All of the monsters in question are unique to AD&D, and as I wrote virtually all of their stats and descriptions they are in fact my creative products, not the IP of WotC. That's a FWIW.
While a few of the critters in questions are purely products of my own imagination--carrion crawler, gelatinous cube, roper for instance--there were many sources of inspiration for the majority of the monsters, and I will name a few:
Drow: A listing in the
Funk & Wagnall's Unexpurgated Dictionary, and no other source at all. I wanted a most unusual race as the main power in the Underdark, so used the reference to "dark elves" from the dictionary to create the Drow. (And nary a one has crow's feet).
Troll: "The Three Billygoats Gruff" where the Great Ugly Troll has a nose as long as a poker and
Three Hearts & Three Lions most assuredly.
Ogre Magi:
General Raiko and the Ogres of O-E-Yama, a beautifully illustrated children's book translated into English from Japanese.
Shambling Mound: Strictly from "The Heap" in
Airboy Comics, of which I was a great fan.
Displacer Beast: From A.E. van
Voght's Voyage of the Space Beagle.
Kuo-Toa: These were not inspired by any particular literary source but made up out of whole cloth by me.
Bugbear: The name comes from folklore, but the remainder is my creation. When I told the artist that it had "like a pumnpkin" he took it literally rather than as figurative for a large, oval head.
Lich: Right on in regards to Gardner Fox. Gar and his wife Linda were friends of mine.
If anyone reading this thresd has specific questions I'll be happy to answer them.