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Has anyone updated "Gates of Firestorm Peak" to 3E?

the Jester

I'll see if I can hunt up my conversion notes for ya...

As to the challenges vs. the party, well- the party I was running was huge and fairly varied in levels, so it's hard to say. Also, I'm a killa dm- I run a game with a very high fatality rate.

A few notes:

A lot of the duergar encounters assume that enlarge does a lot more than it currently does. Also, several of the encounters assume the duergar can make objects invisible. I accounted for these where plot necessitated it by saying that the radiations from the Vast Gate had mutated the duergars' sp abilities.

Gibberlings are in Monsters of Faerun (though not brood gibberlings).

Gibering mouthers, of course, are in the MM these days, as are duergar. Wystes you can find in the MM2.

As the the rest- I'll see what I can turn up in the way of notes. :)

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I was thinking of treating the duergar's enlarge slightly different from the spell - giving them the bonuses for increasing creature size given in the MM.

The group I'm Planning on running through will consist of 5 core players, 1 NPC and 3-4 less frequent players. Levels will range from 5th to 8th at the start.

the Jester

Anyone gonna play this module, shoo! This is dm stuff!

A few notes:

Room 2a: The wall is 10' high, Climb DC 25. When a character reaches the spikes and barbs, it requires a full-round action and a Climb check DC 30 to negotiate them without sufering 1d6 damage.

The two groups of four duergar each consist of two F4s and two F2/Rog2s.

Room 2b: The duergar are eight f1s. The reinforcements are 4th-level fighters.

Room 3: Pit Trap (CR 3; Reflex DC 20 avoids; damage is 2d6 plus 3d4 debris).

Room 4a: Derek's sword is a +1 goblinoid bane weapon.

Room 4b:Water Trap (CR 3; Search DC 24, Disable Device DC 24; to raise the slab a crack requires a Str check, DC 26; a DD check DC 29 will prematurely reset it.

Room 6: Fire skeletons, each wielding a greatsword [3.0]: CR 3, large undead; HD 4d12 hp 29, 25; init +5, spd 40', AC 16 (+1 dex, -1 size, +6 natural), Atk +4 melee (2d8+3 huge greatsword), SA 8d6 firebal; SQ undead, immune to fire, 1/2 dmg from cold, slashing and piercing; turn resistance +2; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 11.

Room 7: Crypt things are in the FF (I believe?)

Room 10: Collapsing stone trap (CR 1; search DC 21, disable DC 24; Reflex save, DC 0, to cling to the chute; Climb DC 1 to escape).

Room 11: I used four large scorpions.

Room 13: The dream requires a Will save (DC 16) to avoid 1 point of Wis drain.

Room 14: I used 8 dire bats.

Room 20: I treated steeders as large spiders with a huge jump (? 240' is what I have written down, but I don't think that can be right... can it? :eek:)

Room 22: Anyone entering the water above the pit, they must make a Ref save (DC 25) to avoid all the bear traps; failure indicates one or more snap shut (two if the pc failed a DC 20, three if the pc failed to hit DC 15). Characters must make a Swim check using their dex bonus rather than str to grab a breath before being dragged under. Escaping a trap requires a Disable Device, Escape Artist or str check (I used DC 30, but the pcs never got here, and in retrospect that's prolly too high- I suggest about DC 25).

Room 28: Due to the changes in enlarge you'll need to rethink this area. (In 3.0 it still worked on objects; I just shortened the necessary enlargement to accomodate the smaller max enlarge in 3e).

Room 29: Darkscape: Fort DC 17; initial dmg unconsciousness and hallucinations; secondary dmg 1d10 wis dmg.

Room 31: I used 12 4th-level fighters mounted, plus the 12 steeders, plus 10d10+20 1st-level duergar warriors, experts and commoners (split 30/50/20), plus four 3rd-level clerics, plus special npcs.

Room 37: Search DC 21 turns up the parchment.

Room 39: I made Gaskel an expert 2/fighter 4.

Room 42: Open locks DC 28 (chest)- holds a tome of clear thought +1 in illithid braille, earrings and oil of timelessness.

Room 47a: A cleric must channel enough positive or negative energy to turn a 3 HD undead to open the door.

Room 49: Blast glyph (5d8)- search/disable DC 28. I made the efreet insane and gave him str 27, con 18.

More later as I turn up more of my notes... ;)


First Post
I know this thread is 7 years old, but I'm currently updating GoFP to Pathfinder and Jester's advice has been very useful.

Jester: Any chance you still have your notes for the rest of the rooms in the module?


the Jester

Hmm, I'll see if I can find anything, but it has been quite a while and I've moved since then. Also, my notes were hand-written in a notebook full of other notes. In short, I don't want to raise too many hopes here. If I do find them, though, I'll happily transcribe!

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