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D&D General GM's Closet for the CONAN RPG

Water Bob


Here's a pic of Conan in what he might wear in Argos.

He wears a toga, but you can't see the top as it is covered by his armor. Note his bare arms. You can see the skirt of the toga flap around his legs.

Around his waist, he wears a horse-hair girdle. Conan must not have much money. I'm sure the girdle does its job, keeping his weapon belt from digging into his skin and cutting off the circulation. On his left hip, you can see part of the scabbard for the war sword he carries You can tell that the weapon is war sword not only by its sheer size but also by the hilt that is long enough to accommodate two-handed swings.

His feet, although you can't see them, are covered by heavy leather boots. He's tied cloth with leather straps up to his knees to act as stockings.

On his left wrist, he sports a brass bracer. It's not very long (some cover half of the forearm), which, again, tells me that Conan, in this pic, is low on coin. But, the bracer is hard metal, on his shield hand, that offers at least some protection against incoming thrusts of an enemy's blade.

On his right wrist, he has tied up leather straps. He may use the straps for armor maintenance and the like, but it serves a dual purpose soaking up sweat on his weapon hand--a slim measure to keep his weapon hilt dry during combat.

It looks like Conan, as he is known to do, has spent the majority of his coin on his main equipment--his sword and his armor. The base price for a war sword is 150 pieces of silver, no small sum. Conan prizes his weapon over armor, so that is where the Cimmerian would spend most of his wealth.

His armor is Argossean scale. Scale corselets like this are very popular among mercenaries. They start out around 100 silver pieces.

Note that Conan doesn't even have a coin purse, unless it hangs around his neck, under his armor, or fits on his weapon belt at the small of his back. The fact that Conan doesn't have a second weapon showing--which he always has when able--tells me that he can't afford a knife or dagger (maybe he has one attached to his boot).

Methinks that what wealth he has left, he is wearing: The thick earring hanging from his right lobe, the metal band around his left bicept, and to a lesser extent, the brass bracer on his left wrist. It is these things that he will trade when he bargains for ale or a stick of beef in the taverns of Messantia.

Game-stat wise:

The War Sword does 1d12 damage and a Critical Threat on a 19 or 20. Armor Piercing = 3.

The Scale Corselet protects him to the tune of Damage Reduction = 5. Maximum DEX bonus is +3. And, his speed is reduced to 25' per round (normally 30' per round) due to the restrictions of the armor.

The brass bracer, the earring, and the arm band are worth whatever can get for them. It depends on who he is selling them to, the circumstances of the trade, and Conan's skill at bargaining.


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Water Bob


The thief in this picture is totally functional and low budget.

That's a Ghanata Knife in his right hand. It's got a blade that is nearly two-feet long--commonly used by the tribesmen in the Southern Desert. His weapon wrist sports a makeshift bracer, simply made of cloth and wrapped with leather cord. This keeps sweat off his weapon hilt. But, if he needs to tie up someone, he'll shove the cloth in their mouths and bind their hands and feet with the leather cord. And, look at his waist...a grappling hook and rope. He goes barefoot in order to keep his steps silent.

You can see a leather jerkin poking out from under his clothes at his shoulder, but he wears baggy tunic and breeks. The breeks are tied at the calves with leather cord. From a distance, he looks like a generic commoner or peasant. And, that's what he wants. He wants to blend in. He wants no one to remember him.

His head is covered by a kafieh. The cloth that is normally used to keep sand out of his mouth on the desert he uses here to cover most of his face. Only his eyes can be seen.

You can't see it, but on his other hip, he has a large cloth loot bag. Now, it is folded in his weapon belt, but when it is filled, he'll pull the drawstring and swing it over his shoulder or tie it to his waist.

The most interesting thing about the thief shown below is that he is not from the southern desert lands. He's an Argossean, born and bred. Any town guard working off an eyewitness description will be searching for a Shemite that broke in and stole the goods.


Ghanata Knife does 1d8 damage and scores a Critical Threat on a natural 20. Criticals are x2 damage. Armor Piercing = 1. And, the knife can be thrown (10' increments).

