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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Well my D&D game is getting along. Forgotten Realms. Starting at 1st level at Dalelands. If anyone ever ran any Dales adventures, I welcome all ideas :D I do have all the books with dales info. Just bought Volo's Guide to the Dales from drivethrurpg. It was the only one I lacked.

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Dog Moon

I have found that the best thing to do with stalled stories and idea fragments is place them into a file, preferably- if you can- with a summary that can be quickly read/searched.

That way you can let them rest and come back to them with fresh eyes. AND you can possibly incorporate & recombine those ideas as you need to. If you need to.

Yeah, I have a big folder of stories that I have started that never actually went anywhere.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Dalelands adventures: 2nd ed face to face game for me. I played a fighter who was an orphan raised by his uncle-a brewer with a recipe he got from the dwarves and an aunt who hakes the best apple pie in the land. I for get what the name of the nearby castle was but we took it over after dealing with some drow who were trying to use it as a launch off point to take over the dalelands.

major disparity: why are our characters needed when Elminster's tower was in town?

Dog Moon

I hate my waterbill.

Water Usage: $7.86
Total water bill: $34.09

So my actual usage is only 23% of my total bill. The rest is just miscellaneous fees. Sooooo lame.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
major disparity: why are our characters needed when Elminster's tower was in town?

That's actually major disparity with anything going on in the entire Realms :D But there's a simple explanation given in 3.0 Forgotten Realms CS. "He's busy..."

Yeah, they say it more elaborately in the book, but that's the point they make.

Dog Moon

Dalelands adventures: 2nd ed face to face game for me. I played a fighter who was an orphan raised by his uncle-a brewer with a recipe he got from the dwarves and an aunt who hakes the best apple pie in the land. I for get what the name of the nearby castle was but we took it over after dealing with some drow who were trying to use it as a launch off point to take over the dalelands.

major disparity: why are our characters needed when Elminster's tower was in town?

Yeah, as much as I liked the Forgotten Realms, the high number of powerful characters is the one thing that kinda bothered me. Cool to read in stories, but in an rpg.... most of the time everything is too small scale to be noticed by them, I would think, but when you get to the end of the world stuff it's like "Where is Elminster? Don't tell me he's focused on a DIFFERENT ending the world stuff?"

But I liked the Deities [2e Faiths and Avatars REALLY got me into the FR Deities] and a lot of the lore and information about the Realms and when we adventured in there before switching to Pathfinder/Golarian, those powerful figures tended to be in the background and we basically never encountered them in our journeys. No one in our group really liked Elminster or Driz'zt anyway, so having them not appear was no problem at all.


So this morning we needed a layout of a house we are turning into a group home for an escape plan in case of fire etc. I once again impressed my staff with my ability to walk though a house and quickly sketch a detailed floor-plan on graph paper. Of course they didn't know the reason I paused at each door was to check for traps and listen for monsters...

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