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Having fun with quotes.....

The local radio station occational likes to spice up speeches by popular politicians, speakers and / or entertainers by bleeping out key words. Creats a fill in with what ever you are thinking responce. I Thought I would try it but on something gaming. This is from General "Essays about gaming"

"I have tried over the years to address these "monstrous problems" in my Campaign setting, and in the adventures I write for the players to undertake. For instance in my world monsters and (are) unique, usually one of a kind creations, much more similar to the monstrosities and prodigies of ancient Greece, than the creations of modern fantasy role play. This means when the party does encounter a monster then in game terms it is a real, dangerous, feral, vicious brute. Really and truly monstrous. It also means you can't pull out the Monster Manual to know best how to fight it or know if it likes laying traps and ambushes or the straight out, let's get bloody, man-to-man brawls. Furthermore it knows where it lives, how it moves, what its tactics are, what techniques it will employ far better than the players. (Which ain't the case most of the time now.) Making it that much more dangerous and lethal because it is an unknown quantity with unknown qualities. You don't know the creature's level, challenge rating, hit point count, what it can do, etc. You just know it bites, claws, and kills. So in that way I've solved the "Over-familiarity/Lack of Danger Aspect" of monster design weakness in D&D. (This is just a general "design principle," and like all design principles it is of course open to whatever the DM and players want to do. If the DM and players want gnolls who dress like circus clowns and eat hay and farm naked molerats for monsters, so be it. I'm talking about game monsters that are truly monstrous, and dangerous, and unknown, not colorful and comic, humorous, and so familiar they might as well be wearing body scales made out of neon glowing statistical probability charts. If monsters were real they would not be "readable and predictable," instead they would be lethal, unpredictable, and stat graphs and hit point counts would be the very least of your worries if you encountered one that was pissed off, moody, or feeling kinda hungry.) "

[sblock= original section]
I have tried over the years to address these "monstrous problems" in my Campaign setting, and in the adventures I write for the players to undertake. For instance in my world monsters and unique, usually one of a kind creations, much more similar to the monstrosities and prodigies of ancient Greece, than the creations of modern fantasy role play. This means when the party does encounter a monster then in game terms it is a real, dangerous, feral, vicious brute. Really and truly monstrous. It also means you can't pull out the Monster Manual to know best how to fight it or know if it likes laying traps and ambushes or the straight out, let's get bloody, man-to-man brawls. Furthermore it knows where it lives, how it moves, what its tactics are, what techniques it will employ far better than the players. (Which ain't the case most of the time now.) Making it that much more dangerous and lethal because it is an unknown quantity with unknown qualities. You don't know the creature's level, challenge rating, hit point count, what it can do, etc. You just know it bites, claws, and kills. So in that way I've solved the "Over-familiarity/Lack of Danger Aspect" of monster design weakness in D&D. (This is just a general "design principle," and like all design principles it is of course open to whatever the DM and players want to do. If the DM and players want gnolls who dress like circus clowns and eat hay and farm naked molerats for monsters, so be it. I'm talking about game monsters that are truly monstrous, and dangerous, and unknown, not colorful and comic, humorous, and so familiar they might as well be wearing body scales made out of neon glowing statistical probability charts. If monsters were real they would not be "readable and predictable," instead they would be lethal, unpredictable, and stat graphs and hit point counts would be the very least of your worries if you encountered one that was pissed off, moody, or feeling kinda hungry.)

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Here's a possible fun one.... Morris' rules for EN World...

"The Rules - Please BLEEP!


[Note -- see the FAQ for more info on BLEEP at EN World]. These are the BLEEP you agreed to when you registered your BLEEP.


Hi all! It's been a while since we've clearly and directly gone over the rules with everyone, and since we're getting new members all the time it seems like it might be time for a brief refresher.

Eric started BLEEP in early 2000, and at that time he established three rules: Keep it BLEEP, keep it BLEEP, and keep it on BLEEP. Those rules are essentially the same rules I, the BLEEP and the BLEEP use today in the course of our duties.

