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Dog Moon

Covid deniers are real. I just listened to a man talk about how it's all fake. His son's school told him his son had been exposed to someone with it on the bus. His son is 6 and autistic. He believes the school is using the covid hoax to get rid of his son because he's smarter than they are. I'm aware some people with autism are exceptionally smart. I don't know his son so I have to give him some leeway. He refused to get his son tested "for something that ain't real". He's not taking any other precautions either. His stupidity Is so overwhelming, I want to cry.
I just heard that there was like a poll or something that approximated that 49% of republicans are not going to get vaccinated. I think democrats were at like 24%. Apparently Fauci went on Fox News and was trying to get Trump to tell people to get vaccinated, though Trump didn't listen to Fauci before, so unlikely to listen now. But there are too many people that don't seem to understand the seriousness of it. One person said "why should I worry, we're not even at 1% death rate" without thinking 'well gee, maybe it's because of the precautions that were put into place to prevent exactly that from occurring'. People are still spouting off "it's just the flu".

It's crazy to think that within the next couple of months, we could almost return to normal if everyone eligible to receive the vaccine actually did receive it. But apparently we're going to return to normal regardless... who knows how long the coronavirus will still be killing people. Too bad there's no way to make it mandatory.

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I am the mysterious professor.
And Trump got the vaccine. He didn't go public with it like other politicians did.

I found this podcast. It's a smorgasbord of conspiracy theories every week. This week it's how 5G is causing the illness. The host of the show said it's radiation sickness not a virus. These are the types people are listening to. They'll throw something out there and tell people to do their own research, then tell them not to trust the mainstream search engines or information. They make the wildest claims and present them as fact. In the end Satanists Fauci and Bill Gates are using 5G to make people sick to reduce the population to 500 million as a form of eugenics as prescribed on the Georgia guide stones (look it up if you don't know it) to bring on the one world government and currency (cryptocurrency) New Word Order. But if you have 25k dollars and believe in God you can come live with me in my soon to be commune that's not a commune.


Staff member
@Dog Moon

There actually ARE ways to make vaccines mandatory, but most American politicians (of all kinds) are extremely loathe to take those steps. Honestly, I don’t blame them too much given the polarization & politicization* of the issue we’re experiencing.

People also don’t get how dangerous C19 really is because they just focus on the death rate. Virologists have been pointing out almost from the beginning that’s not the only metric to judge pathogens, and keep talking about the lengthening litany of the very serious ancillary long-term effects the disease has: scarring of the lungs, sterility, organ failure, brain damage, induced diabetes, increased risk of strokes, etc.

IOW, unlike a lot of diseases, it’s not a mafia assassin, it’s a mob leg breaker. It’s probably not coming to kill you, but it may cripple you for life.

* which I DO blame some for


Staff member
And Trump got the vaccine. He didn't go public with it like other politicians did.

I found this podcast. It's a smorgasbord of conspiracy theories every week. This week it's how 5G is causing the illness. The host of the show said it's radiation sickness not a virus. These are the types people are listening to. They'll throw something out there and tell people to do their own research, then tell them not to trust the mainstream search engines or information. They make the wildest claims and present them as fact. In the end Satanists Fauci and Bill Gates are using 5G to make people sick to reduce the population to 500 million as a form of eugenics as prescribed on the Georgia guide stones (look it up if you don't know it) to bring on the one world government and currency (cryptocurrency) New Word Order. But if you have 25k dollars and believe in God you can come live with me in my soon to be commune that's not a commune.
That is some Grade A stooooooooooopid.

Dog Moon

And Trump got the vaccine. He didn't go public with it like other politicians did.
Yeah, he's so full of BS. Gets covid, people foolishly think maybe it'll change his mind, but he gets steroids and experimental drugs that no one else has access to. He was like "I feel like superman" and people actually chanted that at one of his rallies as if it wasn't all the drugs that were keeping him standing on his own two feet. Then, despite how much he belittled everything and said "one day it'll just be gone", he gets the vaccine before he leaves office. And of course he doesn't tell people. It's like that one politician who kept saying covid was a hoax and yet was still one of the first people to get the vaccine. Like dude, if it's a hoax, why are you bothering with the vaccine? That would just be them injecting a bunch of random stuff into your arm for no reason...

Hypocrites are the worst...

Dog Moon

@Dog Moon

There actually ARE ways to make vaccines mandatory, but most American politicians (of all kinds) are extremely loathe to take those steps. Honestly, I don’t blame them too much given the polarization & politicization* of the issue we’re experiencing.
It's unfortunate that somehow this virus has become a political thing. Like there are people who claimed that the Democrats are behind this hoax. Which is amazing to me because how could this Democratic hoax spread across the entire world? They're definitely not that powerful...

They probably COULD make the vaccine mandatory, but yeah, that would cause so many issues. I'm sure it would be a completely partisan thing and oh man there would be so much protesting (and probably some rioting). Enforcing it would also probably be difficult. Even without politics, there are too many conspiracies against the vaccine and antivaxxers.... you're right, people are stupid. Just amazes me how stupid people can be. Argh!


Staff member
Hypocrites are the worst...
1) just my opinion based on the past 5-6 years, but it seems like critical thinking skills in the general population are at a record low for my lifetime.

2) that level of hypocrisy has been seen before. During the Spanish Flu, a prominent MD wrote numerous OP-ED pieces about the evils of vaccines. Yes, after he had been vaccinated.


I am the mysterious professor.
I wonder if critical thinking has ever been a priority for the majority. Hell, for most of history most of the population were illiterate. They believed what they were told. Now literacy is at an all time high, but people still can't tell information from misinformation.

I'm jealous. I would like to use the money for something like that. I need to buy tires for my car. That will take most of the money. I'll put much of the rest away. As soon as I can I need to go tire shopping. My current set hasn't even lasted a year.
My check engine light just came on so,i doubt i'll be getting a new computer all at once.

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