Leather Jerkin has Damage Reduction 4, with maximum DEX bonus of +6. Speed is not hampered with the jerkin, so the thief moves at his base 30'.


Water Bob


1st level Argossean Thief

Sex: Male
Age: 31
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 189 lbs.
Handedness: Right

STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 15 (+2)
CON: 10
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 14 (+2)

HP: 4
Fate: 1
XP: 0
Speed: 40

Parry: AC 11
Dodge: AC 12

Initiative: +3
Fort: +0
Ref: +3
Will: -1

BAB: +0
Melee: +1
Finesse: +2
Ranged: +2

Code of Honor: None

LANGUAGES: Argossean (native), Shemitish, Zingaran, Stygian, Aquilonian, Kothic.

PROFECIENCY FEATS: Simple Weapon Proficiency (All), Martial Weapon Proficiency (Light and One-Handed only), Armor Proficiency (Light).

1st LEVEL FEAT: Fleet-Footed.

ABILITIES: Dispatching Blow* (Club), Trap Disarming.

*Dispatching Blow is an alternative from The Warrior's Companion. The thief takes Dispatching Blow in place of the normal Sneak Attack ability. Dispatching Blow works mechanically just like Sneak Attack, except that the extra damage with a specialized weapon is 1d10 (plus 1d10 per two Thief Levels). Non-specialized weapons do 1d6 extra damage. The Dispatching Blow cannot be used in flanks or when the thief has successfully snuck up on his target. It can only be used on the first round of combat when the thief has caught his opponent flat footed.)

36 class skill points: 2 - Bluff, 4 - Climb, 4 - Jump, 2 - Open Lock, 4 - Slight of Hand, 2 - Move Silently, 4 - Hide, 4 - Spot, 4 - Tumble, 3 - Appraise, 3 - Decipher Script

Hyborian Adaptability: Tumble, Sleight of Hand

Hyborian Background Skills: Bluff, Open Lock, Escape Artist, Move Silently


+6 Bluff
+5 Climb
+6 Gather Information

+5 Jump
+6 Open Lock
+8 Sleight of Hand

+6 Move Silently
+6 Hide
+1 Search

+6 Balance
+6 Use Rope
+5 Knowledge (Local/Shaipur Region of Argos)

+8 Tumble
+2 Diplomacy
+2 Disguise

+4 Escape Artist
+3 Spot
-1 Listen

-1 Sense Motive
+1 Profession (Sailor)
+2 Perform

+4 Appraise
+4 Decipher Script
+1 Disable Device

+1 Forgery
+2 Intimidate


+0 Concentration
+1 Craft (Alchemy)
+2 Handle Animal

-1 Heal
+1 Knowledge (Geography)
+1 Knowledge (History)

+1 Knowledge (Religion)
+2 Ride
+1 Survival

+1 Swim

CLOTHING: Cheap leather shoes (but many times, he goes barefoot), ragged breeks (frayed just below the knees), and a homespun tunic. He does wear a maroon tebenna, which is frayed on the ends. Loincloth. Belt, and weapon belt. A single belt pouch is strapped to his belt.

Renzo does what he can to keep clean, as most Argosseans do, but often times Renzo has no place to wash. It is not unusual for him to smell, with his clothes quite dirty. But, he always cleans up his rags as best he can when he has the opportunity.

EQUIPMENT: Lacquered tree branch, cut as a club, with leather wrapped around the smaller end and a leather wrist strap. Renzo made this club himself, with the help of a smith he knows in town. The smith added metal rivets to make the branch more of a weapon. He ties the strap around his weapon belt to allow the club to hang from his waist, using a quick-pull knot.

