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Grand Theft Equine (IC)


Smiling at the information offered my Amber, "I have an old pass, revoked now, but it should do so you can work up a couple of proper sets easy enough. Although, it may spoil Thravar's fun." Fhel smirks at the foul smelling dwarf.

"Lavorkinson has had some recent excavations done for a cellar, supposedly a cold room, but just as easily a good place to store a vault. He's also had renovations done to the stable, although of what sort I can't say."

He looks sideways at Jacoby for a moment, "my thoughts for the event was to get him invited to the ball going on that evening. That way he's out of the house, leaving only his servants to attend to the house. With some pressure upon the relatives of the butler, and the help of the goose girl, we could nearly walk right in."

"The other thing to which we must attend is to whom must this crime be attributed, someone out of town would be the easiest, an old enemy of the lord of the manor perhaps."

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First Post
Ferrix said:
"The other thing to which we must attend is to whom must this crime be attributed, someone out of town would be the easiest, an old enemy of the lord of the manor perhaps."
Amber speaks nonchalantly in her whispery voice "We need to ensure that the Lord of the manor is in no doubt as to who did this crime, to do this we need to send a message, naturally everyone in the manor will have to die, also once we've looted the place I suggest that we burn it to the ground, perhaps Jostin could come up with some device that would start a fire once the Lord of the Manor opens the front door"

"Also we need to consider how we're going to get the loot and ourselves out of the high quarter, a wagon or carriage would be ideal, especially if we enter the high quarter on the pretense of going to this ball, we could then use the carriage to move the loot around without attracting the suspicions of the guards, but first things first, I'll look at making copies of Fhel's pass into the high quarter, I'll also see if I can track down this disgruntled employee, perhaps hes the patsy we're looking for, after that I'll see if I can find out more details about the family of the butler and goose girl"

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
"Didn't peg you as a firebug, Ember," Thravar says, picking his teeth with a fingernail, flicking the material to the floor. "Too damn complex. You lot get the College of Engineers to help you wipe yer [Dwarf for anus], too?

"The guild has enemies. Let them take the fall. Inviting the nob to the ball works, though, I reckon."


First Post
"Why would we need to kill anyone? If we do our job properly, the first inkling anyone will have that someone's been there is when they wake up and find out that the loot is gone. Rubbing out witnesses is a mark of incompetence, nothing more."

"Some scrolls of disguise should hide our identity. Of course, we won't have long until the spell wears off - but with a little luck we won't need long, either. Now, it's not a spell that I know - but I should be able to lay my hands on a scroll. Then, it's just a matter of learning the spell and producing some scrolls myself. I'll look into it tomorrow."

"The idea of laying the blame elsewhere is a good one - our disguises can help accomplish that ... along with the seeding of some appropriate misinformation."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Jostin will try to purchase a scroll of disguise self, learn it, and produce enough scrolls to disguise the team. Two scrolls with 5 spells per scroll - that should take 2 days to produce, right? Hmm - XP could be a problem, since we haven't officially earned any for this adventure yet. Any chance I could dip into that XP pool you allowed for character creation, EH?[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Amber's cold gaze switches between the Jostin and Thravar "Killing witnesses is a sign of thoroughness not weakness, only a sentimental fool would leave alive those who might be able to bring the authorities down on us."

Speaking with obvious sarcasm "No doubt you also plan on politely asking the guards to turn around and remove their helmets so that you knock them unconscious, while you steal their masters goods"

"And regarding burning the place down, not only would it send a message, it would also cover our tracks at the same time. And while everyone is rushing to put out the fire, we will be able to escape unmolested"

With a look of disgust on her face she looks at the rest of the group before turning her attention back to Jostin and Thravar "So far neither of you have added much to this endeavour, so if you can't add something positive I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself"

Pausing a moment to calm down "However, as a group we must devise a plan, so if no one else is in favour of getting their hands wet, I'll go along with the majority decision"


Jacoby draws close to the table, resting his chin on his fingertips as Amber unrolls the map. The young urchin peers at the map, twisting his head back and forth as he examines its fine detail. While others talk Jacoby raises his eyebrows and glances wide eyed at each speaker in turn. He finally tries to get the attention of the others by waiving an hand up over his shaggy mop of hair. "I think Mister Thravar is kinda right. I don't think getting in or out of the place will be all that hard. I dunno about killin everybody and burnin the place. Isn't just takin everythin bad enough? Settin fire might burn down tha whole quarter. Then we'd have nobody left to steal from..." Jacoby wrinkles his brow at the thought of that possibility.

