WOIN Grenades

You talk about buyable armor - so you design foe defenses like characters?

If yes, do you use any self-made toolkit you could share?

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You talk about buyable armor - so you design foe defenses like characters?
Yes I do. Since we play a fairly hard sci-fi setting that resembles the Xenomorph setting (we actually used that to kick off the campaign) we pretty much always have humans as enemies; so essentially we make lightweight characters as NPC's. Though we do have some more elite enemies, they are usually still humans but in battlesuits or armor. It is an 8A setting, so no unrealistic SOAK 18 battle armors available - SOAK 10 is a top-of-the-line venutian battle armor (think The Expanse martian marine armor) and some ultra-heavy juggernaut-type armors have SOAK 12 or 13.

If you want, I can share a link with you with all the NPC's/enemies we use in a google doc. It's kind of a mini-bestiary but almost exclusively human scum, pirates, soldiers, guards, etcetera.

That'd be great!

I run a game with fairly high AL (a group of scum travelling through space, they met in prison without good reason and got kidnapped out of prison by pirates; they fled and stole the captain's ship);

They are still struggeling (mostly outgame) getting money so they Sold themselves (nearly literally) to a megacon 😂

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