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Yair said:
Andereine eyes you wearily. With such allies, who needs enemies?
Truly, Diamon, do not feel constrained into this quest. I am quite confident in Sofia's and Chronius's capabilities. If you wish to avoid personal damage or have any reservations as to this endeavor, walk away. Indeed... as you said, there would be a price, and it may be wise to send only some of us on this journey, so that not all will be made to share it.

Diamon looks at Andereine.

Very well. I hope this task of yours does not lead our fellow magi into unnecessary danger to satisfy your personal whim. I will gladly work with you in the future on things which are less, shall we say, problematic?

Diamon looks at the magi in the room.

I wish you well, sodales, in this task. Try not to get yourselves or the covenant into trouble. If I can assist you before you leave, please let me know.

He gives the magi in the room a brief bow before leaving, planning on geting some supper and then resting till he can try the library again the following day.

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Andereine watches Diamon depart, and turns to the rest of you.
I thank you for you support, sodales. Let us now finalize the details of this journey.
It is within my power to provide you with permission to take companions and grogs along with you. I am afraid the travel to Rostov will be a long and hard one. I advise you to use the still-frozen rivers, for although the path will be longer and the time similar, traveling inland will be more difficult.
Of course, we should arrange for a formal acceptance of Chronius's suggestion to seek out vis in the next few days.
Is there anything else you wish to ask of me?

If there is nothing or little else, we will begin the adventure itself shortly. Choose grogs as you wish, the covenatn can allot you with quite a few.
By my calculations reaching Rostov will take about 30 days (300 miles through still snow-overed land with no decent roads, or 600 miles over frozen rivers), so the Season will be wasted just getting to there and back.
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Yair, If you can prepare me some Grogs that i can take, I'll be thankful, Warrior, ranger and his kinds ... and post it

Victor steps forward, adjusting his brown robe on the way.
Are we traveling by foot, Or by cart ? what about supplies, food, several coins and mundane items ?
Without waiting to response he whispers to Sofia, This is my first
Time in the city, I'm so anxious


Coming from a place with a far more generous ration of sun, Chronius thinks too late that it would have been better to avoid the travel through a snow covered land. Cursing through his teeth, he prepares for the travel.

[As for the equipment, Chronius is no expert in the matter. Others should have a greater insight on the number of people needed to travel safely through the forests, but the party souldn´t be too large or we´ll have a more difficult time in the city itself.]


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Sofia answers Victor, but her look is a bit distant. "It will be my first time in Rostov as well - and my first time in any city in a long time. I visited Novgorod once with my family when I was very young, though...." She trails off, seeming to consider something. "This will be a long trip, and the equinox is already passed - the rivers will surely thaw by our journey's end, or at the least, during our return. As we cannot travel with both carts and boats in tow, we should go overland, and do so as well prepared as possible. Small carts or wagons to carry provisions and necessities, and a small, but capable, group of protectors and woodsmen."


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Andereine nods at Sofia. Traveling by river would be easier going to Rostov, assuming thaw doesn't hit early, but I did not consider the logistacal problems of the return trip. You're right.
And as for mundane supplies, Victor, the covenant shall grant you some coin, and some provisions, appropriate for the journey.

Roy: I'll whip up a few grogs and post them in the OOC thread.


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It has been a long and difficult trek, but devoid of any grand adventure. Just a steady, grinding climb up snow-filled paths that slowly gave way to muddy roads. By the time you arrive at Rostov spring is in full bloom, but you are weary. As you near the city buildings grow around you, young buildings sorounding the old city's walls. Dogs bark at your party's passing (agitated, no doubt, by Chronius's presence), and the locals eye your armed party warily, making sure to stay on the other side of the street. The city is not large, indeed perhaps it is better described as a town. After such a long journey, it is somewhat of a disappointment.
Should you seek it out, you can easily locate a traveler's inn by the main road to Vladimir, the capital of Suzalia. Andereine has also given you a letter that should assure you lodgings at Annan's residence, if you prefer to see him instead.

Of course, you can do anything you want. I presume that after such a long journey you would most urgently need to rest. You can also rest at St. Ursa's priory that preceeds the city, I assumed you wouldn't. Each of you has 3 fatigue levels depeleted by the long travel, that only a good day's rest can alleviate.
And BTW - just who ARE the characters?! (Chronius, Sofia, Victor, and... ?)
If you wish to ask any questions/arrange matters prior to arriving, we can do so conccurently.


(For my part, is Chronius who´s going.)

Chronius ses the looks in the other mages´ faces, and smiles, stretching his lips even more, under the hood. "So, what did you expected?" says. "Ah. I need a good fire, and rest all the night, and in one of these infernal inns I doubt we´ll get one thing or the other. Let´s see the jew."

Victor inspected the streets and the people of the town like a boy who bought a new toy, everything was new to him, but he kept his pace and walked with the others.
I'm with Chronius, a warm bath, a long rest, a delicious rabbit stew with fine ale is my first choice, wherever you want.

Voidrunner's Codex

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