• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Giants of Legend


Bought 2 boxes, got a Treant and a Huge Red as my huge minis. Unfortunately, I wanted a Bulette and a Behir. :(

One rare was King Snurre (cool!), the other was the Young Master (blargh! whose bright idea was it to have a monk rare?). I also got 2 ettercaps (nice minis, but who ever uses ettercaps?) and 2 Aramils, but otherwise am pretty happy.

And that huge red is pretty nice! :)

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I'm really, really happy with the distribution of the D&D minis. I ordered 18 packs, and even bought three more when I picked up Eberron (hey, it's all tax deductible!) and I have all the commons and uncommons, all the huges except for the gold dragon, and most of the rares. I even lucked out with my rare duplicates - 2 King Snurres and 2 fire giants will make for a good high level brute squad, and two manticores and two large skeletons sound just about right for what I need.

I was particularly happy with the Scarlet Brotherhood monk, the dire rat (got 8 total!), and the gnoll sergeant. The paint jobs have gotten a *lot* better. The PC minis look especially good, though my Redgar's face is a bit on the blobby side.
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I want 3 or 4 Bullettes... but that's me. I'm not to interested in the giants. I might keep the REALLY good ones like a Dragon or Behir, but I'll probably put the others on ebay to refund a bit of my habit. (Bought 1 case, should be getting it on Monday)


Really like this set: I think they're the best release of minis so far. The Huges are all just great. The Behir is probably my favorite, but the bullette is great, too. The smaller minis are nice, too. Pieces like the Protectar, Lord Soth, Lareth the Beautiful and a whole bunch of others that are really well done, even some fairly common ones, like the City Guard.

The best part of this set, other than the huge figures, was the fact that I looked at some figures, not knowing what most of them would be, and immediately pegged what they were. There's something really cool about looking at a figure and saying "Hey, this guy looks just like Lord Soth...hey, He IS Lord Soth! Cool!" :)

We bought 1 case - Here's what we got so far for the huges. Not bad - got 9 of the 12.

Cloud Giant
Treant (2)
Warforged Titan
Bulette (2)
Fiendish T-rex
Storm Giant
Formorian (2)

Here's the few we are missing.

Huge Gold Dragon
Huge Red Dragon
Glabrezu (huge)
Dire Wolf
Blue SLaad
Frost giant
Lich Necromancer
Red Wyrmling
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First Post
WizDru, what rare doubles do you have?

I happen to have gotten doubles of Mordenkainen and the Lich Necromancer in my case (much to my annoyance).


Jeb McDonald said:
Very jealous of a buddy of mine. He paid for the other 2 boxes of my first case. Got Snurre and the Frost Giant as his rares and the Bulette and Huge Red Dragon as his huge minis!

I am that buddy. Three things I noticed. The monsters (dire rat, basilisk, and displacer serpent) are painted much nicer than the humanoids. At least I think so.

The two "large" giants I got (forst and king snurre) are ~25% taller than my silver dragon from set two (or three I can't remember now).

The Huge red dragon is anbout the same size as a 12 oz soda or beer can. This thing is huge!

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