• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Has WotC saturated the published adventure market or are the two latest adventures not very popular?

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I'd love to get your tips for running Dragon Heist on the relevant "Enhancing" thread!


I did post a short review here on the site. I do not have anything particularly innovative to add to the thread you started. The main thing I did was create my own connections between scenes that I knew would play to the PCs' motives. I imagine pretty much everyone does that who runs the module.


Wizards obviously has all the sales numbers but we have to remember that any new adventure is sharing shelf space and sales with other books. A better look at the health of D&D overall is total adventure sales in any given month.

That being said, I think that too many of the adventures are basically the same. I hadn't bought any of the hard backs until DotMM as I liked the fact it was separate dungeon levels with minimal "save the universe" type story line. I can strip in for levels/rooms/ideas as I see fit.

That and it was on a big sale on Amazon. Total price after discount was about $18. I can give a 300+ page adventure a lot of slack for $18.

Wizards will have to start with some truly interesting concepts to get people enticed to buy the latest adventure rather than something already out there. Soon, I can imagine seeing used copies of adventures for sale in the FLGS.

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