Let's look at each one briefly (thanks to Eric for writing this!):

Keep it BLEEP: Don't engage in personal BLEEP, BLEEP, or BLEEP in your discussions. Say how you feel or what you BLEEP, but be careful about ascribing BLEEP to the BLEEP of others or telling others how they "should" BLEEP. People seeking to engage and discuss will find themselves asking questions, seeking BLEEP, and describing their own BLEEP. People seeking to "BLEEP" sometimes end up taking cheap shots, BLEEP people BLEEP, and generally trying to BLEEP others. My advice: don't try to BLEEP.

Keep it BLEEP: Don't use BLEEP, don't use clever tricks to run around the BLEEP, and don't link to sites with inappropriate BLEEP. The "acid test" we use is the "Grandmother Rule" -- if it would be inappropriate to say to or BLEEP to our grandmothers, BLEEP do it. I want a typical 13 year old kid to be able to come here and BLEEP if they want to without feeling BLEEP. This should be a BLEEP-BLEEP place. Think about it this way: how do you BLEEP around strangers or BLEEP acquaintances? You watch your BLEEP and you're on your best behavior. That's the ideal we're BLEEP for here.

Keep it on BLEEP: Ok, so it's not that we actually BLEEP off-topic BLEEP. But keep in mind that this is a BLEEP and BLEEP site, with many sub-forums on lots of related BLEEP. Try to put your posts in the right forums (it helps people BLEEP stuff, for one thing); off-topic posts go in the Off Topic forum. By popular demand, off-topic polls (not posts -- polls) are BLEEP. And in this category I should mention the "no BLEEP, no BLEEP" rule -- please refrain from discussion of a BLEEP or BLEEP nature. This last may seem a rather BLEEP rule, but it has helped keep the peace around here for a long time. There are plenty of places on the internet where one could have those sorts of BLEEP.

I'd also like to quickly BLEEP the issue of what to do if you feel BLEEP because of another BLEEP on these boards. I'd hate to see someone BLEEP over something for weeks or months, and then leaving because they feel that the moderators don't BLEEP about their problem. It is important for you to realise that with over four million posts being made by over 80,000 BLEEP, we BLEEP and BLEEP can't know about BLEEP that goes on. If you feel that there is a problem, or that someone is being BLEEP to you or anyone else, please let a moderator know. However, please don't be offended if, in a given instance, the moderator doesn't BLEEP with you. I can assure you that all of the moderators here do their best to be BLEEP and BLEEP talk issues over. With that in mind, we do have a couple of rules when it comes to BLEEP, and we ask you to BLEEP by them:

1) We appreciate that sometimes you will BLEEP with a BLEEP BLEEP, or feel that a BLEEP from a BLEEP is BLEEP or BLEEP. With 80,000 members, we're not going to be able to keep everyone BLEEP all of the time, so we settle for trying to keep most people BLEEP most of the time. Whether or not you agree with a BLEEP's BLEEP, we do expect you to abide by their BLEEP and BLEEP.

2) If you really, really BLEEP with a BLEEP's position on a [BLEEP] issue, please don't BLEEP about it on the boards. That means no BLEEP of BLEEP, no challenging their BLEEP in the thread, and certainly no attempts to go BLEEP a moderator's head. The moderators all BLEEP such things amongst themselves, and no moderator or admin is ever going to BLEEP another. If you honestly feel that you have been BLEEP unfairly, please BLEEP the moderator in question privately and BLEEP it with them. The end result may not be the one you were seeking, but we will do our our best to be BLEEP.

This is a really strict one, folks. It would be impossible for us to BLEEP this board if people were allowed to BLEEP there and then with the moderator decision for the same reason that, in real life, it would be impossible for the police to do their BLEEP if everyone was permitted to resist BLEEP. 99% of the time, almost by definition, as the recipient of the BLEEP BLEEP or BLEEP, you will not BLEEP. Our job is to keep the BLEEP and stop BLEEP BLEEPup; that's all.

So, please, if you have a BLEEP, take it to BLEEP - because if you BLEEP us in the thread, we'll ask you to BLEEP without exception. We don't necessarily expect you to BLEEP (and we'll happily BLEEP it over in private) but we do require that you abide by a moderator BLEEP or BLEEP.

