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OOC: Just wanted to post that I'm still here. Real Life took control of me in unexpected ways for the last few days, I'll try to post something tomorrow or Monday...

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First Post
Wai smiles happily at being included, then hurriedly tries to cloak his eagerness behind a serious expression.

Wai thinks to himself that surely THIS will impress Ru-Hina.


A suffusion of yellow
The afternoon has drifted on and the sun begins to descend towards night. Sea birds are beginning to return to land to roost and a pair of Tevake can be clearly seen silhouetted against the sky as they bump against each other in their ritual dance.

Below on the beach the crowd begins drifting away towards evening meals and the festivities of the Night

Tonight the Karioi perform - a spectacle to chase the concerns and uneasiness of the day,,,

(ooc BUMP keep talking, join the festivities of the night, the trip to Kahe/Waihoro starts tomorrow (tonight if everyone psot. And probably a new Thread...)

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tatiki joined the festivities doing his level best to keep away from his family. How could he tell them that He may be going into danger so soon after his father had lost his leg? Roamu was not able to provide for the family and Mother had her hands full enough.
He danced through the night only stopping long enough to make love to Renli, a Girl from the Hiva tribe.


First Post
Wai joins the feast, enjoying the food and spectacle. He spends a bit of time dancing with the others before his nerves overcome the festival mood.

Often, Wai has been told that he behaves too much like a child. Indeed, his decision to go with the others had been a quick one, with little more in mind than impressing others.

After some thought, Wai seeks out his father and the two discuss the upcoming journey. Wai leaves the festivities early to gather his gear. Then, with his father's words in mind and a full stomach, Wai settles in for an uneasy night of sleep, tuning out the party still going on outside his grandmother's hut.


As a relative of the chief, Lani participates fully in the festivities, mingling and talking with the visitors. The entertainments almost take her mind off of the day's horrors. Her one concession to the next day's trip is turning in early. A couple of hours before the others would leave the party, she goes back to her home and prepares a pack for travel. Then she lays down, and with the sounds of nature overriding the sounds of the revelers, she falls asleep.
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Guest 11456

After his ordeal with the strange creature, Tu-Ru long for something to fill his belly. What he wanted was long pork. But he had swore it off and thus had to settle for other things. He eats hardily through out the evenings festivities. As the festivities slow down for the evening, the large O'Punga ends up falling asleep where he has been sitting.


A suffusion of yellow
Behind the great stage erected for the Karioi the members of that troupe were reading themselves in exqusite costumes, skirts, crowns, feathers and shell. Bodies were oiled and dyed. The drummers were testing their drums, the strong men stretching their limbs and the acrobats, jugglers and buffoons all readying themselves for their part in the production.

The director for this production was Ramoro a tall man in his late thirties who had been a Karioi for almost twenty years.

"Where are those flappers!" he flustered through the company for even though the Flappers were the lowest members of the company still Ramoro knew that even his backing chorus was essential for the 'spectacle'.

"The new girl we took on yesterday?" he glared down at the new taipo buffon they had just taken on because the companies leader found it amusing "she isn't here now!
Fools all of you! No matter you will need to do her part as wel as your own!"
and so the show began...

And thus
The Festivities are a bright and rollicking change to the drama of the day as the Karioi come to the form with a spectacle of drums, dancing, singing and acrobatics as they retell the legends of the settling of Hawaikiraro - the deeds of Maui, the passion of Nonu long teeth, the journey from the West and right down to Makea Takanui himself.


Through the night torches blaze, food is spread out on long communal mats available for any who wish to find a seat along its length and help themselves to the feast of fish, fruit, roast pig, turtle and of course the ubiquitous kumete-bowls full of kava. The Karioi dances whip themselves into a frenzy and not a few passionate couplings occur amongst the crowd.

It is long into the night by the time the village is quite and those that turned in early can sleep entirely undisturbed.

Nonetheless iIt is before dawn that you are awoken and summoned to the Sacred Malae (ooc next thread)

Voidrunner's Codex

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