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[GO:H] A Game of Opposites: Heroes OOC (Villains: Stay out)


TIMOTHY (Can I call you Tim? I hate writing out the entire name every time but if you prefer it I will. yeah, I know, this question took longer to write than if I had just said "Hey Timothy". It's the future reference I'm wondering about)
Anyways, I just saw your post about checking Mechanics.. I've been doing that, so by the time you get there for the final check the characters should be all tweaked up.
I Don't want to press or anything, but do you have an answer on the "Draconic" Template I was asking about? Or should I just add another lvl to my Paladin and forget about it?

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First Post
Nice points, Jemal, let me go over them.

I need the INT stat to start early so I get all the skill points I can. Qualifying for Loremaster takes 20 skill points out of my base (2+ int + human). Since INT isn't retroactive, I get a skill shift in the middle there. I'll recalculate in case I missed some:

INT 15 at 1st level = 2+2+1 = 20
2nd-4rd = 5,5
4th-7th = 6,6,6,6
8th-16th = 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8
= 126... looks like I only spent 121, I'll boost Gather Information.

Cost Mine STAT Cost Yours Cost New
2 10 STR 2 10 2 10
2 10 DEX 2 10 2 10
5 13 CON 6 14 6 14
8 15 INT 10 16 10 16
2 10 WIS 2 10 4 12
13 17 CHA 8 15 8 15
=32 =30 =32

That bumps my Will saves by one and all my Wis skills (spots etc). Also increases my skill points to :

INT 16 at 1st level = 2+3+1 = 24
2nd-7th = 6,6,6,6,6,6
8th-16th = 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8
= 132... looks like I only spent 121

Thanks, I'll make changes....

The gear was thrown on and not fine-toothed, and I already noticed I was over 300 gp, that'll be fixed in the next update...



First Post
Replying on all posts here.

How about an Elemental Savant
Okay, can be done

Cash: 260000 GP

Poto kneezer: you can indeed use the SRD that zhure recommended

Sulli: You can Play

Jemal: Draconic approved, I have issue 301

Gwolf: cash is 260K, I would like those feats, here or on my mail, keen and improved stack

Darn, gotta go again, I'll continue tonight

Jemal, thanks for all the work you're putting into this.


First Post
About the game:

This will probalrly be a short adventure, focussed on action more than roleplaying. but this will all be up to the villains, as they'll be determining what you will encounter.

I do not want active munching, because the villains aren't doing that either. And I've taken game balance into accounts, you guys are way higher level then the villains (but they have numerous allies, just dying to kill you guys! as well as fortified lairs, artefacts.... ow shouldn't have metioned THAT one)

I'll leave the mechanics top jemal, since he's doing a great job and I haven't been able to spot a mistake he didn't see, although I'll chack again with your definite characters.

I will not be making a rogue gallery thread, becuase the temptations for those awful villains would just be too great, in stead, just edit your final versions into your first post in this thread, so I have the characters relativly close to eachither on the first page.


Kewl.. I've got 3 or 4 characters ready, I'm just waiting to see what the rest of the players (Sulli, Poto, Redstrm, Reaper, and Maddmic) do so that I can fill in whatever Gaps we might have.
I've currently got 2 melee types, a Healing machine, and a Mage ready to choose from.

Are the rest of you guys even still here? I haven't even seen any ooc comments from anyone but Timmy, Zhure, GWolf, and myself since Sulli said he wanted in. If you're just lurking, waiting for something, or working on your character, kewl, but could you post updated character concepts now that we've got definite creation rules? It would be helpful in organizing ourselves if we all knew what's still needed.

EDIT : Is Reaper in the game or was he just posting that link?
Last edited:


First Post
I'm still here lurking about. I simply didn't have anything to say. Now that I know that my elemental sevant is approved I will be posting her up soon.

Poto Knezer

First Post

Here's some stats for my monk. I've never played a high powered character like this, so opinions appreciated.