Renzo's prized possession is a crossbow that he has stolen, and he's quite intrigued by the weapon. He's got a bolt quiver that hangs across his chest from a wide belt to where the quiver rests on his hip, making it easy to draw them quickly. The crossbow is cocked by placing a foot in the weapon's stirrup, then pulling the line back to its cocked position. Doing this often hurts Renzo's hands, and he's on the lookout for a loading lever, but those things are damn expensive. The crossbow is the nicest item Renzo has ever owned. When he's working around allies, he will prepare the crossbow, making it ready to fire, then leave it in a bazaar stall with a merchant friend. If trouble breaks out, Renzo has, as an option, the hidden crossbow, waiting for him to recover and use. The bolt quiver is small and only holds 10 bolts for the weapon.

Renzo has acquired some cheap, stiff, cowhide that has been fashioned into chest armor. Nothing about it looks fashionable at all, and anyone who sees it will recognize it as the cheapest kind of armor protection. But, the armor is stout enough to qualify as a leather jerkin. Renzo's friends, when they see him wearing the armor, know that he is working.

At this time, Renzo has no wealth in the form of coins, gems, or jewelry to speak of. In addition, Renzo, himself, has been victim to theft. Someone has stolen his set of thieves tools--tools that are very expensive and hard to come by. Renzo would very much like to find the thief who took them.

DESCRIPTION & BACKGROUND: Renzo is a street orphan who has grown up alone, fending for himself in the various towns of the Shaipur region of Argos. He has no home and sleeps where ever he can find a spot. He has become known to many merchants, and some have become his friends. They feed him or let him stay in the stable over night while he is in town. In return, Renzo will never rob these folks. In fact, he tries to target foreigners and travelers and those who bring their goods to market. Renzo's main trade is of that as a cut purse and pick pocket. He travels the cities of the Shaipur, always looking for appropriate targets. He will never take from those in dire need. Often times, he has gone hungry because of this.

Renzo has a slim build, but he looks like he's becoming a bit pudgy. He has bushy black hair and dark brown eyes. He can't grow a full beard, but he usually stubble or thin growth on his face. His mustache is quite thin. He shaves when he has the opportunity.

Suggested Play: When the PCs are in town, secretly allow Renzo to pick pocket them. If he's successful, don't draw attention to the NPC. Just let the players discover the lost equipment or wealth the next time that they reach for it. This could be hours or even days later. The players will have no idea how they lost the item.

Renzo will often follow foreigners around the Shaipur as they travel from city to city. He especially likes stalking merchant caravans this way. He won't follow them closely, though. He'll just note which road his targets took out of town, and Renzo will show up in that town a few hours later or the next day when the market opens. He'll wait around in the market until he sees his target, then go to work.

Recently, Renzo has worked out a routine with Kremm. Kremm causes a slight distraction--something just enough to get the target's attention. Sometimes, this means that Kremm engages the target in conversation. Other times, Kremm will start an argument with a close vendor within sight of the target. In game terms, Kremm's efforts distract the target of Renzo's pick pocket or cut purse attempt, giving the target a -5 penalty on his Spot check to detect Renzo's Slight of Hand attempt. Without Kremm's help, Renzo will sometimes bump into the target, excusing himself for the contact--and that is enough to distract the target (until the player catches on). Though this is a more dangerous method of Renzo plying his trade as the victims soon remember who bumped into them when items are discovered missing.

Hopefully, Renzo will be able to steal from the PCs at least twice before the players start noticing a pattern. If Renzo is ever caught, he'll flee. He's not a fighter. The character's Fleet-Footed Feat, plus his skills in Balance, Climb, and Jump, makes Renzo excellent at chases. If the PC catch Renzo, the PCs will have a grand old chase on their hands, busting through chicken coups, darting down narrow alleys between buildings, and jumping across roof tops. Remember that Renzo has been in these towns his entire life. He will know where all the quick hiding places are, making it seem as if he disappeared from the PC's grasp by magic. If in a town where Renzo has allies, some of the merchants, themselves, will help the thief elude any chasers.

The GM should play Renzo so that the character uses his full ability to elude the players. Renzo can even become a type of recurring villain (though Renzo is hardly a real villain). If caught, with no where to run, Renzo will try to use his high CHR and Bluff skill (or possibly, Diplomacy) to talk his way out of the situation. He'll even make deals to help the PCs in some way--maybe through information barter. Renzo will exchange what he knows for his life. Renzo will cry and beg and do whatever is needed to keep from being killed by the PCs (Remember the John Turturro begging scene in Miller's Crossing?). To play this correctly, the GM needs to pull out all the stops when roleplaying Renzo in order to make the PCs feel sorry for him.

