D&D 5E Halflings are the 7th most popular 5e race

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
The least popular of the core races isn't a surprise, and it's probably not a surprise that they are behind Tieflings and Dragonborn.

You may be surprised to learn that they are ahead of goliaths, gnomes, half-orcs and well, everything else.

This data is from 1.2 million characters on DnD Beyond that are publicly viewable and through late 2022.


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Follower of the Way
This data reads as pretty suspect for a variety of reasons, beyond the ones mentioned. E.g. dwarf is 4th most popular on this list, immediately after elf and half-elf, but literally at no point prior to this has dwarf been that high in any of the D&D Beyond official data.

My suspicion is, a lot of people create dwarves without playing them, which is something this data set can't meaningfully engage with.

PHB should not be compared to none PHB, pre 4e how competitive would Tieflings have been compared to Halfings in editions that had both? I suspect Halfling would have beaten the Tieflings then.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
This data reads as pretty suspect for a variety of reasons, beyond the ones mentioned. E.g. dwarf is 4th most popular on this list, immediately after elf and half-elf, but literally at no point prior to this has dwarf been that high in any of the D&D Beyond data.

My suspicion is, a lot of people create dwarves without playing them, which is something this data set can't meaningfully engage with.
The DDB folks have said many times that they use the buttons and widgets on the sheet being used to determine if a character is actually being used.

Not perfect, but hardly “suspect”, and that DDB data showed each type of dwarf in the top dozen or so, making it perfectly plausible that “dwarves” is significantly higher on the list.

The fact this data set doesn’t filter out “non-used” characters also doesn’t really matter, IMO. If people are making so many dwarves that they’re 4th most popular, then dwarves are very popular. People probably aren’t making characters they aren’t interested in any meaningful numbers.


Follower of the Way
The DDB folks have said many times that they use the buttons and widgets on the sheet being used to determine if a character is actually being used.
Yes....and this person didn't do that. They scraped free, publically-available data for characters posted. Basically "all characters still available for viewing." The official info DOES filter these things. This person's unofficial stuff does not. That's going to skew things, rather a lot.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Yes....and this person didn't do that. They scraped free, publically-available data for characters posted. Basically "all characters still available for viewing." The official info DOES filter these things. This person's unofficial stuff does not. That's going to skew things, rather a lot.
You didn’t read the rest of the post, did you?


Huh. I wonder why a species that is more or less locked out from like three classes due to garbage size rules might not be played as often...
Which classes don't benefit from a +2 to Dexterity? Barbarian, I guess, doesn't really need it. Which are the other two?

Voidrunner's Codex

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