Pathfinder 2E Getting started with PF2

My players have no interest in OSR games. They feel like there's not enough options, characters are too weak, etc.
IDK that I would call if OSR (despite what the author says), feels more like 5e light to me. However, it does have fewer options and is more deadly.
In fact, if I can get them away from 5e long enough to try Pathfinder, I feel like it will be a major accomplishment.
I know you have a history of TPKs with PF2, are you worried they will feel to weak because of that?

They're caught up in the "lifestyle brand" mentality.
I don’t know what this means, care to clarify?

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I know you have a history of TPKs with PF2, are you worried they will feel to weak because of that?
I haven't had one recently. I think I've learned how to adjust it better. I'm far more likely to have a TPK in 5e now than PF2.
I don’t know what this means, care to clarify?
"Lifestyle brand" meaning they like "Dungeons & Dragons (tm)." They wear D&D t-shirts, dice bags, etc. Other games are "knock offs" or "generic."

Thomas Shey

My players have no interest in OSR games. They feel like there's not enough options, characters are too weak, etc.
In fact, if I can get them away from 5e long enough to try Pathfinder, I feel like it will be a major accomplishment. They're caught up in the "lifestyle brand" mentality.

This is, by the by, another indication that you and your players kind of fundamentally want different things. Your reaction to the complexities in PF2e is very on the nose: the truth is, you can't have a lot of player options without either some complexity or a lot of very ad-hoc GM involvement (and how satisfactory the latter will be to people, to understate it, varies considerably). The two pieces of rope just don't meet in the middle.

I haven't had one recently. I think I've learned how to adjust it better. I'm far more likely to have a TPK in 5e now than PF2.

"Lifestyle brand" meaning they like "Dungeons & Dragons (tm)." They wear D&D t-shirts, dice bags, etc. Other games are "knock offs" or "generic."
Thank you for the clarifications!

Voidrunner's Codex

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