D&D General Hasbro/WotC corporate terrorists. Please don't support.

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I admit, I dropped D&D years ago. I haven't played in so long I barely remember the rules. But then again, I dropped them in part because I sensed that their moral compass was damaged. Now I can say that they've up and smashed it entirely.

Please,on't buy their products. Don't play their games. Don't give your kids their toys. Vote with your wallet and help put them out of business.


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Oh no! A company sent guys to someone's house to retrieve some stuff that he shouldn't have had, and HE KNEW THAT. Excuse me while I clutch my pearls.

Now, the association with Pinkerton is a bigger issue for me. It's an organization of thugs, with a long history of douchebaggery. Not enough for me to boycot a couple good games, but certainly disconcerting.

"Caesar's wife must be above suspicion", or "Caesar's wife should not only be honorable/honest, but should also appear to be".

I can understand Hasbro has got the right to defend interests, but not all is fair. If you aren't coherent with certain "good manners" you suffer a loss of prestige and your clients will start to untrust you.

Save your speech about the life is a jungle. We aren't your preys, we are people, and we don't like when somebody starts to behave as a predator psychopath.

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