Renzo, though he has made little out of himself, has spent his entire life in this region of Argos. He often travels from town to town, and he's become a good information source for those needing to know things. He can use this ability for the PCs. Renzo will bargain with it. Also, Renzo knows most of the elders in the towns. He's learned to sell them information. So, there are several ways that this character can be helpful to the party.
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Water Bob


1st level Argossean Commoner

Sex: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 174 lbs.
Handedness: Right

STR: 11
DEX: 15 (+2)
CON: 15 (+2)
INT: 13 (+1)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 13 (+1)

HP: 4
Fate: 1
XP: 0
Speed: 30

Parry: AC 10
Dodge: AC 12

Initiative: +2
Fort: +2
Ref: +2
Will: -1

BAB: +0
Melee: +0
Finesse: +2
Ranged: +2

Code of Honor: None

LANGUAGES: Argossean (native), Shemitish, Zingaran, Kush, Aquilonian, Kothic.

PROFECIENCY FEATS: Simple Weapon Proficiency (Argossean Dagger only).

The Argossean Dagger is listed in S&P, in the article The Dagger - Every Thief's Best Ally. The weapon costs 3 sp, does 1d4 damage, with a Critical Threat on 19-20/x2. Armor Piercing 1, that goes to zero if thrown more than 10 feet. Weapons HP: 2. Hardness: 10. Weight: 1 lb. It is a slashing and piercing weapon.

The Argossean Dagger is a version of the common dagger. The blade is thicker than normal for a dagger, and it is a perfect tool for cutting thick rope or sail cloth. Using this dagger grants a +1 equipment bonus to checks of the Profession skill for dockworkers, sailors, and shipwrights.

ABILITY: Can wield a whip as if it were a Martial Weapon (but the character is not proficient with the weapon).

1st LEVEL FEAT: Simple Weapon Proficiency

12 class skill points: 2 - Literacy, 4 - Forgery, 4 - Hide, 2 - Climb

Hyborian Adaptability: Hide, Forgery

Hyborian Background Skills: Open Lock, Move Silently, Tumble, Intimidate


+2 Climb
+1 Craft
+1 Handle Animal

+0 Jump
-1 Listen
+5 Profession (Sailor)

+0 Ride
-1 Spot
+0 Swim

+6 Use Rope
+8 Hide
+7 Forgery


+1 Bluff
+5 Gather Information
+4 Open Lock

+2 Sleight of Hand
+4 Move Silently
+1 Search

+6 Balance
+5 Knowledge (Local/Argos Coast and Western Sea)
+4 Tumble

+1 Diplomacy
+2 Disguise
+2 Escape Artist

-1 Sense Motive
+1 Perform
+1 Appraise

+1 Decipher Script
+1 Disable Device
+4 Intimidate

+0 Concentration
+1 Craft (Alchemy)
+2 Handle Animal

-1 Heal
+1 Knowledge (Geography)
+1 Knowledge (History)

+1 Knowledge (Religion)
+2 Ride
+1 Survival

+1 Swim

CLOTHING: Thread-bare blouse and faded silk breeks. Sandals. Braes. Waist sash. Belt and belt pouch, plus belt satchel. Square Cloth, wrapped around head. He will sometimes use the square cloth for other things: to muffle sound or to wrap up and carry loot.

EQUIPMENT: Leather bracers that provide DR 1 piece-meal armor protection. Argossean Knife, that he took from the ship; no scabbard. He rolls it in is waist sash. Sling, with 10 small rocks for ammunition (kept in the pouch on his belt). Renzo has imparted on Kremm the necessity of flight or fighting from a distance.

Kremm carries a full set of thieving tools in the belt satchel.

He keeps a coin purse tied to a leather throng around his neck, under his blouse. Currently, he has 5 sp.

