D&D 5E [GUIDE] NADRIGOL's Melee Bladesinger Guide


It's probably a pretty strong choice for a Bladesinger Cleric build, but Bladesingers are already MAD without also needing a minimum 13 Wisdom to multiclass. I think the first level pays off better than the second, with the dark vision and initiative advantage.

The second level mainly just adds the channel divinity. Nothing in the text of the ability says it magically mutes light down to dim, just that it creates dim light within a 30 foot sphere. I think most tables are going to assume light works in a rough approximation of its normal, real world, additive manner, such that adding dim light to bright light does not create a dim light condition for Shadow Blade. If it did there would presumably be language about it keeping out nonmagical light as there are in certain other spells and effects. Even if you get a ruling in your favor, a Bladesinger already has lots of action to activate buffing options. At some point you have to start using your actions to swing that weapon.
Wow, thanks. Excellent points

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First Post
So first off want to say thank you for this Guide. Secondly interested in how to improve and proceed with this multiclass.

I've been using it to build a Half-elf Bladesinger that I've been in a campaign for almost a year now and we are currently level 7
6th Bladesinger/ 1st Fighter
So I took the dip of Fighter for the fact the more often my PC somehow had a tendency to be hit by a Critical more than any other PC. I'm wanting to get the most out of the fighter class and plan on getting him to 3rd level. I've looked over all of the subclasses for a fighter but I'm leaning to Echo Knight, Psi Warrior, or the Rune Knight.
Not sure if those subclasses are equivalent to a Battle master or could be more effective.
and just for Info Stats:
War Caster - feat


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
The second level mainly just adds the channel divinity. Nothing in the text of the ability says it magically mutes light down to dim, just that it creates dim light within a 30 foot sphere. I think most tables are going to assume light works in a rough approximation of its normal, real world, additive manner, such that adding dim light to bright light does not create a dim light condition for Shadow Blade. If it did there would presumably be language about it keeping out nonmagical light as there are in certain other spells and effects. Even if you get a ruling in your favor, a Bladesinger already has lots of action to activate buffing options. At some point you have to start using your actions to swing that weapon.
@Sanojo I'd ask your DM. The text reads that it creates a sphere, centered on you, with a 30-foot radius, filled with dim light. To me there was no way to read that such that it just emanated dim light - when things give off light they describe it with verbiage like "burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an addition 20 feet" (torch), "emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet" (sun sword) or "shed bright light in a 20-foor radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet" (light spell). Having a sphere of set size that travels with you does not match any of that - it is controlling the light within that sphere.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
So first off want to say thank you for this Guide. Secondly interested in how to improve and proceed with this multiclass.

I've been using it to build a Half-elf Bladesinger that I've been in a campaign for almost a year now and we are currently level 7
6th Bladesinger/ 1st Fighter
So I took the dip of Fighter for the fact the more often my PC somehow had a tendency to be hit by a Critical more than any other PC. I'm wanting to get the most out of the fighter class and plan on getting him to 3rd level. I've looked over all of the subclasses for a fighter but I'm leaning to Echo Knight, Psi Warrior, or the Rune Knight.
Not sure if those subclasses are equivalent to a Battle master or could be more effective.
and just for Info Stats:
War Caster - feat
You're giving up 1.5 spell levels known and slots - that is an incredibly heavy debt to overcome just to be on the same tier as a straight bladesinger. If you take 3 levels but not a 4th you are also pushing back an ASI, and bladesingers are quite MAD. It looks like you already have pretty godlike ability scores for a 7th level character so I assume you rolled and rolled well.

2 levels will give you action surge, which could be enough to be a whole spell level behind.
3 gives a subclass.
4 gives the ASI. But at that point you are so far behind you basically are using spells for Shield, Absorb Elements, and Counterspell.
6 gives you another ASI.
7 in Eldritch Knight gives an odd interations with Tasha's Bladesinger Extra Attack since War Magic does not require the Cast A Spell action (like so many things require the Attack action). You can Attack, transform one of your attacks into a cantrip and War Magic will allow you an extra bonus action attack.


First Post
You're giving up 1.5 spell levels known and slots - that is an incredibly heavy debt to overcome just to be on the same tier as a straight bladesinger. If you take 3 levels but not a 4th you are also pushing back an ASI, and bladesingers are quite MAD. It looks like you already have pretty godlike ability scores for a 7th level character so I assume you rolled and rolled well.

2 levels will give you action surge, which could be enough to be a whole spell level behind.
3 gives a subclass.
4 gives the ASI. But at that point you are so far behind you basically are using spells for Shield, Absorb Elements, and Counterspell.
6 gives you another ASI.
7 in Eldritch Knight gives an odd interations with Tasha's Bladesinger Extra Attack since War Magic does not require the Cast A Spell action (like so many things require the Attack action). You can Attack, transform one of your attacks into a cantrip and War Magic will allow you an extra bonus action attack.
@Blue I don't mind being 1 or 2 spell levels behind. The current party consists of (Lvl 7 wizard Order of Scribs | Lvl 7 Cleric | Lvl 7 Rouge | Lvl 6 Wizard Divination / Lvl 1 Cleric | My character - Lvl 6 Wizard Bladesinger / Lvl 1 Fighter) So I think we are stacked on spells. My goal is to either assist them in combat or be more effective with my Bladesinger abilities in and out of the front lines of combat.

I suppose I would take him to level 3 or level 4 fighter to get the subclass and or the ASI.

For subclasses; would the Echo Knight be an effective combo with the Bladesinger for combat versatility or would the Psi Warrior be a better choice because of the INT skill set? I think both have their trade-offs looking for outside input.
Also I'm not against a Battle Master. I don't think it fits with how I play him and I would like more unique abilities but I could be persuaded if I missed something.


Chill Touch has twice the range of Ray of Frost, but also does d8 damage with a less resisted damage type. And if you are up against undead that resist necrotic, you proc the disadvantage rider. Chill Touch should be rated Green, or even higher IMO.

Voidrunner's Codex

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