Green-Flame Blade = magic weapon?


Mod Squad
Staff member
My posts are becoming blunt and direct because you seem to purposefully ignore the facts that contradict your position. You can choose to take offense if you wish, but playing the victim doesn't change anything.

And apparently, from your latest post you once again prove that you don't understand that all which matters is the source of the attack. 5th time I've pointed this out to you.

Assuming you are, in fact, correct, that is still not an excuse to be rude.

Tone it down, please.

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First Post
Put me in the camp that says the attack causes the spell, not the other way around. The attack is part of casting, so must come before the magic. The attack is not magical.


Wasn't this question already answered on Twitter weeks ago, or am I remembering something different?

I did do a search for tweets about both GFB and booming blade, a lot has been answered about them but I couldn't find this one. I know the mearls answered that smites base attack was not automatically magical a few months ago. Unfortunately that text is different enough to not really apply here.



Assuming you are, in fact, correct, that is still not an excuse to be rude.

Tone it down, please.

Sure. But I would like to say that there's a distinct difference between being blunt and being rude. And also speaking within the discussion and making personal attacks against another user.

Mod Note: Please see my post, below. ~Umbran.
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This is possible. Many people worked on this edition beyond JC and Mearls. However, for now post errata, any attack made via a spell is a magical attack and bypasses resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks. It doesn't matter if the weapon you use to make the attack is not magical, the spell granting you the attack makes it so.
You get no objections from me.


First Post
Thanks all for your kind attention. I think what it boils down to me, from the many points being made, is that the weapon is included as the Material component of the spell, therefore making it a magic attack. Given that to be the case, I guess the question becomes: does the attack use your weapon attack bonus, or your spell attack bonus. ;)


Thanks all for your kind attention. I think what it boils down to me, from the many points being made, is that the weapon is included as the Material component of the spell, therefore making it a magic attack. Given that to be the case, I guess the question becomes: does the attack use your weapon attack bonus, or your spell attack bonus. ;)
That one has been answered. Not directly but in a teach a man to fish sort of way.

@Amphieuss said:
with the green flame blade spell . Do you use your melee attack mod or spell attack mod ?
@JeremyECrawford said:
Take a look at ray of frost. See "spell attack"? Green-flame blade and booming blade don't say that

Edit: spoke too soon. there is a more direct answer

@JeremyECrawford said:
For green-flame blade / booming blade melee attacks, use whatever ability mod. you normally use for the weapon

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