DESCRIPTION & BACKGROUND: Kremm grew up not a slave, but the son of slaves, in the coastal cities of Argos. He is of Zingaran decent, but he knows nothing of that culture. He's a born and bread Argossean. He lived his early years as a street orphan before the captain of a merchant trading vessel lured him aboard. The captain taught him to read and write and used him to forge customs and trade documents. Kremm's crewmates taught him to use simple weapons. Though in a better place than on the streets alone, Kremm grew tired of life at sea. And, the captain used Kremm as slave labor even though Kremm was not, himself, a slave.

One night in port, Kremm jumped ship and never looked back. He headed into the interior of Argos, finding his way into the Shaipur province. There, he met Renzo, and though the thief would have little to do with him at first, Kremm idolized the man. The two of them had so much in common, and Renzo had made a life for himself. Kremm realized that he would learn much from the older man. Through sheer persistence on Kremm's part, the two have become friends, from Kremm's point of view, and uneasy acquaintances, from Renzo's position. Still, Renzo has shown Kremm a few things, and the two have worked together from time to time.

Though, still, Renzo will not allow Kremm to hang around him for long.

Unknown to Renzo, Kremm stole Renzo's prized set of thieving tools, just before they met. Renzo has asked, but Kremm swears to him that the tools are ones that he's always had. Kremm spends every chance he can get practicing his skill at opening locks. It is his intention to sell his ability to those looking for a person with such experience. Renzo has told him that Kremm's plan is a good way to get himself killed.
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Water Bob


Raeze is a town of some 1800 souls. Some left before the conflict between the Messantian forces and the Rhodin--the remants of Khalar Zym's cult followers. Many townsfolk died during the fighting. And, many have died in the plague as it has raised its angry head upon the town now some eighteen months after King Milo's forces defeated the Rhodin on the Plain of Bone and Marrow.

Word has spread among the remaining populace. A group of those still healthy are leaving. Those who heed this call must meet at the Lovers (the twin trees about an hour outside of town) on the following morn. The sick are not welcome, and any that do come will be left behind.

That next morning, more than 200 showed up. Some were turned away. The rest, just families and merchants, survivors and commoners, with all their worldly wealth on their backs, set off at a slow pace away from the town. They all believed that there was safety in numbers.

If stats are needed for a generic refugee, use the below. And to it, or change it up a bit, to reflect impromptu individual NPCs the player characters meet.

Raeze Townsfolk
1st level Argossean Commoner

STR: 11
DEX: 9 (-1)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 10
WIS: 11
CHA: 10

HP: 3
Fate: 0
XP: 0
Speed: 30

Parry: AC 10 (AC 9 when using Improvised Weapon)
Dodge: AC 9

Initiative: -1
Fort: +1
Ref: -1
Will: +0

BAB: +0
Melee: +0 base / -4 with Improvised Weapon: 1d4 or 1d6, AP-
Finesse: -1
Ranged: -1

LANGUAGES: Argossean (native) This character is illiterate.

1st LEVEL FEAT: Skill Focus (for Craft or Handle Animal)
BONUS FEAT: Skill Focus (Profession)


+7 Craft (or Handle Animal)
+4 Knowledge (Local/Town of Raeze)
+2 Perform

+7 Profession
+2 Survival

+0 Listen
+0 Spot

EQUIPMENT: Improvised Weapon that does 1d4 or 1d6 damage. AP -. And improvised weapon can be anything from a stick to a gardening hoe. NPC has simple clothing and appropriate clothes and equipment for their trade. Some NPC, for variety, can use knives or daggers, even a real Simple weapon, if the need ever arises.

The stats above represent the fighting men. Women, the elderly, and children will be weaker, but note that Mablo would not allow any children or older Raeze residents who would slow the procession down. All the refugees are able bodied with a minimum Speed 20 (due to carrying their property).

The mob of refugees are led by Mablo, formerly the Raeze wood merchant who also owned the only warehouses in town. His business has been completely ransacked and destroyed in the wake of the troubles in Raeze. It is he who will speak for the group, fire them up, and lead them away from the dying town.

