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HAWAIKI: Mythic Polynesia - The Legend begins...

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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tatiki's Companion

Medium sized animal (aquatic)
Hit Dice: 4D8+2
Hit Points:
Initiative: +4 (DEX)
Swim: 80’
AC: 18 (+4 DEX, +4 Natural Armor)
Attack: Butt +5 Melee
Damage: 2D4
Face/ Reach: 5X5/5’
Special Qualities: blindsight
Fort: +4
REF: +7
Will: +1
STR: 12
DEX: 18
CON: 13
INT: 2
WIS: 12
CHA: 6

Listen: +10*
Spot: +10*
* +4 to listen and search as long as blindsight is in use.
Feats: Weapon Finesse Butt, Share Spells, Evasion


I'll have a character tomorrow night, I hope. This week is kind of catching up to me, and I probably won't have time to do anything tonight.


Lani-wai-koana, Urukehu Hautai 3

Age (apparent): 25
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Eyes: green
Hair: curly red-brown
Alignment: chaotic good

Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 10 (+0)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 13 (+1)
Cha: 13 (+1)

HP: 10 +2d10
BAB: +3
Damage: +1 in deep water, +2 in shallows/shore (class ability)
Saves: +3 (+5 v. weather/drowning/starvation)/+1/+1

Diety: Tangaroa (water, chaos, destruction)
Language: Hawaiki-raro
Mana: 4

Class Abilities: Track, Maritime Skills, Aquatic Combat, Endure Elements, Improved Swim, Sea Legs, Orientation, Weather Sense

Racial Abilities: Immune to sleep, +2 v. Enchantment, Low-light vision, +1 Listen/Search/Spot

Feats: Endurance, Skill Focus (Swim)

Animal Empathy: +6 (6 ranks)
Balance: +2 (2 class ability)
Listen: +7 (6 ranks, 1 racial ability), +8 in deep water, +9 in shallows/shore
Move Silently: +1 deep (1 class ability), +2 shallows/shore
Profession (Navigator): +2 (class ability)
Profession (Vaka): +2 (2 class ability)
Search: +1 (1 racial ability)
Sense Motive: +1 deep (1 class ability), +2 shallows/shore
Spot: +2 deep (1 class ability, 1 racial ability), +3 shallow/shore
Swim: +12 (6 ranks, 2 feat, 4 class ability)
Vaka: +6 (6 ranks)

Bedroll, Basket, Hammer, Silk rope, Waterskin; malo, decorative top; padded armor
Lani carries the waterskin when she sails. The other things she wears/carries only as needed. She has the armor only at the insistence of the others, in case the island should be attacked. She wears the malo when she's around large groups of people, and the decorative top for special occasions only.

Dagger, Halfspear, Sling w/ Bullets
Lani brings all three when she sails and when she hunts on land and the halfspear and dagger when she hunts underwater.

Lani is somewhat of a strange creature. She was found on the shore several years ago with no memories, and raised by the Takanui. Her origins are unknown to all, but speculated upon often. The fey blood courses strongly through her veins and she sometimes appears uncomfortable around the clan, as well as on land. She often cuts her curly red-brown hair as short as she can, to enable her to swim more effectively. Similarly, she often swims, hunts, and sails naked (giving her a deep tan), though often when she is on land she respects custom and wears a malo. She can be aloof but tries her best to fit in with her adopted clan. She appears to relax the most around Tatiki and the other Urukehu, but even around them hardly ever lets her guard down completely. On those rare occasions, her fey side is even more pronounced. While she is more open and graceful, she also is strangely--sometimes frighteningly--alien.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Seonaid said:

Urukehu Hautai 3

[Details forthcoming.]

Lani is somewhat of a strange creature. She was found on the shore several years ago with no memories, and raised by the Takanui. Her origins are unknown to all, but speculated upon often. The fey blood courses strongly through her veins and she sometimes appears uncomfortable around the clan, as well as on land. She often cuts her curly red-brown hair as short as she can, to enable her to swim more effectively. Similarly, she often swims, hunts, and sails naked [if that's a cultural problem, let me know].

[Tonguez: I'd like to progress to Whalerider, but I don't have enough ranks in the skills to do so yet, plus I didn't want to make up some cetacean encounter without your approval.]

It would seem that our characters are linked. He was found floating as a baby.
as for the cetacean encounter. I have a Porpoise companion you would have met. so problem solved.


A suffusion of yellow
Seonaid said:
Urukehu Hautai 3

[Tonguez: I'd like to progress to Whalerider, but I don't have enough ranks in the skills to do so yet, plus I didn't want to make up some cetacean encounter without your approval.]

Cool I guess its minimum lvl 5 Prc (so not too long if things pan out okay) the Cetacean encounter shouldn't be too hard to work in since Tatiki has a Porpoise Companion and you are both Urukehu in Takanui village so there probably some interaction betwen you two:)

No taboo against going naked. Most children to the age of puberty go naked, after this it is usual to wear a malo (wrap around skirt) going topless is standard only covering up for the weather or ceremonial purposes (eg the Puhi (virgin maiden - usually the chiefs daughter) might wear an elaborate costume of finemats and tapa during welcoming ceremonies).
The coconut bra you might have seen some wear is a modern invention!

You can still join.