I find it a BLEEP distressing that I have to BLEEP the following in the rules, but several incidents have made it necessary. I would have thought this would be obvious, grounded as it is in BLEEP rules of social BLEEP. But here it is: (1) do NOT BLEEP anybody's private BLEEP or BLEEP on EN World without their permission; and (2) do NOT post moderators' private BLEEP to you ANYWHERE without permission. BLEEP about a moderator's BLEEP or BLEEP here elsewhere is pretty much saying "I do not respect your BLEEP to run your messageboard as you BLEEP BLEEP", and, obviously, we do not want people BLEEP here who who do not respect our right to BLEEP these messageboards as we see fit.

Thanks for reading! If you have a question or BLEEP about this post, please start a thread in the Meta forum.

- Morrus, Eric, Piratecat, Henry, Darkness, Dinkeldog, Eridanis & Hypersmurf

Addendum: it should be clear that these rules are not BLEEP. A moderator instruction in-thread or in private has the same BLEEP as any rules BLEEP here.

Addendum II: if you are the recipient of BLEEP here at EN World, there's a strong chance that you'll feel the urge to BLEEP the old "power-crazy" and "abuse of moderator power" email to the BLEEP in question; in fact, it seems to be quite mandatory at times. In order to BLEEP you BLEEP and BLEEP, it would be helpful if we just BLEEP that by definition you consider us both BLEEP-crazy and determined to BLEEP our powers (because, hey, what a BLEEP thrill it is to spend one's time BLEEP people on the intrawebs); and, to that end, it's probably not an efficient use of your BLEEP to type out and send said email. Although it might make us BLEEP."


The Rules - Please Read!


[Note -- see the FAQ for more info on rules at EN World]. These are the rules you agreed to when you registered your account.


Hi all! It's been a while since we've clearly and directly gone over the rules with everyone, and since we're getting new members all the time it seems like it might be time for a brief refresher.

Eric started the forums in early 2000, and at that time he established three rules: Keep it civil, keep it clean, and keep it on topic. Those rules are essentially the same rules I, the admins and the mods use today in the course of our duties.

Let's look at each one briefly (thanks to Eric for writing this!):

Keep it civil: Don't engage in personal attacks, name-calling, or blanket generalizations in your discussions. Say how you feel or what you think, but be careful about ascribing motives to the actions of others or telling others how they "should" think. People seeking to engage and discuss will find themselves asking questions, seeking clarifications, and describing their own opinion. People seeking to "win an argument" sometimes end up taking cheap shots, calling people names, and generally trying to indimidate others. My advice: don't try to win.

Keep it clean: Don't use obscenities, don't use clever tricks to run around the profanity filters, and don't link to sites with inappropriate content. The "acid test" we use is the "Grandmother Rule" -- if it would be inappropriate to say to or show to our grandmothers, don't do it. I want a typical 13 year old kid to be able to come here and participate if they want to without feeling uncomfortable. This should be a minor-friendly place. Think about it this way: how do you act around strangers or work acquaintances? You watch your language and you're on your best behavior. That's the ideal we're shooting for here.

Keep it on topic: Ok, so it's not that we actually forbid off-topic conversation. But keep in mind that this is a D&D and D20 site, with many sub-forums on lots of related topics. Try to put your posts in the right forums (it helps people find stuff, for one thing); off-topic posts go in the Off Topic forum. By popular demand, off-topic polls (not posts -- polls) are forbidden. And in this category I should mention the "no religion, no politics" rule -- please refrain from discussion of a religious or political nature. This last may seem a rather draconic rule, but it has helped keep the peace around here for a long time. There are plenty of places on the internet where one could have those sorts of discussion.

I'd also like to quickly address the issue of what to do if you feel uncomfortable because of another person on these boards. I'd hate to see someone stewing over something for weeks or months, and then leaving because they feel that the moderators don't care about their problem. It is important for you to realise that with over four million posts being made by over 80,000 members, we admins and mods can't know about everything that goes on. If you feel that there is a problem, or that someone is being mean to you or anyone else, please let a moderator know. However, please don't be offended if, in a given instance, the moderator doesn't agree with you. I can assure you that all of the moderators here do their best to be fair and frequently talk issues over. With that in mind, we do have a couple of rules when it comes to moderators, and we ask you to abide by them:

1) We appreciate that sometimes you will disagree with a moderator's decision, or feel that a request from a moderator is unfair or unjustified. With 80,000 members, we're not going to be able to keep everyone happy all of the time, so we settle for trying to keep most people happy most of the time. Whether or not you agree with a moderator's stance, we do expect you to abide by their decisions and requests.