Mablo Riconti
3rd level Commoner/1st level Scholar

Race: Argossean
Sex: Male
Age: 44
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 201 lbs.
Handedness: Right

STR: 11
DEX: 10
CON: 11
INT: 13 (+1)
WIS: 13 (+1)
CHA: 14 (+2)

HP: 10
Fate: 0
XP: 6,001
Speed: 30

Parry: AC 11
Dodge: AC 11

Initiative: +1
Fort: +1
Ref: +1
Will: +4

BAB: +1
Melee: +1 (+1 Dagger, 1d4, 19-20/x2, AP-
Finesse: +1
Ranged: +1

LANGUAGES: Argossean (native), Shemitish.

FEATS: Negotiator, Knowledgeable, Diligent, Persuasive.

ABILITIES: Scholar Background (Independent), Knowledge Is Power.


+10 Appraise
+9 Bluff
+3 Decipher Script

+9 Diplomacy
+7 Gather Information
+4 Intimidate

+8 Knowledge (Local/Raeze and surrounding area)
+8 Knowledge (Rumors)
+10 Sense Motive

+1 Listen
+1 Spot

DESCRIPTION: Mablo has an ox pulled two-wheeled cart containing his most valuable belongings from his home, worth a base price of 126 sp. The cart also contains food, blankets, and other necessities. This is the only cart in the Refugee procession. Mablo rides the cart while all others walk. (Mablo's wife was killed during the fighting around Raeze.) Speed for the cart and ox is 2 miles per hour or 16 miles per day on a road.

The movement rate for the entire refugee group will be Speed 20.

Mablo carries a silver plated dagger, and he wears clothes worthy of a merchant of his stature (x10 to x15 base price).

Mablo employs the only fighting men in the entire group: Verrick, Rossi, and Nunzio. See below.


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Water Bob

Excellent work again as always :)

Jay H

Thank you, sir! More to come! I am posting tid-bits from my new upcoming campaign. It's set in Argos, as you can tell. I'm developing the southeastern part of the kingdom: the border lands near Shem. I'm using the 2011 Conan movie as reference for this area. Those events occurred about two years ago. The campaign is set in the aftermath of the warlord Khalar Zym's fall.

I am setting up a quasi-sandbox, allowing the players pure freedom. What you see above with Mablo and the Raeze refugees is the first encounter that the players will face, and they can decide to go with the refugees or not.

The stuff is posted for any GM to steal and adjust for his own game. Play aids.

Water Bob


Mablo has hired three swords to protect him on the journey leaving Raze. None of the three knew each other before this employment, and the three were hired at various times. Verrick is a tall, muscled man, and a true seasoned warrior. He's a survivor, and his heart is that of a true mercenary. His morality swings with the weight of coin paid him. Verrick doesn't like this current job. Although it's easy, he thinks it is beneath him. Mablo can trust him to a point, but if ever there is a way Verrick can see to abscond with the valuables in Mabo's cart without anyone knowing to damage his reputation, believe that Verrick will stick Mablo like a pig and never think twice about it. As it is, Verrick has just recently come into Mablo's employ, the last of the hiredswords recruited by the merchant. Easily, Verrick has become the defacto leader among the three hired swords, and Mablo treats him as such, referring orders and requests to Verrick first, who then supervises the other two.

Upon balking at the price to join the refugees: Verrick pulls his broadsword half way from its scabbard, exposing the top half of the blade, "You see that? That's steel. That's what is going to keep you safe on the road ahead. You think this is all the people to leave Raeze? I'll tell you boy, there's a lot of desperate people out there--people who would just as soon carve the skin from your bones just to get a drink of water." He slams the broadsword home back into its sheath. "And, I'll tell ya, boy. There's a lot of thirsty people out there--many of them thirsty for more than water. Now, is your miserable life worth a silver or two? If not, hit the road and try it alone, because you can't afford to walk with us."

