphere.

PCs won't be able to harm them because A) they can't see them as See Invisibility is a spell and B) They probably can't Fly without magic, and if they used ranged attacks it wouldn't be that effective. They have a lower AC within the field, making the kobold's have an easier them to hit them en masse.

The wizard just has to be scrying, a contingency or readied action to teleport in when the antimagic field is down.

Statwise, give kobolds masterwork light crossbows and masterwork arrows, and with the height bonus they should have a +5 attack bonus, and as they're invisible, their opponents lose their Dex mod to AC-meaning most of the kobolds probably have a 50% chance each of hitting the PCs, even more if they're just targetting the caster of the field, who prolly has an AC of around 10 when caught flat footed and with no magic or armor. If this isn't enough, the wizard can use Cat's Grace on the kobolds, and assuming the average of a 3 is rolled, that attack bonus is boosted up to +7 (since they would have 16 Dex). If there's a kobold sorcerer there, he could use True Strike, or, if you're using Relics and Rituals II, Mass True Strike would mean they all hit. If you *really* want to be nasty, you can use poisons as well.

Congrats, you've just TPK'd a party with about 2 dozen Kobolds ;) (Or at least scared them off)
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First Post
The most obvious defense against antimatic is, well, non-magical attackers. Bear in mind: inside the antimagic field, the PCs don't get any of their magical augmentations either, which means none of them are likely to have ACs much above 20, and the poor wizard is likely to have an AC of 11-13. A bunch of attackers with missile weapons will be particularly unpleasant.

green slime

First Post
There are also non-magical attack forms: Acid, Fire, Smoke (hard to breathe, and cuts down on all vision), Quicksand. That fullplated fighter in AMF who, while walking through a smoke filled room, falls through the floor into a huge tank of water, is in for some hurt... His companions may hear the crash/splosh as he falls in, but finding him won't be easy, his swim skill isn't.


First Post
TuDogz said:
They are using the AMF in a primarily defensive function. His problem is breaching this defense so he can hit them with a couple of knockout shots. He already has them back on their heels with two delayed blast FBs and by dominating their barbarian. They have now closed ranks and thrown up an AMF.

Do they literally cluster around him? If they are usually spread out over a small area, use traps. A couple of illusions, like a solid floor with a pit trap containing a shaft full of green slime. Or a rock/boulder suspended in a cavity the ceiling, again covered by an illusion. (Or combine the two, even). When they pass through, use the AMF to set off the traps. It may only get one or two, but... and if you have a couple of minor henchmen or expendable servants, like kobolds/orcs/your choice of dead meat walking, harass the party with missiles, so they chase the distraction into or through your traps. Of course, it depends how canny your players are, so please feel free to take this with a grain of salt...

green slime

First Post
Crass said:

Do they literally cluster around him? If they are usually spread out over a small area, use traps. A couple of illusions, like a solid floor with a pit trap containing a shaft full of green slime.

Here we go again... How come I get to take care of all the nasty horrible adventurers? Why don't I ever get the virgin maidens? All these adamantine swords and armours cause indigestion I tell you... All I want is some nice juicy elf maiden.
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First Post
Here we go again... How come I get to take care of all the nasty horrible adventurers? Why don't I ever get the virgin maidens? All these adamantine swords and armours cause indigestion I tell you... All I want is some nice juicy elf maiden.

Don't worry Green Slime. One nasty adventurer is a half-elf tidbit with a 31 Cha before you eat her thigh high boots off. Another is a 26 Cha school marm Sorceror who likes to tell you what to do. Sorry, no virgins. If I can fool their very canny thief you'll have Good Eating!


First Post
green slime said:

Here we go again... How come I get to take care of all the nasty horrible adventurers? Why don't I ever get the virgin maidens? All these adamantine swords and armours cause indigestion I tell you... All I want is some nice juicy elf maiden.

Sorry, no offence intended. Replace Green Slime with - do we have any Gelatinous Cubes on the board, anyone? :) Or if the party consists of halflings, maybe have a Bulette wqait at the bottom of the shaft?

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