2) If you really, really disagree with a moderator's position on a [moderating] issue, please don't argue about it on the boards. That means no calling out of moderators, no challenging their decisions in the thread, and certainly no attempts to go over a moderator's head. The moderators all discuss such things amongst themselves, and no moderator or admin is ever going to override another. If you honestly feel that you have been treated unfairly, please contact the moderator in question privately and discuss it with them. The end result may not be the one you were seeking, but we will do our our best to be fair.

This is a really strict one, folks. It would be impossible for us to run this board if people were allowed to argue there and then with the moderator decision for the same reason that, in real life, it would be impossible for the police to do their job if everyone was permitted to resist arrest. 99% of the time, almost by definition, as the recipient of the moderator comment or action, you will not agree. Our job is to keep the peace and stop arguments brewing up; that's all.

So, please, if you have a problem, take it to email - because if you challenge us in the thread, we'll ask you to leave without exception. We don't necessarily expect you to agree (and we'll happily talk it over in private) but we do require that you abide by a moderator decision or request.

I find it a little distressing that I have to codify the following in the rules, but several incidents have made it necessary. I would have thought this would be obvious, grounded as it is in basic rules of social interaction. But here it is: (1) do NOT post anybody's private emails or messages on EN World without their permission; and (2) do NOT post moderators' private emails to you ANYWHERE without permission. Ranting about a moderator's decision or instruction here elsewhere is pretty much saying "I do not respect your right to run your messageboard as you see fit", and, obviously, we do not want people posting here who who do not respect our right to run these messageboards as we see fit.

Thanks for reading! If you have a question or comment about this post, please start a thread in the Meta forum.

- Morrus, Eric, Piratecat, Henry, Darkness, Dinkeldog, Eridanis & Hypersmurf

Addendum: it should be clear that these rules are not exhaustive. A moderator instruction in-thread or in private has the same weight as any rules posted here.

Addendum II: if you are the recipient of moderation here at EN World, there's a strong chance that you'll feel the urge to send the old "power-crazy" and "abuse of moderator power" email to the mod in question; in fact, it seems to be quite mandatory at times. In order to save you time and effort, it would be helpful if we just assumed that by definition you consider us both power-crazy and determined to abuse our powers (because, hey, what a terrific thrill it is to spend one's time chastising people on the intrawebs); and, to that end, it's probably not an efficient use of your time to type out and send said email. Although it might make us giggle."

This is a bit funnier.... I think.

from Media Heroes #8 Villians from Brown Jerkin

Live Comentary.

9:03: Dad sure is BLEEP .

9:05: Oh, if only. Now if he would only do BLEEP in real time. Trying to BLEEP Syar having a concience. Well they seem to want us to BLEEP for Elles BLEEP now. I can BLEEP without her if it means a smaller BLEEP.

9:10: HRG really should be BLEEP himself now.

9:12: Just some thoughts. Hopefully they make Hiro more BLEEP and less BLEEP now that they are giving him all this BLEEP.

9:14: Dad sure is BLEEP.

9:19: OK, I get it, stop BLEEP the BLEEP.

9:21: Gah. Meredeth doesn't need BLEEP to BLEEP in better. She was fine before.

9:22 Just some more thoughts. Bah, 3 BLEEPI really don't like. Is that all this BLEEP is?

9:25: Shouldn't Meredeth be happy with this BLEEP?

9:27: Bah, trying to give Clair and Elle something to BLEEP over.

9:29: Well we get a better sense of at least one of Dad's BLEEP and why he is so BLEEP. A little better clarity than they have given in the past.

9:33: Yea real time. Please wake Hiro up. BLEEP please.

9:35: I so don't care about Meredeth. Why oh why are they trying to BLEEP her instead of just BLEEP her.

9:37: That should be one BLEEP human BLEEP.

9:38: We already knew Linderman had a BLEEP. He just had a warped sense of how to get BLEEP.

9:39: Another BLEEP. For those who think it is like the comic, it sure is. Time to try something new, so time to BLEEP.

9:45: OK, now I really want Elle BLEEP about as much as I still want Syler BLEEP.

