Green Ronin Joins WotC and Paizo on ICv2's Fall 2015 Chart

Icv2's latest tabletop gaming survey (for Fall 2015) is in, and Dungeons & Dragons has maintained its top spot on the chart with Pathfinder and Star Wars following behind. Great news for Green Ronin Publishing is that two of their games, Dragon Age and Fantasy Age separately make up the 4th and 5th spots, spurred on by endorsements from Wil Wheaton and his Titansgrave web show for the game. The usual disclaimer applies (before the thread turns into a lengthy list of people saying it) - this is a survey based on interviews of retailers, distributors, and manufacturers, and isn't a report of actual sales figures.

[TABLE="width: 500, align: center"][TR][TD]1[/TD][TD]Dungeons & Dragons[/TD][TD]WotC[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]2[/TD][TD]Pathfinder[/TD][TD]Paizo[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]3[/TD][TD]Star Wars[/TD][TD]FFG[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]4[/TD][TD]Dragon Age[/TD][TD]Green Ronin[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]5[/TD][TD]Fantasy Age[/TD][TD]Green Ronin[/TD][/TR][/TABLE]​

There hasn't been any change in the top three positions (D&D, Pathfinder, Star Wars) in the last year. Pathfinder held the top spot for three years from 2011 until 2014, before D&D regained its position in 2014.

Here are the compiled charts from 2004 until now. Here is ICv2's Fall 2015 report.

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Considering FFG SW seems so popular, I feel it isn't well represented on the web in general - thinking of the number of forum posts and articles out there on D&D and Pathfinder - perhaps FFGSW is more of a quiet dark horse that people play but don't discuss much.

perhaps FFGSW is more of a quiet dark horse that people play but don't discuss much.

Well, this report catches sales, not play. With the run-up to The Force Awakens, they could have experienced a lot of sales that then didn't turn into much sustained play. Or maybe there is a lot of play - the report doesn't really speak to it.

Well, this report catches sales, not play. With the run-up to The Force Awakens, they could have experienced a lot of sales that then didn't turn into much sustained play. Or maybe there is a lot of play - the report doesn't really speak to it.
FFG Star Wars has been in the top 4 since Autumn/Fall 2012. Maybe there is just a very big gap between 2nd and 3rd place and the online presence of the game reflects that.

I was in a bookstore in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia recently. They had 5E, PF, and SW, and a pretty big selection of each. Didn't see any Age stuff.

I was in a bookstore in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia recently. They had 5E, PF, and SW, and a pretty big selection of each. Didn't see any Age stuff.

That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Some stores focus on guaranteed sales and either don't take chances on small stuff or only special order it for their customers.

D&D, I think, is always going to be around and be a top seller. It's the grandfather of role playing games. PF is the (and I use this term lovingly) bastard son of D&D, being born from one of D&D's editions. Star Wars is Star Wars and the setting is only three years younger than D&D, and Fantasy Flight's edition of the game is a pretty solid system. (Even if it does require proprietary dice.) I guess what I'm trying to say is that the only surprise on this list is that another good system is getting recognized through sales numbers.

D&D, I think, is always going to be around and be a top seller. It's the grandfather of role playing games.

Nothing lasts forever. Rome, IBM, Nokia, nothing. Nothing ever stays at the top. D&D has done very well so far, but it dropped to #2 for a few years. Don't bank on it lasting forever!
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