Head of the class (stonegod judging)[Concluded]


1,709.75 gp, plus:
4 potions of Cure Light Wounds sell value: 25 gp each (100 gp total)
Figurine of Wonderous Power [Silver Raven] sell value: 1,900 gp
Wand of Burning Hands, 50 charges sell value: 375 gp

Total value:
1709.75 + 2375 = 4084.75

Per Character: (There are 5 of us, right? I was momentarilly confused trying to figure out who "Italimek" was until I realized he was the same person as Tali.)

816 gp, 9 sp, 5 copper

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First Post
The party gathers up their loot (see bottom of this post for a complete list of loot from the battle at Reeger's lab and the Brewery), piles it into the carriage, and makes their way back to Morgrave.

Loris answers the parties various questions on the way back to Morgrave. "Apparently, this cult has been watching me for some time. I'm not sure how, but they found out about the Codex." He clears his throat a little uncomfortably, "My gambling habit made me an easy target, I suppose, and after an evening where luck had been most favorable to me, I met an attractive woman at the casino. I now know that she was a cultist, but at the time I was enamored. Not long after that, I received a note from her, indicating that she needed to meet with me. I went to meet her, and wound up meeting Bryllys. He used some sort of spell on me, and after that my body wasn't my own." Loris shudders, "I'm glad you did what I could only dream of doing." He shakes his head, "Bryllys had me continue work on the Codex, and when the Professor and I were close to uncovering it's secrets, he had me steal it and bring it to him. Bryllys had a superior that he was reporting to who was very interested in the Codex. We were to pack up everything and leave Sharn within the week, though I don't know where to, that wasn't in the letters." Loris' eyebrow raises for a moment, "I had almost forgotten, the crates from the room you found me in contain several months worth of correspondence between Bryllys and his master, Wuulhash."

It is just past the noon hour as the group rolls through one of the gates, and makes their way to Reeger's office. When you arrive at his door and the chime sounds inside his office, the Professor answers the door quickly. His eyes go wide and a smile paints his face, "You've done it! Splendid! You must come in and tell me all about it." He ushers the group inside.

[sblock=revised loot post]
Previous Loot:
5 Masterwork Sickles (Silver Hilt w/Gold tentacle wrap) (306gp each, sell value = 153gp each)
5 Cult symbols (Golden brain in the middle of a triad of silver skulls, hung on a silver chain)(50gp each, sell value = 25gp each)
5 Masterwork Leather Armors (160gp each, sell value = 80gp each)
5 potion vials of Cure light wounds (50gp each, sell value = 25gp)
1 Wand of Burning Hands (50 charges) (750gp, sell value = 375gp)
1 golden serpent design ring (sell value = 150gp)
1 copper dragon design bracelet (sell value = 20gp)
1 Pearl (sell value = 100gp)
400 gold pieces

Total: 2460 (uses sell value)

Loot after the split with the Bedlam Boys (I originally calculated this wrong, your group's share is 1766gp worth of stuff + the potions and the figurine):
1 Masterwork Longsword (315gp, sell value = 157.5)
4 Bryllys cult symbols (Brain in the middle of a triad of skulls)(50gp each, sell value 25gp each)
4 potions of Cure Light Wounds (50gp each, sell value = 25gp each)
1 Figurine of wonderous power[Silver Raven, 3,800gp, sell value = 1,900gp]
1 Scroll with 3 1st level spells (Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Grease) (75gp, sell value = 37.5gp)
1 Alchemists lab (500gp, sell value = 250gp)
Carriage, 2 light horses, and tack (300gp, sell value 150gp)

Total: 3766gp (uses sell value)

Reeger's Payment:
500gp up front
1000gp after completion

Total: 1500gp (500 of which has already been distributed)

Grand total of all treasure: 7726gp
Last edited:


First Post
Patlin said:
Also, I believe our employer owes us another 200 gp each, on top of the 100 gp each allready paid.

OOC: Correct. Also, please see the revised loot post in my post above. I had made a miscalculation with the amount that was split (I mistakenly did the loot split after Raven traded her longsword in for a masterwork one).


ooc: 5726 plus the potions and figurine, but 500 of that has allready been distributed, right?

So grand total of loot = 7726 - 500 distributed = 7226

1445.2 gp each to add to our character sheets at this time?


First Post
Patlin said:
Per Character: (There are 5 of us, right? I was momentarilly confused trying to figure out who "Italimek" was until I realized he was the same person as Tali.)

OOC: I don't think he's ever mentioned his full name IC, or that he's Kalashtar rather than human. Of course, he has used his mind link and is obviously a soulknife, which strongly suggests a Kalashtar in Khorvaire...


drothgery said:
OOC: I don't think he's ever mentioned his full name IC, or that he's Kalashtar rather than human. Of course, he has used his mind link and is obviously a soulknife, which strongly suggests a Kalashtar in Khorvaire...

ooc: So it's perfectly in character that I was confused! :)

I was scanning the thread for character names to make sure I divided by the right number and I saw an ooc reference to Italimek. :)


First Post
Patlin said:
ooc: 5726 plus the potions and figurine, but 500 of that has allready been distributed, right?

So grand total of loot = 7726 - 500 distributed = 7226

1445.2 gp each to add to our character sheets at this time?

OOC: That is correct, I edited the treasure post above (which did not previously include sell value for the figurine or 4 clw potions.

Does anyone have anything more they'd like to say or do in character?


ooc: I'll assume Raven, as the most vocal member of the party, will fill in Reeger. Anvuss will suggest that if the situation deteriorates further, he would be happy to be employed by the professor or the university again. Otherwise, Anvuss would like to do a little shopping and plop down in a booth at the Shard to start scribing scrolls. :)


"Let's not forget then those letters, they will prove to be intriguing." says Seat before leaving the place.

Later, as the group finally arives at Morgrave, Seat answers Reeger's greetings. "It's been a case according to the item sought, both arcane and mysterious, but I'm sure you'll agree solved to your entire satisfaction. As involuntary protagonist, I'm sure Loris will be able to give you better details on the cult's organization, methods and beliefs (details that I don't doubt will be published soon). About our proceedings, they involved a certain degree of shady deals and some inevitable violence, the exact details of those better left unspoken for the sake of our mutual benefit, without betraying the required need of discretion"

Voidrunner's Codex

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