9:47: Angela makes the best BLEEP. Everyone else featured in this entire episode except for HRG should BLEEP and BLEEP soon. If the purpose of this episode is to make us BLEEP with BLEEP BLEEP in the present then it succeeded. Otherwise this episode is Epic BLEEP.

9:50: Promo spot featuring Parkman makes we BLEEP for more of him and Turtle and less of everything else I BLEEP tonight so far. Its bad when a promo makes me BLEEP about the show than the show itself.

9:55: BLEEP, stupid BLEEP Syler to good. No need to BLEEP us over the head.

9:56: Enter Mohinder. Now everyone in this epiode can BLEEP and I will be BLEEP BLEEP, dance for joy.

9:58: Only Angela came off BLEEP this episode.

9:58: At least one BLEEP happened. Hated the end though.

9:59: not enough BLEEP about next week to make a call.

Despite giving this episode a 2 out of 10 there was enough over the previous BLEEP episodes that I can ride out this craptacular episode.

[sblock= and the real quote was...]
Live Comentary.

9:03: Dad sure is ruthless.

9:05: Oh, if only. Now if he would only do it in real time. Trying to retcon Syar having a concience. Well they seem to want us to root for Elles death now. I can live without her if it means a smaller cast.

9:10: HRG really should be kicking himself now.

9:12: Just some thoughts. Hopefully they make Hiro more usefull and less stupid now that they are giving him all this backstory.

9:14: Dad sure is ruthless.

9:19: OK, I get it, stop hammering the point.

9:21: Gah. Meredeth doesn't need retconning to fit in better. She was fine before.

9:22 Just some more thoughts. Bah, 3 story lines I really don't like. Is that all this epidode is?

9:25: Shouldn't Meredeth be happy with this development?

9:27: Bah, trying to give Clair and Elle something to bond over.

9:29: Well we get a better sense of at least one of Dad's powers and why he is so powerful. A little better clarity than they have given in the past.

9:33: Yea real time. Please wake Hiro up. Please please.

9:35: I so don't care about Meredeth. Why oh why are they trying to feature her instead of just killing her.

9:37: That should be one dead human agent.

9:38: We already knew Linderman had a heart. He just had a warped sense of how to get there.

9:39: Another thought. For those who think it is like the comic, it sure is. Time to try something new, so time to retcon.

9:45: OK, now I really want Elle dead about as much as I still want Syler dead.

9:47: Angela makes the best villan. Everyone else featured in this entire episode except for HRG should die and die soon. If the purpose of this episode is to make us happy with killing everyone in the present then it succeeded. Otherwise this episode is Epic Fail.

9:50: Promo spot featuring Parkman makes we wish for more of him and Turtle and less of everything else I saw tonight so far. Its bad when a promo makes me happier about the show than the show itself.

9:55: Stupid, stupid retconning Syler to good. No need to beat us over the head.

9:56: Enter Mohinder. Now everyone in this epiode can die and I will be happy happy, dance for joy.

9:58: Only Angela came off acceptable this episode.

9:58: At least one culling happened. Hated the end though.

9:59: not enough info about next week to make a call.

Despite giving this episode a 2 out of 10 there was enough over the previous few episodes that I can ride out this craptacular episode.


Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
My favorite; From Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Car Rental Agent: [cheerfully] Welcome to Marathon, may I help you?

Neal: Yes.

Car Rental Agent: How may I help you?

Neal: You can start by wiping that BLEEPING dumb-ass smile off your rosey, BLEEPING, cheeks! Then you can give me a BLEEPING automobile: a BLEEPING Datsun, a BLEEPING Toyota, a BLEEPING Mustang, a BLEEPING Buick! Four BLEEPING wheels and a seat!

Car Rental Agent: I really don't care for the way you're speaking to me.

Neal: And I really don't care for the way your company left me in the middle of BLEEPING nowhere with BLEEPING keys to a BLEEPING car that isn't BLEEPING there. And I really didn't care to BLEEPING walk down a BLEEPING highway and across a BLEEPING runway to get back here to have you smile in my BLEEPING face. I want a BLEEPING car RIGHT BLEEPING NOW!

Car Rental Agent: May I see your rental agreement?

Neal: I threw it away.

Car Rental Agent: Oh boy.

Neal: Oh boy, what?

Car Rental Agent: You're BLEEPED!

Voidrunner's Codex

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