The young urchin pulls himself up onto the table top to kneel above the map. "You got a real pretty map Miss Amber, but it's missing some stuff." Pulling a small piece of charcoal out of a pocket he leans forward and starts scribbling small additions onto the map. "Going through the front aint a good idea; there's the big street with all the carriage traffic and the watch and all. That barn there also has all the gooses in it and probably that goose girl. If anybody makes any noise they'll kick up a racket an wake the whole quarter. Across the street though there's a nice tall grain silo that's makes a great lookout. Anybody up there could see the watch comin all the way down the street both ways." Pausing to point at the perimeter of the map, the young urchin continues. "The house has like thirty feet or so of yard up to the next houses with a few trees on the top side there, but is pretty much all open on the bottom end. The back is hidden by a nice big hedge and a dark alley. The closest building is a horse stable along the back alley there.

I didn't see nobody outside all night; there was just one person wandering around on the bottom floor that I could see. I saw the shadow of a big man in the front room there and I think that's the mark's bedroom."
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Lord_Raven88 said:
Amber's cold gaze switches between the Jostin and Thravar "Killing witnesses is a sign of thoroughness not weakness, only a sentimental fool would leave alive those who might be able to bring the authorities down on us."

Speaking with obvious sarcasm "No doubt you also plan on politely asking the guards to turn around and remove their helmets so that you knock them unconscious, while you steal their masters goods"

"And regarding burning the place down, not only would it send a message, it would also cover our tracks at the same time. And while everyone is rushing to put out the fire, we will be able to escape unmolested"

With a look of disgust on her face she looks at the rest of the group before turning her attention back to Jostin and Thravar "So far neither of you have added much to this endeavour, so if you can't add something positive I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself"

Pausing a moment to calm down "However, as a group we must devise a plan, so if no one else is in favour of getting their hands wet, I'll go along with the majority decision"

"I expected more finesse from you Amber. We're to conduct a proper game, not to hush a Ben or kindle a panny. Fhel looks at Amber like he'd look at a common brigand, with derision and pity.

"In a rum game, the witnesses see what you want them to see, say what you want them to say. If you kill them all, the guard will be much more likely to sniff around the unsavory locals than out of town. If you give the guards part of what they want, lead 'em on a merry goose, lot less worrying to do our end." He steeples his fingers thinking for a moment.

"Now, kindling the place ain't a right bad idea, but better to hold that card if we need to walk quick. Better to hoodwink 'em into thinking everything is alright."

"We get Lavorkinson to the ball. Wait... that's it. This city have a fire brigade?" Fhel smiles, "maybe we'll kindle it after all."

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Thravar laughs, nodding.

"Nick us some buckets and them oilskin jackets, then?" The dwarf nods. "I don't kill no gods-damned [extremely complicated Goblin phrase for a goblin overly fond of his wolf] 'less I'm getting paid."


Boddynock said:

[SBLOCK=OOC]Jostin will try to purchase a scroll of disguise self, learn it, and produce enough scrolls to disguise the team. Two scrolls with 5 spells per scroll - that should take 2 days to produce, right? Hmm - XP could be a problem, since we haven't officially earned any for this adventure yet. Any chance I could dip into that XP pool you allowed for character creation, EH?[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Boddynock] You can use the xp pool for in-game creation as well, and you prolly know the others capabilities well enough by reputation to estimate thier UMD skill totals. You have hints that fhel doesn't need it or at least has the spell already, or perhaps a very good diguise skil. IG roll on Fhel 26 [/SBLOCK]

Fire fighting is mostly informal, but normally a runner is sent to the nearest temple for serious problems. Some of the nobles have a house priest, or younger son in the clerical orders.

LR - can you repost amber to the RG?
all - looks like your doing fine plotting w/o me. btw good job on the plans Ambrus :)


Jacoby looks around and, seeing that no one seemed to have heard him, shrugs and goes back to sketching details while the adults argue. He was used to being ignored; even in a room with the city's finest rogues the young urchin seemed all but invisible. Hiding a smile, Jacoby returns his attention back to the map. Concentrating on his drawing and spelling the young urchin works while kneeling on the table with his tongue stuck sideways out of his mouth.[Sblock=OOC]EH, whereabouts is the horse stable along the back alley located on the map. Also, what are the windows like on the north side of the building?[/Sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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