Grab Chaosium's Free Basic Roleplaying Character Sheet Pack

12-page pack includes character, NPC, vehicle, and mount sheets

Basic Roleplaying is Chaosium's generic d100-based roleplaying game system, which powers games like Call of Cthulhu (it's available from their website in PDF format). The game engine itself is open under the new ORC license.

Over on you can download a free 12-page char acter sheet pack for the game. This pack contains not just character sheets, but also NPC, vehicle, and mount sheets.


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Some times I think about creating a new system mixing things from different sources. For example "size" would be changed to "body mass"(BM), and adding Acuity (perception + astuteness) and Spirit (courage/willpower + luck/fate/divine grace).

Michael O'Brien

Some times I think about creating a new system mixing things from different sources. For example "size" would be changed to "body mass"(BM), and adding Acuity (perception + astuteness) and Spirit (courage/willpower + luck/fate/divine grace).
If you don't want to use certain mechanics - or literally any aspect of the BRP rules as presented - feel free to modify them in your own creations and publications.


A clean sheet with all the essentials. It also has vitally important character information front and center such as height, weight, religion, etc, that D&D relegated the back of the sheet with 5E, something which always irked me.

Interesting that the Vitruvian Man in the sheet background is inverse from its depiction on the core rulebook.

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