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A suffusion of yellow
Lani & Tatiki
"Though it seems foolish, I still cannot rid myself of the feeling that it was actively trying to drown us."

"Not foolish" Lord Makea replies with a gentle smile "the pool was not natural whatever it was, trust your feelings

and Tatiki your net of weeds and the help of the Porpoise is what allowed Anura to be saved. You must acknowledge yourselves as heroes."

He looks up as the others approach and rises to greet them each as they arrive

Puna Tani, Wai-Tu-Mata, Tu-Ru...

All Involved
When all are gathered alongside the chief Makea Takanui, you are gathered together and the healers move amongst you checking that all is well, whilst on the fringe one of the most senior of the Hautupu chants a low drone of a prayer to cleanse the air and create a circle of protection about you all.

Besides the Chief there is his sister Tanafa Rongua and many other officials of Takanui and the surrounding lands. The Three Hau-tupu delegates left by Lady Matavaine and five whitehaired and thick bearded menehune.

"Please, if you are well then be seated" Makea Takanui invites you all to sit
"We do not know what happened here today" he continues frankly "whatever it was it is strange to us all. As those involved we ask you to tell us what you saw, Puna Tani we ask what you saw that may have been hidden from the eyes of these others.

The Hiva" he points to the still incarcerated throng "have been held, as witnesses claim that it was their champion who attacked the O'punga - Tu-Ru is it? - is this true?."

{ooc You have all gained Mana +1 from this encounter and also XP. Do you want to know what this is or should I just tell you when you level?)
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Lani sits quietly, waiting to see if she had anything else to add. She shivers a little, finally acknowledging to herself that the pool truly was malevolent.


First Post
Taking a seat, Wai looks around. When no one else seems quick to speak, he begins. "Well, I was on shore, watching the competition. I really couldn't see what was going on that well.

"When I heard the commotion, I jumped up and saw the whirlpool. Realizing that they needed help, I ran with some others to get a vaka in the water. I tried tossing a rope to a couple of the affected swimmers, but between the waves and the whirlpool..." Wai makes a dismissive gesture, then continues "I didn't have a chance."

"About then, the whirlpool was dying away, which I have NEVER seen happen before so quickly. Then I heard Tu-Ru cry out and went to help him."

Turning to look at the O'Punga, Wai asks, "What WAS that thing on your arm, anyway?"

(OOC: Personally, I would prefer it if you would only tell us when we level up.)
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tatiki Reiterates his earlier statement, blushing a bit when he mentions the living net and getting the Porpoises to aid him.

[OOC: I also would rather you just say we level.]


Tonguez said:
"Puna Tani, we ask what you saw that may have been hidden from the eyes of these others."

"I am not sure my chief," Puna Tani says in response, still standing. "A dangerous water spirit ... it took the shape of a moray eel. I glimpsed it but for a second and then rebuked it in order to save the lives of the swimmers. Unfortunately, in its anger it dragged Anura down with it. That I did not forsee happening. Luckily, Tatiki was quick to react and help save him."

"As for the altercation between the Hiva and the O'Punga, I'm afraid I was too far away to see what happened," Puna Tani bows to the chief and takes his seat quietly.

OOC: Sorry about the lack of posts. Real life is kicking my arse right now.


Guest 11456

Tu-Ru steps forward and pauses for a long while as if trying to remember something. He then looks at his bruised arm and then at the hand he used to grab the creature with.

"I not understand all. I do best to tell you. True! Hiva try attack me. I was winning. Something grab leg. He try hit me. I hit back. He flee. Something jump from him to me. Weird tattoo. Me fight tattoo. Me kill tattoo. Me throw tattoo. Me here now."

He pauses for a moment and looks perplexed.



A suffusion of yellow
"Weird tattoo?" interjects the Menehune chieftain stepping forward causing you all - Tu-Ru especially- to have to look down and the gloriously attired and white bearded elder "what did this tattoo look like? Did it move of its own accord? Only once have I heard of such things before and if it is the same then it does not bode well for any of us

and you Puna Tani - you say you saw a water spirit. Hmm you did not recognise it, so perhaps it was not a local spirit hmmm?

The gnome looks up at Makea Takanui and then up further to the Hautupu leader "we must speak to these Hiva"

"Agreed Wise One" Makea acknowledges the Menehune elder 'Wise One' being the common acknowledgement given by humans to the Menehune elders

"we understand you" he speaks to Tu-Ru with a slow and deliberate tone "the Hiva man hit you. Tell Lord Kamsese what the tatoo looked like and did it move by itself?"

Stepping back to allow the Opunga to continue he orders that the Hiva be brought forward to explain...


A suffusion of yellow
The reports given sends a shiver through the listening group of elders, nobles and officials. Many whispers are shared and sings made to ward evil.

Also many comments are made to you all about your courage and clear thinking, obviously your status in the clan has risen after this event. Nonetheless you also realise that the situation has many worried and that with your new status also comes an expectation that you will find the answers needed.

Outside the circle you see the Hiva being ordered to stand and escorted into your midst. The Hiva swimmer of course is not seen amongst them.

(ooc feel free to talk amongst yourselves and share notes. Tu-Ru can answer the gnomes question and others can put in their comments/questions too)
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