I agree with most of the spells from the bad spell list, but some of these buff spell complaints are, a bit too much.
I'm the one who put Blight in the bad spell list, so just let me explain: it is the best single target damage spell at fourth level. Which is sort of like having the best tan among the mole-people, as its only other real competition is the terrible Phantasmal Killer. In short, all it does is damage, and the damage is...not great. It could have added a small debuff or something. Unless you're fighting plants. Then it's the Bee's Knees.
And the reason Flesh To Stone is bad is because there is really no reason for this to be a concentration spell, it already has the pass a save x times before failing y time to keep it in line. And then to force the caster to keep concentrating long after the target is stone for the effect to "stick" is just adding insult to injury. The real reason this was added was to help the PCs if a BBEG casts on the PCs, thereby making it more of a "DM Spell."
I'm the one who put Blight in the bad spell list, so just let me explain: it is the best single target damage spell at fourth level. Which is sort of like having the best tan among the mole-people, as its only other real competition is the terrible Phantasmal Killer. In short, all it does is damage, and the damage is...not great. It could have added a small debuff or something. Unless you're fighting plants. Then it's the Bee's Knees.
And the reason Flesh To Stone is bad is because there is really no reason for this to be a concentration spell, it already has the pass a save x times before failing y time to keep it in line. And then to force the caster to keep concentrating long after the target is stone for the effect to "stick" is just adding insult to injury. The real reason this was added was to help the PCs if a BBEG casts on the PCs, thereby making it more of a "DM Spell."