D&D 5E Giving Classes an Additional Saving Throw? (+)

Also, it particularly bugs me that Monks are STR+DEX rather than DEX+WIS. Strength is practically a dump stat for monks.
Every class has one strong save (DEX, CON, WIS) and one weak save (STR, INT, CHA), so Monks cannot start with DEX and WIS since that would be two strong saves.

Also, I think it is also a bit to help with avoiding being knocked down or locked in position since being mobile is a big thing for monks. Especially if you dump STR for your monks, having proficiency in the save is even more important!
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More or less.

Casters have to cast spells to boost saves or get immunities.

Noncaster don't so should get 2 more saves.

I could go up to proficient in all saves. Monks get this level 14 iirc but stagger it out ivery three-4 levels or so imho.

My champion would end up proficient all saves, third attack lvl 10, 4th 15, proficient all saves and crits 16+.

My preference would be to give each class two more Half (round down) Proficiency saves, one common and one uncommon. For example I would give Wizards Half bonus to DEX saves (they are smart enough to know when to get out of the way) and CHA saves (strong Willpower) while Rogues would get half bonus to WIS saves (they've learned not to be fooled) and to CHA saves (street smarts).

My preference would be to give each class two more Half (round down) Proficiency saves, one common and one uncommon. For example I would give Wizards Half bonus to DEX saves (they are smart enough to know when to get out of the way) and CHA saves (strong Willpower) while Rogues would get half bonus to WIS saves (they've learned not to be fooled) and to CHA saves (street smarts).
Actually, this is sort of what I was planning anyway, but make is so each PC has three proficient saves (two RAW + one -- the purpose of this thread) and three half proficient saves (as you are suggesting).

For example, Barbarians get STR/CON and I was thinking of adding DEX. So, at 1st level it would be the following for saving throws:

STR +2
DEX +2
CON +2
INT +1
WIS +1
CHA +1

Actually, this is sort of what I was planning anyway, but make is so each PC has three proficient saves (two RAW + one -- the purpose of this thread) and three half proficient saves (as you are suggesting).

For example, Barbarians get STR/CON and I was thinking of adding DEX. So, at 1st level it would be the following for saving throws:

STR +2
DEX +2
CON +2
INT +1
WIS +1
CHA +1
Hi, if you want that to stay balanced then you should probably set it up so that each class has proficiency in the same number of important saves, a class with full proficiency in DEX and CON and WIS saves may be too good, while a class with full proficiency in only one of those three and in two uncommon saves may be too weak by comparison.

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