Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Have you used the GURPS (Generic Universal RolePlaying) System? If you're not familiar, it was pretty much the first major game system designed to support multiple games and game formats. Before GURPS came along, most tabletop roleplaying games were developed for one specific game or game environment on a case-by-case basis, and were largely incompatible with each used Shadowrun mechanics to play Shadowrun, and you used D&D mechanics to play D&D, and there wasn't really a way to switch back and forth. But all that changed in the mid-1980s, when Steve Jackson wrote a universal system for all games. Wikipedia has the following to say about it:
He didn't build it in a vacuum, though. GURPS borrowed mechanics and ideas from other game systems like the Hero System and Champions, and the whole project benefitted from all the different RPGs and setting books being released at the time. So exactly who came up with the idea for a "generic universal game system," and what resources and inspiration they used, is always going to be a matter of some debate.
As I've said before in the other threads, the D20 System is the undeniable favorite for tabletop RPGs today, but there are plenty of options out there for those who don't like D20 or might be looking for something different. My goal in these little surveys is to highlight the different systems and options available to tabletop fans...not bash on anyone's favorites. So! If you've played GURPS, I'd really like to hear about your experience. What did you like/dislike about it? What games did you play? And if you've never played it, what's keeping you from giving it a spin? I'll collect everyone's votes and give the system a "grade" from A+ to F, just for fun.
Grade: C+
Of those who voted, 100% have heard of it and 82% have played it.
Of those who have played it: 17% love it, 30% like it, 34% are lukewarm, 13% dislike it, and 6% hate it.
Grading the Cypher System
Grading the Pathfinder 2E (D20) System
Grading the Savage Worlds System
Grading the Fate/Fate Core System
Grading the Modiphius 2d20 System
Grading the GURPS System
Grading the Powered by the Apocalypse System
Grading the D6 System
Grading the Hero System
Grading the Storyteller System
Grading the Megaversal/Palladium System
Grading the Basic Role-Playing System
Grading the SAGA System
Grading the Warhammer 40K RPG System
Grading the Mörk Borg System
Grading the Spacemaster/Rolemaster System
The Generic Universal RolePlaying System, or GURPS, is a tabletop role-playing game system designed to allow for play in any game setting. It was created by Steve Jackson Games and first published in 1986 at a time when most such systems were story- or genre-specific.
Players control their in-game characters verbally and the success of their actions is determined by the skill of their character, the difficulty of the action, and the rolling of dice. Characters earn points during play which are used to gain greater abilities. Gaming sessions are story-told and run by "Game Masters" (often referred to as simply "GMs")
He didn't build it in a vacuum, though. GURPS borrowed mechanics and ideas from other game systems like the Hero System and Champions, and the whole project benefitted from all the different RPGs and setting books being released at the time. So exactly who came up with the idea for a "generic universal game system," and what resources and inspiration they used, is always going to be a matter of some debate.
As I've said before in the other threads, the D20 System is the undeniable favorite for tabletop RPGs today, but there are plenty of options out there for those who don't like D20 or might be looking for something different. My goal in these little surveys is to highlight the different systems and options available to tabletop fans...not bash on anyone's favorites. So! If you've played GURPS, I'd really like to hear about your experience. What did you like/dislike about it? What games did you play? And if you've never played it, what's keeping you from giving it a spin? I'll collect everyone's votes and give the system a "grade" from A+ to F, just for fun.
Grade: C+
Of those who voted, 100% have heard of it and 82% have played it.
Of those who have played it: 17% love it, 30% like it, 34% are lukewarm, 13% dislike it, and 6% hate it.
The "grade" is calculated as follows:
The grading formula:
GPA = Σ(PiVi)
Over 3.75 = A+
3.51 to 3.75 = A
3.26 to 3.50 = A-
3.01 to 3.25 = B+
2.76 to 3.00 = B
2.51 to 2.75 = B-
2.26 to 2.50 = C+
1.76 to 2.25 = C
1.51 to 1.75 = C-
1.26 to 1.50 = D+
1.01 to 1.25 = D
0.75 to 1.00 = D-
Under 0.75 = F
- Votes from people who have not played it will not affect the grade.
- "I love it" votes are worth 4 points. The highest score, comparable to an "A" vote.
- "It's pretty good" votes are worth 3 points. The equivalent of a "B" vote.
- "It's alright I guess" votes are worth 2 points. This is your basic "C" vote.
- "It's pretty bad" votes are worth 1 point. This is considered a "D" vote.
- "I hate it" votes are worth 0 points. The lowest score, considered an "F" vote.
The grading formula:
GPA = Σ(PiVi)
GPA = "grade-point average," the grading score used in the Key below.
Vi = percentage of votes in each category (Love, Like, Meh, Dislike, or Hate)
Pi = corresponding score for that category (4, 3, 2, 1, or 0)
Over 3.75 = A+
3.51 to 3.75 = A
3.26 to 3.50 = A-
3.01 to 3.25 = B+
2.76 to 3.00 = B
2.51 to 2.75 = B-
2.26 to 2.50 = C+
1.76 to 2.25 = C
1.51 to 1.75 = C-
1.26 to 1.50 = D+
1.01 to 1.25 = D
0.75 to 1.00 = D-
Under 0.75 = F
Grading the Pathfinder 2E (D20) System
Grading the Savage Worlds System
Grading the Fate/Fate Core System
Grading the Modiphius 2d20 System
Grading the GURPS System
Grading the Powered by the Apocalypse System
Grading the D6 System
Grading the Hero System
Grading the Storyteller System
Grading the Megaversal/Palladium System
Grading the Basic Role-Playing System
Grading the SAGA System
Grading the Warhammer 40K RPG System
Grading the Mörk Borg System
Grading the Spacemaster/Rolemaster System
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