Tanguru (alt.Paladin)
Amongts the many atua of Hawaiki are the beast-spirits – Shark, Crocodile, Lizard, Wild Boar, Eagle, Nanakia (Velociraptor) – Spirits that hunger to devour the souls of mortals. The Tanguru are the chosen vessel of the beast-spirits, leaders in warfare the Tanguru agree to carry the beast-spirits into battle and in return the beasts imbues the Tanguru with a part of their power.

Alignment: Lawful (Tanguru require great discipline to control the Beast)
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Knowledge (religion): 2 ranks.
Knowledge (War): 5 ranks.
Feats: Cleave
Must have lead a unit in combat

Tanguru Code: Tanguru are war leaders and must continuouisly prove their worth in battle. Tanguru must be honourable, courageous and unshakable. They must serve the Beast-spirit and feed its hunger. Should they fail the Beast will destroy them!

BAb - as Paladin
Saves - as Paladin

TANGURU Class Abilities
1 Detect Evil, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Divine Health
2 Aura of Courage, Smite Enemy
3 Remove Disease, Frightful Presence
4 Spells:
5 Totem Companion, Leadership Feat
etc to Level 10

All Class Abilities are as Paladin except:

Smite Enemy - Not limited to Evil creatures. When the Tanguru smites an enemy he opens a conduit for the Beast-spirit to feed, the Beast Spirits care not about the moral character of their victims.
Frightful Presence: The Tanguru is able to manifest the terrible power of the Beast-spirit within them thus unsettling his enemies
Totem Companion The Beast Spirit sends one of its children as a companion to the Tanguru. The Totem Creature is unusually strong and intelligent (use Paladin Mount table)
Leadership: The Tanguru can take the feat at Level 5 and gains a +1 bonus to Leadership score

NOTE Corporeal Undead are extremely rare in Hawaiki. Clerics gain Turn Spirit instead (Ghosts and Spirits are quite common)
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I'm intending to move into the Tanguru PrC when the requirements are met.

Character Name : Puna Tani ("Pool of Tears")
Character Race : Tangata
Character Class : Shaman 3
Alignment : Lawful Neutral

Gender : Male
Age : 22
Height : 6'3"
Weight : 215lbs
Eyes : Black
Hair : Black, curly
Skin : Dark brown

Character Level : 3
EXP Points Gained : 3000
EXP Needed For Next Level : 6000

Mana : 5

Known Languages : Hawaiki-raro


Strength : 14 (+2)
Dexterity : 14 (+2)
Constitution : 12 (+1)
Intelligence : 10 (0)
Wisdom : 12 (+1)
Charisma : 15 (+2)


Armor Class : 16

Flatfooted Armor Class : 14
Touch Armor Class : 12

Special Armor Class Notes :


Hit Points : 22


Save vs. Fortitude : +4
Save vs. Reflex : +3
Save vs. Will : +4

Special Save Notes :


Initiative Modifier : +6

Base Attack Bonus : +2

Melee Attack Bonus : +4

Ranged Attack Bonus : +4

Special Combat Notes :


Weapons :
Bone Knife [1d4/19-20x2]
Club +1 [1d6/x2]
Shortspear [1d8/x3]
Sling w/10 Stones [1d4/x2]


Skills :

Name/Total Mod (Ability) # Ranks taken

+ Animal Empathy/+7 (Cha) 5 ranks
+ Handle Animal/+6 (Cha) 2 ranks [+2 Synergy]
Heal/+5 (Wis) 2 ranks [+2 Synergy]
+ Intuit Direction/+6 (Wis) 5 ranks
+ Knowledge (religion)/+2 (Int) 2 ranks
+ Knowledge (war)/+5 (Int) 5 ranks
+ Profession (herbalist)/+6 (Wis) 5 Ranks
Vaka/+6 (Dex) 2 ranks [+2 Synergy]
Wilderness Lore/+5 (Wis) 2 ranks [+2 Synergy]

* Armor Check Penalty Applies
+Cannot Use Unless Trained


Feats :
Improved Initiative
Power Attack


Racial and Class Skills, Abilities & Features :
Turn Spirits
Spirit Sight


Equipment & Gear :
Bone Knife [Dagger]
Club +1
Coral [Chain] Shirt
Everburning Torch
Quaal's Feather Token (Fan)
Sling w/10 Stones


Base Speed : 30

Normal Speed : 30

AC Check Penalty : -2

Maximum DEX Bonus : +4


Shaman Spells Known : 6/4/2

Orisons: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink

1st level: Command, Cure Light Wounds, Remove Fear, Speak With Animals, Summon Monster I, Summon Nature's Ally I

2nd level: Cure Moderate Wounds, Magic Weapon, Summon Monster II, Summon Nature's Ally II, Summon Swarm

Number of Shaman Spells to Cast per Day (by Level) : 3/3/2

Shaman DC Modifier (by Level) : 12/13/14


Character History : Coming soon... :D
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While very interested, I don't feel I can commit to another game right now. Thank you anyway and I will watch with interest.


Tonguez: I'm kind of taking liberties with your elven race, projecting qualities on Lani that might not really be accurate, so if you disapprove or there's a conflict, let me know. She definitely *is* half-elven (Urukehu), but I've given her some background that might not mesh with your vision of the fey. (I just added some stuff to background; full character SHOULD be up within 24 hours.)

Edit: Character done. Please check my stuff out, particularly the mana (I wasn't sure if you meant charisma bonus, or actual charisma score). If anything doesn't check out, let me know.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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