Onignar. Male human monk level 16
HP 130
AC: 35 (36 w/dodge) 19 base, +5 natural armor amulet, +5 deflection ring +6 (magical ability increases)

S 16 (22)
D 16 (22)
C 14
I 10
W 16 (22)

Feats: Weapon focus: open hand
Lightening reflexes
Improved Critical: open hand
Spring attack

Tumble 10+3=13
Jump 10+3=13
Balance 10+3=13
Climb 10+3=13
Swim 10+3=13
Listen 10+3=13
Escape artist 10+3=13
Move silently 15+3=18
Hide 10+3=13

Item cost
Protection +5 50000
Gloves of Dex +6 36000
Periapt of Wisdom +6 36000
Belt of Giant Str +6 36000
Amulet of Natural Armor +5 50000
cloak of resistance +5 25000
light crossbow +3 18335
Goggles of the night 8000


First Post
Here's my observations for your monk, Poto. Monk's really rock at high level!

1- you have no CHA listed. An easy enough error, since it's the least monk-intensive stat. Assuming you started with a STR of 12 and added all four of your level ups to STR, then you have exactly 32 points, which means you have a CHA of 8.

High STR monks are sweet.

2- hit points are right, check.

3- AC is 10 + 6 Wis +6 Dex +5 nat +5 def +3 monk SQ, check.

4- I believe you're missing a feat. You should have 1-1-3-6-9-12-15... nope, you're right, I can't count. I'm assuming the order you wrote them down isn't the order you took them in, because Improved Critical and Weapon Focus: unarmed are both too early. Juggling those two to later makes it all work, so it's ok. With that kind of Tumble total, Spring Attack is pretty wasted unless we face creatures with more than 20 of reach or ones with under 20 feet of move and a lot of attacks. In almost all other cases you're better off just moving in with Tumble, then standing there and delivering a good hit, then large numbers of follow-up hits on the second round.

Since we don't have a cleric yet, the second option isn't quite as appealing, I understand. You have a good armor class, so Dodge isn't that helpful. Personally, I'd dump that whole feat chain for Combat Reflexes, Close Quarter Fighting and Blindsight-5', since you have the wisdom while wearing your periapt. Some DMs won't let magic items help you qualify for a feat, so Blindsight is iffy.

Lightning Reflexes gives you a +2 Reflex save, to your already impressive +21. Assuming a min-maxed caster, he'll be cracking out a DC 10+8 level + 6 stat + 4 greater spell focus +1 spellcasting prodigy +2-6 archmage = DC 27- 31. That's a twinked and munchy 8th level spell from a guy who spent a prestige class and three feats, and you're beating it half the time. I think Lightning Reflexes is overkill, but it's up to you.

If you do keep Lightning Reflexes, you might consider taking Prone Fighting in place of one of the other Spring Attack chain feats. (Like in lieu of my blindsight recommendation above, because you only qualify via the periapt.)

5- Should be 95 skill points. Assuming those first numbers are the skill points, they're all correct, but if so, your characteristics adds are wrong. Should be:

Tumble 10+6 +2 jump synergy=18
Jump 10+6 Dex + 2 tumble synergy=18
Balance 10+6 Dex +2 tumble synergy=18
Climb 10+6 Str=16
Swim 10+6 Str=16
Listen 10+6 Wis=16
Escape artist 10+6 Dex=16
Move silently 15+6 Dex=21
Hide 10+6 Dex=16

Excape artist probably won't help you so much, because your STR + BAB is so high already. It will help you if you get weakened somehow, and has other uses than avoiding grabs. If you're really concerned about being grabbed, get Close Quarter Fighting and Combat Reflexes.

If you ditch Escape artists, cross-class Spot 5 ranks would give you a +11 total spot. On a decent roll you'll get everyone except the dedicated stealth monsters, rogues, assassins, rangers and their ilk. Of course, those are the ones we're worried about. Hopefully my divination spells will cover this hole in the team. :)

6 Saves. All at +21 total. Dang monks. Most impressive. Coupled with improved evasion, I want you on point. :)

Overall: fantastic stuff. Hope I helped.



First Post
Ok, Zagrim is "done." I'm still working a final tweak on spells, but everything else is covered I think. Anyone wanting to check my work, please do so.

The spells in contention are:

Summon Monster 8 vs Maze. - SM8 has a huge cool factor, and can get us healing via multiple summoned celestial unicorns.

Cone of Cold vs ? - It's an evocation, and I have the shadow versions. I'm open to ideas. Teleport is kind of wasted since Shadow Walk is way cooler and can do most of the same things.


Voidrunner's Codex

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