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Dog Moon

" Candace did you really offer to slash Paul’s tires?” I inquired turning to look at her.
“Again? What do you have some fetish about slashing tires?” Melody commented looking at Candace with an amused expression.
“Seth, she does that to anyone who she thinks needs to be taken down a peg or pisses her off,” Vanessa explained seeing the confused expression on my face.
“How else am I supposed to show support for my friends in their times of need?”

I love the characters in my book lol

I would like to think that all authors love the characters in their books, even the ones people are supposed to hate! The good thing is that if you DON'T love a character you can always change him/her. :)

So maybe I'm late the party - I've been gone a while - but what kind of book is it?


A Wicked Kendragon
I'm not superstitious, I'm just regular stitious.
Curious, I decided to see what the etymology on that was.

from latin word superstitionem
super = above, over, beyond
stitionem root word sta = to stand, set down, make or be firm

A superstition is when someone stands above the position (position meaning the situation as it is)

So if we are being literal, and you are stitious, I guess that makes you Michael Sorrentino. ;)


I learned nerd for this.
Curious, I decided to see what the etymology on that was.

from latin word superstitionem
super = above, over, beyond
stitionem root word sta = to stand, set down, make or be firm

A superstition is when someone stands above the position (position meaning the situation as it is)

So if we are being literal, and you are stitious, I guess that makes you Michael Sorrentino. ;)
GTL Baby


I learned nerd for this.
Actually I was listening to a baseball game on the radio when I heard that. They were talking about sports superstitiousness. I liked the phrase a lot.

Go Braves!


I learned nerd for this.
Not sure. I just came back after being away for several years myself. I'm still trying to find out where the others went. Relique, blackrat and Galeros to name a few. I'm just happy to see another ol skool person.

How's it going? Living in an ever worsening hell. Only good thing going for me is I still have family that loves me.


I learned nerd for this.
You'd think after all this time that orchestra would have the timing down. Some of them were off.
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