2nd level Soldier / 2nd level Borderer

Race: Argossean
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 221 lbs.
Handedness: Right

STR: 14 (+2)
DEX: 12 (+1)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 10
WIS: 13 (+1)
CHA: 10

HP: 26
Fate: 1
XP: 6,001
Speed: 30

Parry: AC 15
Dodge: AC 13

Initiative: +3
Fort: +6
Ref: +3
Will: +0

BAB: +4
Melee: +6
Finesse: +5
Ranged: +5

Broadsword: +6, 1d10+2, 19-20/x2, AP 6
Shortsword: +6, 1d8+1, 19-20/x2, AP 2
DR: 5

Code of Honor: None

LANGUAGES: Argossean (native), Shemitish, Zingaran.

FEATS: Cleave, Mounted Combat, Parry, Power Attack, Spirited Charge, Track, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-weapon Combat.

ABILITY: Favored Terrain (Shaipur Province of Argos)


+1 Listen
+5 Spot
+5 Heal

+4 Intimidate
+2 Knowledge (Geography)
+2 Knowledge (Local/Shaipur Province of Argos)

+6 Knowledge (Warfare)
+4 Ride
+5 Survival

POSSESSIONS: Broadsword, shortsword, poinard, mail shirt, horse. 15 sp. Verrick will often scout ahead or to the flanks on his horse.

Mablo has promised Verrick a wage of 2 sp per day on top of the 10 sp paid as a down payment.

Nunzio and Rossi are paid 1 sp per day with a 5 sp down payment each.

2nd level Borderer

Race: Argossean
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 188 lbs.
Handedness: Right

STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 13 (+1)
CON: 11
INT: 10
WIS: 9 (-1)
CHA: 10

HP: 11
Fate: 0
XP: 1,001
Speed: 30

Parry: AC 12 (AC 15 with Targe)
Dodge: AC 12

Initiative: +4
Fort: +3
Ref: +4
Will: +0

BAB: +2
Melee: +3
Finesse: +3
Ranged: +3

Battleaxe: +3, 1d10+1, 20/x3, AP 5
DR: 4

Code of Honor: None

LANGUAGES: Argossean (native), Shemitish.

FEATS: Point Blank Shot, Stealthy, Track, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Combat.

ABILITY: Favored Terrain (Shaipur Province of Argos)


+3 Listen
+5 Spot
+3 Handle Animal

+5 Hide
+2 Knowledge (Local/Shaipur Province of Argos)
+5 Move Silently

+5 Ride
+3 Survival

POSSESSIONS: Simple clothing, leather jerkin, battleaxe, water costrel, targe, hand axe, dagger. 13 sp.

2nd level Soldier

Race: Argossean
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 174 lbs.
Handedness: Right

STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 10
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 10
WIS: 11
CHA: 10

HP: 13
Fate: 0
XP: 1,001
Speed: 30

Parry: AC 13 (AC 16 with targe)
Dodge: AC 11

Initiative: +0
Fort: +4
Ref: +0
Will: +0

BAB: +2
Melee: +4
Finesse: +2
Ranged: +2

Shortsword: +4, 1d8+1, 19-20/x2, AP 2
DR: 3

Code of Honor: None

LANGUAGES: Argossean (native).

FEATS: Weapon Focus (Shortsword), Parry.


+0 Listen
+0 Spot
+6 Gather Information

+2 Intimidate
+4 Knowledge (Local/Raeze)
+2 Knowledge (warfare)

+6 Search
+4 Sense Motive

POSSESSIONS: Nunzio has been with Mablo the longest, and he serves as the merchant's personal body guard. Nunzio is paid 1 sp per day, like Rossi, but unknown to either Rossi or Verrick, Mablo will kick back bonuses and privileges to Nunzio to ensure the guard's loyalty.

Simple clothing, quilted jerkin, shortsword, water costrel, targe, dagger. 14 sp.

Water Bob

Water Bob, I don't often get to play Conan these days but this is still my favorite thread on ENWorld. Great stuff as always!

Much appreciated, sir. If you ever do play, this thread is for people like you. Hopefully, it will spring your creativity.

I'll be posting some more stuff about my upcoming campaign soon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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