OOC: Sorry, took me a while to find my notes.
A good and thorough search turns up quite a haul. Looking over the loot, Mad Dog looks up at the party and says, "We're mostly interested in the coins and weapons. How do you want to split this up?" His men shuffle a little nervously, as though they are waiting for you to attack.
[sblock=Loot Pile]Loot you agreed to split with the Bedlam Boys:
2 Suits of Leather Armor (10gp each, sell value = 5gp)
2 Longswords (15gp each, sell value = 7.5gp each)
1 Masterwork Breastplate (350gp, sell value 175gp)
3 Masterwork Longswords (315gp each, sell value = 157.5gp each)
1 Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (170gp, sell value = 85gp)
1 Masterwork Light Crossbow (335gp, sell value = 167.5gp)
2 Masterwork Scale mail (200gp each, sell value = 100gp each)
2 Heavy Wooden Shields (7gp each, sell value = 3.5gp each)
4 Bryllys cult symbols (Brain in the middle of a triad of skulls)(50gp each, sell value 25gp each)
4 potion vials of pale blue liquid (magic)
1 Figurine of a silver raven (magic)
1 Scroll with 3 1st level spells (Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Grease) (75gp, sell value = 37.5gp)
1 Alchemists lab (500gp, sell value = 250gp)
Carriage, 2 light horses, and tack (300gp, sell value 150gp)
1900gp worth of coins, spare lab/spell components, and various trade goods.
Total: 3,569.5 (not counting the costs of the magic items)