D&D 5E Gracklstugh


Image of what the city looks like.

Checking Out of the Abyss getting through the Gates is very risky compared to going by boat. If the Guards don’t like you enough they will have you arrested and enslaved.
Even if you do convince them to let you in the party is escorted to the Darklake District by several guards, as they don’t want outsiders in the main city for any reason.

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Thanks for all the replies! Good stuff - I am not running Out of the Abyss, just using the guide for the underdark and Gracklstugh.
Also running a 2E game but that shouldn't make a difference (except for the duergar who can turn invisible in 5E but I can work around that for guards).

I am maybe planning to get the group into the city via Zim von Zeam and then they are on their own once they get into the city.

Consider that the area surrounding the city is likely to be patrolled by spider riders. If the patrol could be interacted with successfully they may be able to provide a pass. There are many Lairds that command the majority of Duergar and all hate each other. Getting permission from one laird may get them in to the dark Lake District but would keep things dangerous still.

According to the 2e supplement Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark: Gracklstugh "begrudgingly" admits visitors, but visitors are restricted to the Darklake District. At least two businesses in the Darklake District (a tavern and an inn) specifically cater to surface worlders. Maps depict numerous entrances to other parts of the city, all of them sealed with gates.

Consider that the area surrounding the city is likely to be patrolled by spider riders. If the patrol could be interacted with successfully they may be able to provide a pass. There are many Lairds that command the majority of Duergar and all hate each other. Getting permission from one laird may get them in to the dark Lake District but would keep things dangerous still.
Yes! Great point - hadn't thought about that. nice element to add. Thank you!

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