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Have you ever let your ego creep into your character? Did it turn ugly, or did you manage to check yourself?

Emotional bleed is a real thing, absolutely. It's happened to me, and I honestly was shocked to realize what was happening. I didn't do or say anything I shouldn't have, thankfully, but I was just surprised to realize how in-game RP was affecting my actual emotional state.

Good on you guys for talking it out during the break. It's awfully easy to let the appearance of negativity become the real thing, and taking the time to tap the brakes and make sure everyone is on the same page is the sign of a mature player. :)

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Sounds awesome! At cons, most of the time, my twin brother and I are both at the table, so we're generally pretty in-sync with each other, but it's hella awesome when that sort of RP synergy connects with a stranger. It's part of what makes gaming so great.

Those are some of my favorite moments as a player - when you and another player are in on the dynamic and it just works. I once met another player at Gencon, first time we had ever spoken, where I played the Greyhawk character Robilar and she played Quij, Robilar's *ahem* faithful orc manservant. I gave her no end of crap, making Quij take trapfinding detail, ordering him into danger first, etc. and she played along perfectly, at times even interpreting Robilar's orders in a way that gave him an eye twitch. :) She was a fantastic player, sorry to say I don't think I ever met her at any other conventions, since at the time I rarely got to play RPGA at the time.

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