Head of the class (stonegod judging)[Concluded]


Anvuss will assure himself his opponent is dead.

"What was that thing? I have never heard of such a creature."

He will begin searching the area for valuables or other usefull items, traps, secret doors and compartments, etc.

ooc: Woohoo! If only Anvuss was the sort of character that would do a victory dance! Take that, you mean old brain in a jar!

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Seat struggles to get free again but soon the truth hits him like a falling piano when the magic is lift from him. "Tell me, it was me the one saying that it'd be a good idea carrying the Codex I don't know where?"

He slowly walks back into the room, and figures out what hapened. "That explains it, I suppose - the interest in necromancy and the codex, the bizarre cult, and many other things. That was a rare and gross undead monster with mysterious mind powers commonly called, very appropiately, 'brain in a jar', 'encephalus singularis' for those with an education, and 'jarheads' for those with a sense of humor. Now that the cult's leader is dead, we have Loris, and the book, I suppose out job is done. Except, naturally, that brains rarely end in a jar on their own, so surely someone skilled in necromantic magic put it there."

"Anyone badly wounded?"

ooc: I rolled a 25 for the Knowledge (religion) check; I beileve it's an Undead monster, and as an Archivist that'd have been enough to give everyone a hefty bonus to hit against the thing, so I'd suppose it's be enough for a bit of roleplaying, even if I don't know the actual HD of the thing.
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"'Brain in a jar.'" Raven shakes her head, walking over to the still-living Vargoule. "There are so many strange and disgusting creatures in this world. It's a wonder there's room for humans." She jabs her sword through the Vargoule, feeling no mercy for the creature.

"Let's gather, gentlemen. I don't fully trust the bedlam boys. I don't want to have to negotiate from a position of weakness. Let's gather, and have a quick look around. Then let's head for the carriages. There may be more loot, and skelletons, there."

Raven will help Anvuss do a cursury search, but doesn't want to spend a lot of time. As they search, Raven says softly. "Nice job taking out that Brain-thing, Anvuss."

OOC: Taking 10 gives Raven a 16 search check
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Anvuss thanks Raven for the complement. Since she wants the search to go more quickly, he will take 10, and they can each search a seperate portion of the room.

(Take 10 = 18 search.)


Manzanita said:
"'Brain in a jar.'" Raven shakes her head, walking over to the still-living Vargoule. "There are so many strange and disgusting creatures in this world. It's a wonder there's room for humans." She jabs her sword through the Vargoule, feeling no mercy for the creature.

"Heya, wait a moment! That's a valuable specimen!" warns Seat.


First Post
Anvuss and Raven make a quick search of the room, and among the piles of paperwork with various ciphers and translated text, they find a wooden case and a small chest. The small chest is mostly empty, containing 100 gold coins. The wooden case contains 4 light blue colored potion vials (identical to the vials found on the cultists who attacked you in Reeger's office), a scrollcase containing a scroll and what appears to be several pages of correspondence, and a small silver figurine of a raven.

While Anvuss and Raven search the room, the young man in yellow robes finally manages to break free of his paralysis and looks around, blinking. He nervously clears his throat, and then addresses Seat, "Pardon me, but who are you? And why do you have that?" He points at the Codex of Bone cradled in Seats arms.


"Reeger sent us. You may have noticed that you've been charmed by an undead monster and this book surreptitiously taken from Morgrave, where it shall return in brief time." says Seat. "But everything is over, after pitched battle; you're safe."


First Post
"'valuable specimen'?" Scoffs Raven, as she plunges the tip of her blade through its eye. "I don't think so."

She's happy to see Loris back to himself, though she doesn't quite trust him. "Actually, we're not done yet. If this codex is to be safe, we need to make sure those who tried to steel it are out of action. Come on. Let's go to the docks."

Raven will lead the other north to find the black carriage. She will take one of the light blue potion vials in her pouch, and will help carry the other stuff, not wanting to leave it behind.


Manzanita said:
"'valuable specimen'?" Scoffs Raven, as she plunges the tip of her blade through its eye. "I don't think so."

"Well, it isn't now." says Seat, dissapointed. "Do you know how many chances of studying living creatures from other dimensions do we have?"


First Post
Someone said:
"Well, it isn't now." says Seat, dissapointed. "Do you know how many chances of studying living creatures from other dimensions do we have?"

"Oh, there're from another dimension?" Raven perks up. "I don't know anything about them. I figured the book was turning people into them. What do you know about these creatures?"

Raven is interested in carrying the small raven statue, as well.

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